While playing, press SHIFT + ~ to bring down the console, then type: 


Code Result 

iamleet Complete all objectives, Win current mission 

johnwoo Slows down enture game process 

swatlord God mode for entire team 

biggerpockets Unlimited ammo 

casual Team missing pants and shirts 

doubleshot Fire weapon faster 

nc17 Bodies bleed more when injured 

noshades Night missions play as if during the day 

whosyourboss Makes teammate fire their weapon 

hotstuff Suspects are harder to kill 

justin Suspects never surrender 

rabies Killer rats (when shot) 



Can Not Hurt Team Members: 

Use a text editor to edit the "swat.cfg" file in the game directory. Change the line "shootgoodguys=1" to "shootgoodguys=0". Your bullets will not harm your fellow team members during game play.

Mission #1: Highway Sniper Apprehension

Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of a two-story house in a quiet neighborhood. There are three rooms on the first floor,

with a hallway to the kitchen. As you enter the house, there is a staircase on your left that leads to the second floor; there is

a concealed door underneath the stairway facing the hallway. The second floor has a bathroom and two bedrooms; one of

the bedrooms is used for storage. Above the first floor staircase is a staircase to the house's attic. The attic is littered with



Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment, you only have general information on what to expect. Two people--the suspect and a female

companion--are in the house and their positions and level of aggression are unpredictable. Although this two-story house is

small, it has a good selection of starting points for the suspect and his female companion.You take control after the element

(your team of SWAT members) has successfully taken position on the suspect's front porch. Using the command menu,

issue the Stack command. You can try to open the door with your Use/Open key, or you can issue the Try Door command

(press "1" twice while the door is highlighted with your reticle) to the element. As expected, the door is locked. Press "1"

twice to change the command to Pick the Lock and one of your team will do just that and open the door.Continue to use the

top commands on the menu and issue a Mirror order to have one of the element use a mirror to check for suspects before

abandoning your cover. Aim toward the doorway and issue the Search order. The element carefully enters the household

and assesses the nature of any risk within. You may run into the suspect's female friend somewhere on this floor. She is

wearing a towel.The female is cooperative and normally no trouble to apprehend, although sometimes she tries to run away.

She can be in the small den to the right or in the kitchen. Press "7" to issue the Compliance command, which causes you to

scream an order to "Put your hands up!" This usually does the trick with her.


Once she complies, issue a Restraint command (press "1" then "8"). Aim toward the entrance to the kitchen or the den and

issue the Search command (if your are in Dynamic Mode, this command changes to Breach & Clear). If you desire, you can

search both rooms at the same time by splitting the element into two units. Simply press "2" or "3", then choose the order in

which to Search the rooms by aiming your reticle toward the room you want searched first and issuing the Search

command.Brenner has turned the space under the staircase into a hiding place. When you are close to the hidden door, you

can open it by aiming your reticle (which is highlighted) at the door and using your Use/Open key. The suspect may be

inside, so be ready to defend yourself. Give the Cover command before you open the door to make sure that you have a

backup. Hopefully, the element can subdue the suspect without incident.If the suspect is in the hidden area, aim your reticle

at the weapon he drops and press the Use/Open key to confiscate the weapon. Make this a habit--you do not want armed

suspects to get away after you have neutralized the threat. Confiscating the weapon also satisfies one of your mission

objectives. Next, press "4" to report the suspect's condition to headquarters. In the case pictured here, the suspect was

Down (wounded but alive).


In the kitchen, the suspect has another sneaky hiding place: under the sink. It's a tight fit, but he's still armed and dangerous,

so proceed with caution. Try to issue the Compliance command before he raises his weapon--once he raises it he is a

threat and a target for the element. With the lower floor secured, you're ready to climb the staircase. Even if you have made

contact with and subdued the suspect and the civilian, you still have to confiscate all of the weapons on the premises--it's

important that you make a full search of the house.Issue the Fall In command to regroup the element and your team will

assemble behind you. Aim toward the top of the stairs and issue the Search command to start them moving. Your team

cautiously ascends the staircase while watching for any unexpected dangers. If you have not captured the suspect yet,

use caution--he may be at the top of the stairs.If the suspect is upstairs, he may try to snipe at the element through a crack

between the floor and the staircase that leads to the attic. If this happens, your best move is to lead the way up the stairs

and fire warning shots to force the perpetrator to surrender.If you encounter the civilian upstairs, she may try to run to the

bedroom. Follow her, issue the Compliance command, and she will eventually come to her senses. This can lead to a tense

situation if she warns the suspect of the element's approach. When she does comply, be sure to Restrain her, but be

warned--she'll let fly with some rather unsavory comments aimed at you.Once the situation is under control, assemble the

element and search the rooms on this floor. One defensive technique you can use is to set the blue or red team to Cover

while the other team executes a Breach & Clear of each room. If the suspect is already in custody, split up the teams and

have each Search a separate room simultaneously. This move is allowed when the threat has been neutralized.


The first room you come across is the bathroom--if you haven't yet made contact with the civilian, she'll be here. Issue the

Compliance command and she will drop to her knees. The next room is to the right and is empty except for scattered

cardboard boxes. Search the room for weapons.The final room on this floor is the bedroom, which also leads to a small

closet behind a closed door. You can enter and search this room yourself but, if you do, set the element to Cover you during

the search. Open the closet with the Use/Open key and turn on your flashlight if it is too dark inside to see. Once you're

finished looking around, exit the room and have the element Fall In.Next, take up a position along the staircase that presents a

good line of fire toward the attic door. Aim your reticle toward the attic and issue the Breach & Clear command (remember

that in Stealth Mode, this will read Search instead). If you have not made contact with the suspect by now, this is the only

place he can be, hidden behind the door waiting for a final standoff.The Breach, Bang, and Clear command is often too slow

for this area because the suspect jumps out once the door is opened. Another option is to lead the entry into the attic,

quickly issuing the Compliance command, followed by a few warning shots. This is a good way to try to avoid gunfire, but all

too often the suspect has responded aggressively and is already Down--or worse--in the attic. Press "4" to Report the

status of the suspect before proceeding. When you Report, remember that Neutralized means the suspect is dead on arrival

