One million dollars...

at the budget screen...get cursor off ok

hold R1 and press x,o,tri.,sq.
hold Li and press x,o,tri.,sq.
hold R2 and press x,o,tri.,sq
Hold L2 and press x,sq,tri,o 
Submitted by Roy Wingler

Slot machine

Start a new game and choose Recreation. Now build a Marina near a water section. Enable "Legalized Gambling" option under the City Ordinances. in the Budget Menu. Now use the "Query" tool to highlight the sailboat, then press L1. You should see a slot machine. Press Circle to stop the slots to win buildings and disasters. 
Submitted by codeman10

$1 million

hold R1 then push X O T S release R1
" L1 " " X O T S " L1
" R2 " " X O T S " R 2
" L 2 " " X S T O " L 2
people should cheer
Submitted by ldybug1072

Cycle Night and Day

To cycle night and day in 3D mode press Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, L2, R2.

submitted by Andrew Detro

Fade to Black

To fade the screen to black press Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, L2, R2.

To pause the fade press Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, L2, R2.

To return the screen to normal press Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, L2, R2. 
submitted by Andrew Detro

Maximum Dispatch

Use of any of the dispatch tools (Fire, Police, Military) will yield the 
maximum number allowable within SimCity regardless of the number of stations 
you have. To activate, use the normal arrow cursor to select and cancel the 
dispatch tool. Go to the status bar and press Left, Right, Left, Right, 
Cancel, Accept. Be sure your cursor stays in the status area while doing 
submitted by Andrew Detro

Tons of cash 
Go into budget screen hold L1 R1 then quickly press up, down, left, right, 
right, left, down,up. 
Submetted by Andrew Detro

Sim City 2000 (2D version)

0% interest bonds 
First, open the City Budget window from the menu. Then at the Budget screen 
hold Triangle and press L1, L2, L1, L2, R2, R1, R2, R1. 
submitted by benjamminf & Andrew Detro

Sim City 2000 (3D version)

One MILLLION Dollars......

.At the buget screen hold R1 and press,X,circle,triangle,square let go of R1 and hold L1 while pressing,X,circle,triangle,square let go of L1 and hold R2 while pressing,X,circle,triangle,square let go of R2 and hold L2 while pressing X,squre,triangle,circle, if you did the code right you should here a cheere and your money will be at $1,000,000.
Submitted by Stephen A. Colbertson.mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Flight mode

Flight Mode 
To enter flight mode in 3D mode, press Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, L2, 
R2, START, Start. To return to normal press Start again. This cheat allows 
you to fly around the city without being constrained to the roads as normal. 
The controls in this mode are:


R1 Altitude Up
R2 Altitude Down
L1 Propel Forward
L2 Propel Backward
Up Look Up
Down Look Down
Left Turn Left
Right Turn Right