Champion class officer

Create a 29 new officers/generals with the type of "OFFICER," and when you create the 30th officer- the 8th hidden type of officer will open, "CHAMPION." This champion type will have all the starting ability around 95. And have most all of abilities in duel, except secret (because you need special weapon to get secret ability ). Please note that this Champion type only come up for the 30th officer only-and only can be used one time. I have been trying to create this champion type by deleting the previous character but still it cannot work. Thus, this champion type only can be used by one character.
Submitted by Michael

Alternate Champion class officer method
When building your own officers there are a few Names you could input to obtain special statistics. Enter Name:
Last: Bruce 
First: Lee
Continue creating your character as a TYPE:Warrior Class(Make sure his War skill reaches 100). Now that the Character is created Select: Modify Character. Next change his abilities, you'll notice right away when you try to change the TYPE it will display the usual,
***CHAMPION*** this is the new class which will be available to you it allows you to have ALL stats between 90-100. There are a few more Chinese and Japanese Icons you could put as a special name.