(DOA), Down means he is hurt, and Evacuate means he is in handcuffs. With the help of the element, Search the attic to find

the suspect's Long Rifle, which is sitting by an open window. Aim your reticle at the firearm and press the Use/Open key to

claim it as evidence. Press "B" (or whatever key you have assigned to Briefing Summary) and you should see both

objectives marked Complete. When you receive a radio transmission to come in, click Debrief with the cursor to complete the




Mission #2: Vehicular Assault Suspect


Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of a single-story house. The entry points both lead to a sizable living room. Connected to

the living room is the kitchen and a hallway leading to a bathroom, closet, two bedrooms, a home office, and the laundry

room. The laundry room and the kitchen have doors leading to the suspect's garage, where there is a hatch leading to a

makeshift lab underneath the garage floor.


Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment, you have only general information on what to expect. The suspects' positions and their aggression

levels are unknown and likely to change unpredictably. This mission can be tricky because many times you will be attacked

from two sides at once by the Getts men. The openness of the long hallway, combined with the number of rooms it leads to,

creates problems for your team.After the element has successfully taken its position in front of one of the two doors leading

into the living room, you take control of the situation. Press "SPACEBAR" to bring up your equipment menu and select "F7" to

use the Toolkit on the door. A progress bar appears underneath the tool, illustrating how close you are to picking the lock.

Once the door is open, have the element Clear the living room.You can usually set up in the living room without incident. Hit

the light switch on the wall to your right as you enter the front door. The room remains dim, but the extra light helps you take

in the surroundings. There are light switches all around the house that can be flipped by aiming your reticle at the switch and

hitting the Use/Open key. Search the compartment underneath the TV for weapons before proceeding.Use the living room as

your base of operations and have the Red Team cover the hallway opening (aim at the opening and press "1" then "4") and

the Blue Team cover the door along the left wall. Once the teams are deployed, you can explore the house with one of the

teams while the other ensures that no dangers come from behind. The path you take as you explore the house is up to you,

as is the Tactical Mode. The suspects in this mission seem to respond to Dynamic Mode less violently than Stealth Mode since

being surprised induces protective instincts in some criminals.With the Blue Team providing cover, open the door to the

kitchen. A suspect can hide behind the door, so be ready to shout out the Compromise and Compliance commands. You

always want to avoid harming the suspects if possible. Firing warning shots before the suspect raises his weapon can help

keep things nonviolent. If a suspect is encountered and successfully encouraged to comply, give the Restrain command to

cuff him. If, instead, you encounter a hostile suspect, try to shoot him in a non-vital area to avoid killing him.Enter the kitchen

and command the Blue Team to cover the door to the garage. Position yourself against the side wall and open the door. The

presence of a suspect will trigger the Blue Team into action, but it is still a good idea to Mirror for suspects before entering a

large room such as the garage. Both suspects can be in the garage, but normally not at the same time.The garage seems to

always be on the list of rooms to visit in this mission. Even if it is uninhabited, a suspect might run into the garage from

another part of the house if spooked. Suspect or no, there is a good probability that you will locate one or more weapons in

this area of the house. It is difficult to avoid a violent confrontation in the garage at times; if you have to shoot, aim for non-

vital areas to lessen the harm done to suspects.Search the work area along the right wall of the garage for weapons--there

may even be one sitting right out in the open. Afterward, issue a Clear command to the Blue Team while aiming toward the

staircase leading down to the underground lab. Follow the Blue Team down and hit the light switch on the wooden partition

near the stairs. When all is secure, explore the lab--often there is a weapon near the place where it appears that the

suspect created illegal explosives.


As you enter the garage, the door to your right leads to the laundry room. As with any other room, use caution when opening

the door. Across from small laundry room is a door that leads to the hallway. Return to the living room and join the Red Team

before attempting to clear the hallway and the rooms connected to it.As you enter the hallway from the living room, there is a

closet to the right and a room that has an unusual blinking contraption near its door. Command the element to Breach & Clear

the closet first. This eliminates a surprise attack from the rear while breaching the suspect's home office. If the suspect's son

is hiding in the closet and bursts out to protect his father, he will be wounded--or worse--by your men.There is a small

explosive device attached to the lock on the door of the home office; when the door is opened, a small but bright burst is

released that causes no real damage. This occurs regardless of who pulls the door open. If Victor is in the office, it can be

hard to get him to surrender peacefully. Try to give Compliance commands while the room is being breached. After the office

is secured, set one team as cover by aiming down the hall and giving the Cover command, then search each room

independently.The commotion created by the small explosive may trigger the suspects into excited activity. Watch the other

hallway doors for any movement. Quickly attempt to subdue any mobile suspect before he decides to fight it out against the

element. You may have to give chase while giving verbal commands, but it is worth it if you can avoid gunfire. With one team

assigned to Cover duty, exploring the rest of the house should be safe. To keep element members close together, re-issue

the Cover command as you progress down the hallway. The master bedroom has a walk-in closet and a private bathroom

that must be searched. This room and the bathroom connected to the hall contain no significant finds--unless the element has

not made contact with both suspects yet, that is. The room at the opposite end of the hallway is Albert Getts's bedroom.

Since he is usually armed, issue a Breach, Bang and Clear command while entering the room. However, this command

should only be used if previous contact has been made with Albert. Compliance commands should do the trick on the startled

young man. Confiscate the weapon he drops and this mission is complete.


Mission #3: Turkish Ambassador Rescue


Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of a bank by gaining entry from the roof of the building. After moving through the maze-

like area above the ceiling of the bank, you must make your way through the building and it's numerous offices and vaults.

