1 - Immortality

2 - Unlimited Ammo

3 - God mode

4 - All missions and much more!

You have to edit the GameSettings.script in your install directory.
Replace the following line : bool ConsoleEnabled = false; 
by bool ConsoleEnabled = true;

Press F3 to activate the console once you are in the game.

Enter the cheats you want in the console :

immortal = true : activate immortality
immortal = false : disactivate immortality
unlimited_ammo = [true / false] : enable / disable unlimited ammo
god_mode = [true / false] : enable / disable immortality & unlimited ammo
fullammo : reset ammo quantity
enabled_missions = [mission_number] : enable a given mission
enabled_missions = true : unlock all missions
zone_texture = [true/false] : enable / disable zone map as terrain texture
detail_texture = [true/false] : enable / disable detail texture

Press "escape" to exit the console.