The area above the ceiling is easy to navigate once you familiarize yourself with the correct path--the bank itself is laid out in

a clear pattern.


Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment, you have only general information on what to expect. The positions and aggression levels of the

suspects change unpredictably. That fact is prominent in this mission because a few of the scenarios are very difficult to

solve successfully. The hostages may be in the line of fire and, if you hit a hostage, the mission fails automatically.

According to intelligence, there is also the additional possibility of extra hostages and suspects. You take control after the

element has successfully taken position on the roof of the California Security Bank. Open the door with the Use/Open key

and enter after giving the element the Fall In command. Turn ninety degrees to the right and move forward until you reach the

path to the left. Leave your flashlight on the entire time in this dark section of the bank. Make a left onto the path and look

nearby for another path to the left. Before looking down the path, let the element assemble behind you. This path is the

earliest point where contact with the suspects is possible. The suspects in this mission are very aggressive, so don't expect

many arrests. If a suspect is in this path, you need to quickly take him down before he takes you down. Once the path is

safe, you may venture through it. Keep the element close behind you; at the right turn in the path ahead, there can be a

suspect waiting to attack. If so, he will be behind cover and firing. You need to time things perfectly to charge at him

between shots or you will suffer injury. There is a door and staircase past this point, but do not rush to it once everything

seems safe. The noise of a gunfight often attracts suspects from inside of the bank. Of course, if you have not yet had to

deal with any suspects, it should be safe to enter the door. Proceed to the door when it is safe, open it, and move down the

stairs. Unless you have already encountered suspects, you are now entering the first area where there is a good chance of

encountering hostages. If there are hostages on the staircase--drawn there by the earlier commotion--quickly get them to

kneel down. Chances are good that a suspect is right behind them and the ensuing gunfight will be deadly for any civilians in

the way. Once you do reach the bottom of the stairs, there is another door. Open this door only when your element is

positioned on the stairs. You may need back up (and lots of it).Enter the storeroom at the bottom of the stairs after using the

Mirror command to look for suspects. If there are hostages, you need to put them in handcuffs and then Report that they are

ready for Evacuation. Proceed to the next door and command the element to Cover the next door. Open the door from the left

side and look for suspects as it opens. If it is clear, Mirror for suspects in the hallway to the right. Search the hallway

outside of the storeroom door, but keep the element in a tight formation--the suspects are good shots and very aggressive.

Your team's strength in numbers is one of your best assets on this mission. To the left in the hallway is an exit door that is

not to be used. To the right are two doors. The closest leads to an eating area, while the farthest leads to the main office.

Leave the main office for later and concentrate on the first door. Divide the element into two teams and Command the Red

and Blue Teams to Cover separate doors in the hallway. Investigate the eating area first since it is the largest room. Inside,

there are vending machines, tables and chairs, and a microwave oven. The likelihood of encountering civilians or suspects

within this room is high. Next, enter and clear each of the rooms along the hallway. Mirror for suspects prior to breaching the

rooms along the hallway--there is a slight chance of encountering a suspect inside these small offices. At the end of the

hall--which you reach by following the hall down the side of the storeroom and past all of the small offices--is another door

to the main office. Issue the Breach and Clear command when you are ready to enter. If you have already had a few

firefights, this room will be empty. Suspects will move out of this room any time there is a commotion in the hallway, which is

why the room is often empty by the time you reach it. There is still a very serious danger in this area, however, as there

might be a suspect hiding behind the bulletproof glass!


Luckily for you, the bulletproof glass is not strong enough to stop your default weapon; unluckily for you, it doesn't stop the

suspects' bullets either. The normal instinct to treat each room as a "closed" environment is quickly proven wrong in this main

office--the suspects can, and will, shoot you right through the glass. To avoid this, quickly determine if there is danger

present in either room. The next move for you and your team is into the front hall of the bank. If any suspects are there, you'll

know it by now, so the front hall can be entered with little preparation. On the floor is downed officer Eric Kronberg, alive but

writhing in pain; he needs medical attention immediately. Aim your reticle at him then press "4" followed by "2" to have

headquarters send help. Now it is time to check the vaults. Do not assume that only hostages are inside--the suspects may

hide here as a last-ditch tactic. Check the vault in the main office first because it is easier to secure. Command the element to

Cover the door and then open the lock. This is a simple room since there is only money here. The vault in the front hall is the

safety deposit vault. It has two closed cubicles before you reach a door leading to the deposit boxes. This creates a

challenge for you. The inside door is hard to shoot through if you need to down a suspect; in addition, the tight space around

the cubicles causes close fights. You can handle the cubicle situation by crouching and checking for legs within them. With

the door, you just have to aim around it if the need arises. Secure this area and the robbery is completely averted.


Mission #4: Home Invasion


Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of a large, three-level home in an affluent neighborhood. The basement level has a

kitchen/den, bathroom, and a bedroom. The first floor has many rooms, including a wine closet, living room, home office, den,

and a garage. The third floor is where the Foremans' bedrooms are located, along with a children's recreation room. You

also have access to two yards and a pool area. The layout of the house makes entry difficult if you are detected far from

the house.


Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment, you only have general information on what to expect; the positions and aggression levels of the

suspects change unpredictably. Because of the large number of aggressive suspects, this mission most closely resembles

the bank mission. However, this mission is more difficult due to the openness of the areas involved and the even greater

number of suspects than there were in the bank mission. In fact, there is the possibility of a random number of extra

suspects popping up on this mission. If you choose a basement entry, you take control of the mission after the element has

successfully moved into position in the back walkway of the house. Venture out a bit to check for suspects who may be

lurking around the pool. Now bring the element to the door through which you intend to enter the house. Enter through the

door behind the pool, which will almost certainly annoy the suspects.Be ready for a tough firefight at the beginning of the

mission. There can be suspects along the bushes to your left or right as you enter the yard, at the front door, and behind the

front window (pinning you in the walkway). You must judge the situation quickly and respond accurately to survive. It goes

without saying that Dynamic Mode is required. Assist your element as you proceed through the front doors. The hostages

can be mixed in with the suspects, so think before you shoot. Putting a bullet in a hostage means a failed mission. Give the

Breach and Clear command at the front door. Keep your guard up as the element examines the large room and takes

position. There can be suspect intrusions at any time because all the suspects that heard the initial scuffle come to

investigate the results of that battle.


From here, there is still a bathroom, the main kitchen, Mr. Foreman's home office, the small entertainment room behind the

pool, and the pool itself to investigate. Often, Foreman's daughter Emily is found cowering on the couch in the entertainment

room. Additionally, there occasionally is a suspect at the pool who fires at you through the glass doors. The bathroom runs

between the entertainment room and the hall outside Mr. Foreman's home office. Give the Breach and Clear command to

have the element search the sink and toilet areas. Next check the home office for suspects or hostages. There is a good

chance that Donald Foreman is in the office. Foreman (as well as his wife when you find her) is quick to comply with your

commands. The door before the staircase leads to the attached garage. The garage is very dark and requires that you use a

flashlight to navigate. Err on the side of caution by splitting the element into two teams; have one team Cover the staircase

while the other Breaches and Clears the garage. Once all is well on this floor, make your way upstairs. The stairs to the

upper level take a turn at the halfway point and, as with any blind corner, this can lead to trouble. Peek out to check for

suspects before making the turn. The hallway at the top is long and there might be a suspect at the opposite end. To handle

this suspect without subjecting one of your element or yourself to a one-on-one battle, command the element to Move and

Clear and enter the hallway at the same time as the lead officer in the element. This makes a hallway suspect easier to



Split the element into two teams and order one team to Cover the hallway while you search the rooms with the other team.

The double doors on the left wall lead to a children's recreation room. Stand away from the doors once you open them. Look

for hostages inside--you may find one of the children. The next two doors--one on each side of the hallway--lead to the

children's bedrooms. The most you can expect to find in these rooms is the children; suspects are rarely found when

searching these rooms. Once the bedrooms are clear, give the Fall In command and stack up in front of the parents' bedroom

door at the end of the hall. The final room to examine in this mission is a spacious master bedroom with a large bathing area.

Unless the basement has not been cleared, there is no danger here; your mission is over once all hostages and suspects

are properly Reported to headquarters. Press "B" to see if there is anything left to do. Satisfy whatever objectives are left

and the mission is complete.



Mission #5: LAX Siege


Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of the LAX control tower. This is a very large structure, with staircases that seemingly go on

forever and many rooms. You enter the structure at the lowest level, which houses the compressor, hydraulic, and HVAC rooms.

A couple of staircases and an elevator also reach this level, but all of the elevators have been disabled. Each floor above has

offices and there is a large lobby in the base of the tower. At the top of the tower is the air traffic controllers' crow's nest.


Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment you only have general information on what to expect; the positions and aggression levels of the

suspects change unpredictably. The number of suspects can be greater than the reported six, but the hostage number is reliable.

Fighting on staircases is a common theme in the battles that occur during this mission. Be sure to make Reports on any

hostages/suspects and to clear all rooms that you come across--backtracking is very frustrating in such a large structure. The

entrance to the tower is rigged to an alarm that will attract the suspects; a few twists of your toolkit keeps it quiet as the element

enters. You enter a hallway that takes a couple of ninety degree turns on the way to another door. Carefully Mirror for suspects

at each turn, keeping the element behind you until you ensure that it is safe to proceed. When you reach the door at the end of the

hall, command the element to Cover the door before you open it. Mirror for suspects then command the element to Search the hall

you've just entered into. Split the element into two teams. Have one team Cover the double door that says "COMPRESSOR" while

you accompany the other team in a Search of the HVAC room. Leave the door marked "STAIRS" for later.The large machinery in

the HVAC room creates many blind corners that a suspect can use to get the first shot off on the element. As always, listen for

any verbal warning that a suspect may give you. Once this room is clear, search the compressor room and then the room marked

"HYDRAULIC" that is connected to the compressor room. In the hydraulic room there is another door; behind it lies a hallway with

red lights that leads to a second staircase on this level. Follow the red hallway to a door that leads to a stairwell marked "HIGH."

From here you can reach the top level of the tower. Of course, there are some levels on the way up that need to be searched as

you reach them. The other stairwell (the one that was marked "STAIRS") will be reserved until the element is on its way down

from the top of the tower. For now, aim your reticle at the stairs and command the element to Search. If all goes well, your men

will cautiously climb the stairs. Expect the worst as you climb. Cautiously watch the cracks between the stairs for suspects as

you climb up the tower; otherwise, you might lose your life before you notice that a suspect is up above and gunning for you.

Also, it is important to keep your team members together; if the element spreads out, issue a Fall In command then re-issue the

Search command. The stairwell has doors that lead to offices every few levels. The doors have banners with titles; they appear

in this order as you climb: "KITTY HAWK," "RED BARON," "FLIGHT DECK," "OPERATIONS," and "BIG TOP." The KITTY HAWK level

has a walkway to the main lobby building; from there you can reach the other stairwell. You will do this once the tower has been

cleared. For now, Search the tower section of the KITTY HAWK level and then return to the tower stairwell.


As you climb, repeat the same procedure of commanding the element to Search up the stairs, halting when you reach a door. At

the door, command one team to cover the stairwell while you take the other team and search the level. If you run across any

hostages, walk right up to them when you give the Compliance command. They tend to be uncooperative unless staring down a

gun barrel. The stairwell procedure is repeated two more times as you direct the element to clear the FLIGHT DECK and

OPERATIONS levels. Practice safety first whenever walking around a blind corner. Also, beware of suspects with their back

turned, they can turn and shoot very fast, which is a trick they like to pull when you are alone. Wait for your search team to spot

the suspect before playing hero. One floor above OPERATIONS is the BIG TOP level. After a small hallway and a few stairs (and

maybe a terrorist or two), you reach the air traffic controller room. This room is usually empty, but outside the door is the tower

balcony, which is where the terrorists have installed a missile launcher. You must deactivate it to prevent the destruction of any

more aircraft. To deactivate it, arm your toolkit, aim your reticle at the missile launcher's body, then left-click your mouse.

Once the BIG TOP area is cleared, lead the element back down to the KITTY HAWK level and cross the walkway to the top floor

of the main lobby building. Once there, Highground reports that the element is exposed, but do not worry much since you are not

in any increased danger on the bridge. Enter the opposite door and Search the area with the element.


Search the administrative offices that are on this level before descending the stairwell to a lower level. This area can hold

hostages and suspects in a dangerous mix of firearms and flesh. Shoot quickly whenever it looks like a hostage may

inadvertently suffer harm. At times it is too risky to go for a suspect arrest. Enter the stairwell and perform the usual stairwell

procedure; the only difference this time is that you must aim you reticle downstairs instead of up when you issue the Search and

Cover commands. The first door you reach leads to the top floor of the main lobby. It is a huge room that is dangerously open.

Luckily, you have high ground (it is easier to fight aiming down than up), but don't be afraid to call the team covering the stairs for

backup if it is needed. Gather your officers on the bottom level of the lobby and then enter the door on right side of the elevator

doors. Search the hallway, beginning with the first door you see. It leads to a small area that can hold suspects. Around the

corner to the left is a door leading to a dimly lit office that may be occupied. Take care when Breaching both of these doors. Last

is a door to the stairwell. You should be finished with the mission by now but, if you must Search further still, descend the

stairwell to reach the area with the HVAC doors.



Mission #6: The Construction Site


Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of a construction site at a water treatment plant. The site is in the very early phases of

construction and there are dirt roads, large ditches, and building supplies everywhere. The layout can be somewhat confusing.

The outer roads surround three deep ditches and a fenced-off yard.


Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment, you only have general information on what to expect; the positions and aggression levels of the

suspects change unpredictably. The number of suspects is not given but is generally believed to be around four. There are no

hostages in this mission. There are long open roads with very few obstructions, which means that a suspect can strike at the

element from far away. This is the primary danger, but in this mission, you face some disadvantage in almost all battles.The default

entrance to the construction site is the best choice since it puts the element in close proximity to the first missile launcher. There

are three missile launchers you must disable in a short amount of time. When starting in this location, do not be surprised if the

element is under fire immediately. Take down any suspects, aim your reticle at the fence, and give the Breach and Clear command

to the element. After you enter the construction site with the element, watch for danger as it Clears the initial area. There is a

relatively unobstructed road straight ahead and a cluttered road to the left. Take the road straight ahead until you reach an opening

in the brick wall surrounding the ditch to your left. Split the element into two teams. Command one team to guard the road ahead by

aiming your reticle at the road and issuing a Cover command. Next, command the other team to clear the ditch by aiming down the

ramp and giving the Breach and Clear command. It is very likely that a suspect will be in the vicinity of each missile launcher since

the weapons must be fired manually. When the ditch is clear, approach the missile launcher and defuse it by pressing your

Use/Open key when your reticle is highlighted. You must locate and defuse two more missile launchers before the Russian

President's plane is blown to bits. When you receive a warning over your radio stating that control of the airways has been lost,

the mission is in jeopardy.


Knowing that the clock is ticking, hurry and leave the ditch once the missile launcher is defused. Rejoin the team covering the long

road. As an element, continue to move down the road. Use any obstacles you encounter--such as stacked planks--as cover from

possible suspect fire. Your next stop is an opening to the left that leads to an area above another ditch. With the rest of the

element, enter the opening to the left. Pass the fence to reach the ramp that leads down into the ditch, but beware of the suspect

that is sure to be at the bottom. Hopefully, the element will take care of him before any officers are injured, which may happen if

you are unable to locate the suspect in the darkness and he gets a shot off. Command the element to Search the ditch. There

should not be any resistance in the ditch unless suspects come from other areas of the construction site. At the bottom is the

second missile launcher. Do not hesitate--defuse it. The third launcher is very close and can be reached by a hidden

passageway. Before leaving, be sure to Report the status of the suspect to headquarters. Next, search the second ditch area

closely. In the corner opposite the entrance is a makeshift ramp and tunnel leading to the third ditch and the final missile launcher.

Give the Fall In command to the element, then carefully lead your officers up the ramp and into the pipe.


The pipe leads to a spot in the third ditch that is very close to the final launcher--and any suspects that might be guarding or using

it. Peek out of the pipe to check the situation. If there is more than one suspect, try to take out one of them and then retreat into the

pipe. When you're ready, send in the element (if the officers haven't jumped out already) and take on the suspects as a group. Exit

the ditch, make a right, and gather the element behind the backward-facing warning sign at the main dirt road. Just ahead, the main

road makes a left. Take the element around the corner and command them to Search the area around a couple of nearby tractors.

This is the last open part of the road for some time. The section of the road heading to the left has many areas where a suspect

can hide and wait for your team. Command the element to Search the road, which is cluttered with construction materials. Keep

out of the open and direct your flashlight into every dark area to make sure no danger is lurking in the shadows. When you get

near the area where you descended into the second ditch, there is an office building under construction and the beginnings of a

water treatment center. Examine the portable bathrooms first. Command the element to Cover and open the doors. Next, Search

the office building; it's dark inside, so be careful. Finally, search the water treatment room and the room lit in red that is behind the

door on the bottom floor. Exit and resume Searching the road you were on before. As before, there are many places along the

road for suspects to hide. The fence to the right of the next corner is where you start if you choose the alternate entry point.

There is no need to open that fence. Instead, make a left down the road that leads to the point where the element first entered this

area. There is one last area to examine behind a fence about halfway to the entry point. It is a yard filled with large metal pipes.

This covers the entire area--so long as your objectives have been met, simply Report that the mission is complete and you are

good to go.



Mission #7: Telelvision Studio Raid


Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of a television station at Beverly and Fairfax in West Los Angeles. The building is made up of

various sets with a two-story section that consists of several rooms, including the control room where the Donna! show crew

works. At the back is the large stage where the Donna! show is recorded.


Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment, you only have general information on what to expect; the positions and aggression levels of the

suspects change unpredictably. The number of suspects and hostages can change in this mission; do not be surprised if there

are three or four extra suspects to deal with. The default entry point for this mission is your best bet. The other entry point is less

dangerous to start off with, but it can get out of hand, with suspects and hostages coming from two or more directions. Making an

entry by the glass-enclosed bridge is much safer in the long run. Pick the locked door to gain access to the bridge, then lead the

element to the doors to the left. The doors to the right are an exit. Using them will take you out of the mission. At the doors to the

left, command the element to Cover the doors before you open them. You can see two doors on the wall to the right. These lead to

a set for what appears to be a dance show. The closest door leads to a room with a dance floor and a bar, while the second

opens to the backstage area of the same room. To the left, you can see a relatively open area. This section has a few supply

crates and a car. The farthest door in the screenshot allows access to the offices and the stage of the Donna! show.


Your initial concern when entering this first section is the open area to the left. You may want to lead the way until it gets wild

(and it will). Peek into (or Mirror) the open area and check for suspects. Once you have a handle on the danger, command the

element to Fall In. Have the element Cover the walkway if the open area appears empty. Use the Fall In command if you need

assistance clearing the open area. If a firefight breaks out, you want the element to be in the walkway, preferably before the first

door labeled "STUDIO C." Suspects and hostages may suddenly pour into the room. If the element is not in the walkway, your team

may be overwhelmed quite quickly. As people enter the room, you must quickly determine if they are hostage or suspect. There

are male suspects wearing beige and one wearing black who is blonde and has a long ponytail. The other suspects are easier to

recognize since they are all wearing dark clothes and ski masks. When the action subsides a bit, make use of the down time to

Search STUDIO C. There are two doors going into the same room, one to the stage and one to the backstage; the lighting is

somewhat dark, so use your flashlight. Next, radio in to make the many Reports you have to file and secure a few hostages for

evacuation.Take a breath after clearing the first section and then bring the element to the far door (the one with the "ON AIR" light

above it). Give the Breach and Clear command and get ready for trouble. Generally, you will find more hostages in this second

section than you did in the first, meaning clear shots are harder to come by. Try to keep the element close together just inside of

the door until it is safe to move. There is a staircase in the distance that leads to the control room and offices. There are also large

wooden walls to the right that surround the Donna! show stage and three rooms along the wall to the left. The three rooms consist

of the green room, makeup, and the restrooms. Command the element to Fall In and work your way through the wooden wall maze

to the right. It is dark, but the light on the other side comes from the Donna! stage. In certain scenarios, there are suspects here

keeping the audience members at bay with the threat of gunfire. Quickly handle the situation without harming the civilians.


It may take a while, but you must secure and Report all of the suspects and hostages in the Donna! show stage area. Once this

task is completed, return to the backstage area and begin to Breach and Clear the three rooms there. The green room is a

straightforward room, but the restroom and makeup room have compartments that are separated by doors. Crouch down and look

for legs in each compartment before opening the doors so that you know what to expect inside.With those rooms out of the way,

all that is left are the upper-level rooms. Carefully climb the stairs to reach them, with the element following close behind. If you

haven't made contact with many suspects by this point, then you may have to deal with suspects upstairs. However, you may

merely find a few hostages hiding there, but otherwise the room will be barren. A SWAT officer never assumes that any place is

safe. With this in mind, treat every new area as an unknown that has the potential to put you and your team in danger. Search the

control room with caution. It is a long room that is poorly lit. The door opposite the control room is the dressing room for Donna

Briggs. Inside the room are a closet and bathroom. Take normal precautions as you Search these areas. The last room at the end

of the hall leads to an open balcony with wooden crates and nice view of the first floor. This marks the last area in the studio and

by now the mission should be complete, unless you have more suspect and hostage Reports to file. Congratulations on a job well




Mission#8: Ambassador Rescue


Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of a Middle Eastern store called The River Tigris. This store has a regular showroom in front

and storage rooms in back, but the KPP has also modified the store to meet its needs. An underground level has been dug out. It

has a simple layout, with only a few passageways and one room with a bed.


Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment, you only have general information on what to expect; the positions and aggression levels of the

suspects change unpredictably. There are a low number of suspects in this mission. In general, it is not too difficult. The only

danger is mistaking the hostage for a suspect since he is wearing a hood that you might mistake for a ski mask in the heat of

battle.The default entry point for this mission is through the front door. Since the KPP members are not hanging around in the

showroom, this is a safe way to enter. Switch the element to Dynamic Mode very quickly however. If you are still behind them

when you enter, you may think there is trouble right away, but it's usually just the shopkeeper that they encounter.Search the front

room for suspects while the element takes care of the shopkeeper. There are showcases and folding walls here but nothing of

interest. It may seem like there is nowhere else to go in the store. Look in the dark area behind the cashier area on the left. There

you find a door to pass through.Command the element to Cover the door. Position yourself on the side of the door and then open it.

There may be a suspect here. The suspects in this mission are armed with powerful firearms, so neutralize them quickly and in no

uncertain fashion.


When the danger is gone, or if none existed, command the element to Search the room. It is a small room, so it can be cleared

quickly. In the room you can see the influences of the KPP. There are gun magazines on the floor and, on one of the walls, there is

a large photograph of a person they apparently think highly of. While aimed at the passage to the next room, use the Move and

Clear command and then send the element in. This room has wooden separators on each side as you enter, which can be

dangerous to you and your team. Behind either, or both, separators, a suspect may be waiting for you. Make sure that the element

doesn't get hit from both sides by taking down any suspect that comes from behind your officers. When the situation is stable,

ferret out the door to the next room. It is behind the wooden wall to the right as you enter. Set up the element by issuing the Cover

command while aiming at the door. When you are ready, just open the door when you are ready and go through.


Lead the element into the room. There may be a suspect inside; as usual, you must keep your guard up at all times. If the room is

clear, have the element Cover the next door and then open it. Mirror for suspects next. If all is well, proceed down the stairs.

Descend the first flight of stairs and turn to the left. You can now see into the underground base of the KPP. There may be

suspects at the bottom of the stairs. The safest procedure is to descend with the element to provide them with extra cover.

Aim your reticle down the stairs and give the Move and Clear command. Descend with the lead officer to provide him extra cover

in case there's a trap. At the bottom, give the Search command and follow the element as they work their way through the simple

underground maze. Before long, the element reaches a long hallway with two branches to the right. You will almost certainly make

contact with one or more suspects here. Also, once the gunfire erupts, suspects will pour in from all parts of the level.


The hostage you are trying to rescue may be in this area as well. You must avoid shooting him or the mission will receive a

"Failed" judgment regardless of anything else you accomplish. Give Compliance commands and quickly secure the hostage. You

do not want to have the element preoccupied with the hostage when a wandering suspect comes into the area. Search the entire

lower level. The halls to the right both connect to a room that was apparently used to film ransom tapes. You may have to deal

with a suspect guarding the door. If both branching halls have been searched, then all that is left is the room behind the door. The

final door leads to the dingy room that the hostage was forced to live in while he was held captive by the maniacal KPP. Give the

Breach and Clear command to the element. It may at first seem like the room is empty, but this is either because the suspect is

cowering in the right-hand corner, or because the hostage was found earlier in the mission. This mission should be ready for the

books at this point. Good job.



SWAT 3: 2 Part Strategy Guide and Walkthrough

























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 Mission#9: Phoenix Lounge


Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of a nightclub named The Phoenix. The front doors of the club open to a large socializing area

with a couple of bars and a dance floor. In the back left of the room are male and female restrooms. In the back right is a door

leading to a storeroom. There is a door in the storeroom that leads to a high-class lounge area that is reserved for the club

operators only.


Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment, you only have general information on what to expect; the positions and aggression levels of the

suspects change unpredictably. There is the chance that there might be an extra suspect or two. The setting for this mission, the

Phoenix, only has a few rooms, which can lead to a very short mission. It usually takes longer to find and seize all of the weapons

lying around than it does to secure all of the suspects. The default entry point for this mission is the front door. This is best choice

because it allows the element to get an early handle on the suspects and because it offers some cover for your officers to hide

behind as they enter. Once you arrive at the default entry point, switch to Dynamic Mode. Chances are that once the doors are

open, the element will automatically switch to Dynamic anyway due to the threat posed by the suspects. By switching to Dynamic

Mode, you get a quick start to the mission and can give the Breach and Clear command to enter the room.


Back up the element as they complete the Breach and Clear command. It is very likely that a number of suspects are in the first

room. Make sure that the element members don't take any hits from the crossfire coming from both sides of the room. The typical

suspect locations are near the restrooms, on the dance floor, by the video gambling machines, behind the bars, or near the door to

the storeroom in the back right. Allow the situation to settle for about a minute before you let your guard down. The sounds of

battle may attract more suspects who are in the restroom or one of the back rooms. When you can, make Reports on the suspects

you have already neutralized. For those who are already arrested or down, Report their status and notify outside forces that a

group of suspects is ready to be evacuated.


Part of your objective is to "Locate and secure all weapons." In this mission, seizing weapons is more involved than in previous

missions. This is mainly due to the surprisingly large number of weapons in the club, most of which are lying out in the open.

These gun lovers are not ashamed of their obsession. Check behind the bars and in the DJ booth for weapons before considering

the room cleared. Once the main room of the club is cleared, begin to search the rest of the club. The restrooms comprise a small

area of the club and can only be accessed from this room, so search them first. The only way a suspect can be here is if there

wasn't much commotion during the element's entrance. To be safe, split the team and have one team Cover in the direction of the

dance floor as you Search with the other team.Double check the rooms you have visited so far. Pick up all of the weapons in

these three rooms before venturing further. Thoroughness is an important quality for SWAT officers. Now, confident that nothing

has slipped your attentive eye, lead the element over to the door marked "PRIVATE." Give the Move and Clear command (or Breach

and Clear if the door hasn't already been opened by a suspect) to the element at the door and follow them into the room. There are

many boxes scattered haphazardly throughout the room. This can make suspects and weapons hard to find.


Once the weapons have been collected and the condition of any suspects has been Reported to headquarters, go through the

opening to the left of the door marked "PRIVATE." There are three rooms here without doors separating them. Open areas

surround the small walls that separate the rooms. This adds up to the possibility of long-range confrontations with suspects. Enter

the kitchen/office/dining room area next. You may have already been drawn into the section earlier by suspect activity. There will

always be weapons here. Deal with anything else you find (like suspects) with accuracy. As long as the element does not split

up, causing one or more officers to be in a section all alone, you shouldn't have any trouble. This kitchen area is also the area you

enter when you select the second start location. The door is to the left of the oven when you face it. After the suspects in the

kitchen/office/dining are Secured and Reported and all of the weapons have been seized, move on to the bedroom. Again, you

find something that would be out of place anywhere else, except in the presence of gun-enthusiasts--there is a gun on the bed,

probably a high-powered weapon. Clear this small area and Stack Up the element near the last door.The final door leads to a

fancy bathroom. There may be suspects inside, so make a careful entry. There is little to search in here, but the back of the

bathtub is hidden from view when looking from the doorway. You must walk around the bathtub to completely search the room.

Handle any suspects or weapons you find and then this mission is over. Head to headquarters to Debrief.


Mission#10: Holy Trinity Church


Area Intelligence

This mission involves the infiltration of a large, elaborately designed church. From a rear entrance, you enter a stairwell to the

second floor. Through the door on the same level is the main worship hall. There are two visible doors, one on each side of a

hidden door at the head of the hall. The visible door on the right leads to a room that also has a hidden door within; that hidden door

leads to a stairwell that goes to the second floor. The second floor has an open walkway that provides a nice view of the city.

Also on the second floor, inside the church, is an office, a lounge, a kitchen, and a restroom. Within the lounge are stairs that lead

to a master bedroom on the third level.


Tactical Walkthrough

As with any assignment, you only have general information on what to expect; the positions and aggression levels suspects

change unpredictably. There is the chance of having an extra suspect or two, but this is not your major concern. The most

important thing you need to concentrate on is to avoid shooting hostages or members of the security force before they act

aggressively toward you. This may sound easy, but there are many hostages and they tend to get in the way. They are also slow

to submit, which causes more trouble. All of these factors mean this can be a very difficult mission. You have only one choice

when it comes to gaining access to the church. Switch to Dynamic Mode immediately after you take over as element leader. There

can be suspects and hostages in this (and every other) area. Follow the path to the inside of the church. Command the element to

Breach and Clear the first door you see. The space around the door to the church is very tight. This causes a situation where only

one officer has a shot at more than one suspect. To prevent this, force you way to the side of the lead officer and add fiery

backup as needed. If you've had a clean entrance up to this point, consider yourself lucky (or unlucky depending on what the

future holds). The next room is the stairwell. In this room you have a choice of two directions--usually. Depending on the location

of the other principals in this mission, you may just have to go with the flow here. We will continue the walkthrough as if you have

a choice, however. Experience has shown that more wandering suspects come from the second floor than from the hall, so lead

the element up the stairs when the situation is calm.


Command the element to Search the staircase as you have done in earlier missions, then follow the lead officer as he climbs the

stairs. Tough situations can happen on the stairs or at the top in the open bridge area if the hostages and suspects go wild in the

same area. It doesn't help that the suspects are in excess of seven feet tall. Move into the open walkway and Secure all

hostages. Next, Report the condition of any hostages or suspects (hostages first) and be sure to request Evacuation of each.

While you do this, you may want to split the element into teams and have a team watch each direction for suspects. When the

paperwork is done, continue into the lounge area of the church. Breach and Clear is all the element needs to do at the entrance of

the lounge. Follow your officers in and help them corral hostages or force suspects to comply as needed. This room connects to

all of the upper floor sections. The staircase leads to the master bedroom and the rooms associated with it. On the floor you are

currently on, there are offices and other small rooms necessary for everyday living.


Command a team to cover the lounge (have them facing the door you used to enter) then take the other team through the offices

and other rooms. Just as a precaution, check the door that is just before the doors that lead to the offices. It only opens to a

closet, but there is room in the closet for a suspect or hostage. Search the rooms in a clockwise fashion beginning with the

restroom on the left wall. It is common to find a hostage hiding here. Warning: he can be very stubborn and take a long time to

Submit to the element's request to comply, wasting precious time. Enter the office next. (This assumes you weren't already drawn

into the office by suspect activity.) If any hostages or suspects are inside, you'll have no trouble finding them. When you search

the room, you may find a hidden door off to the side of the office's double doors. This leads to a hidden stairwell that takes you

down to a section right behind the pulpit. You may think that trying to clear the pulpit and hall section from this direction is a good

idea, but it isn't unless the lower level contains no suspects. Be patient and ignore this hidden stairwell for now. Enter the dining

room and then the kitchen. Closed doors usually separate these rooms, so give the Breach and Clear commands to enter each. At

the most, you should only encounter a single suspect or hostage in these rooms. The hostage may be hiding in the kitchen in the

storage area to the left of the oven.


Once you've cleared the second floor, make your way to the third floor. All you'll find there is a master bedroom, a bathroom, and a

closet full of robes. Give the Breach and Clear command at the door. When the room is clear, check the closet--there maybe a

suspect lurking within. Finish clearing the rest of the rooms here and then head back down to the first floor using the stairwell in

the bell tower.

Next on the agenda is the hall of worship. With the path that you have cut through the church, it is unlikely that you will find a large

number of suspects within the hall. Hostages may be a different story, however. Give the Breach and Clear command at the

stairwell door. Keep an eye on the element as you search for suspects. This is a large area and element members have a habit of

getting separated from each other when handling suspects and hostages at the same time. If that happens in this room, the results

can be deadly. There are many places for suspects to come from, including the sections behind the pulpit. If some of your more

adventurous officers get separated from the rest of the element, follow them toward the pulpit. Your other option is to issue the

Fall In command so that the element can approach the pulpit as one. There is a door on either side of the pulpit; both lead to priest

preparation areas. In the middle of the wall is a hidden door. Enter the doors along the back wall of the pulpit from left to right. The

left section is a dressing room for the holy men. Search it thoroughly since there is a closet that a hostage may be hiding in. The

next room to Search is the hidden room. If you are unable to see the small ridge that shows where the door is, walk close to the

wall and press Use/Open when your reticle lights up. A suspect or hostage has been known to hide in this solemn section, so be

alert. Finally, enter the door on the right. It is similar in design to the dressing room, but there is almost no furniture in the room. The

point of interest is the last bit of decorated wall on the left. There is a hidden door that leads to the same hidden stairwell you

found in the second floor office. Enter the stairwell now and Clear it. If the mission is not over yet, it may be because a suspect or

hostage is hidden there. After the entire church has been searched, your mission is over. Congratulations, officer.