Quick JP

Save enough JP to acquire the techniques: Accumulate and Gained JP Up. Enter a battle, kill all but one enemy, have each character use Accumulate while staying away from the enemy. Keep using Acculate until you have enough JP. *Hint*>> Make all your characters do the same job, like make them all Squire or Knight. This way, when one character uses a technique, the others will get 10 JP each.
Submitted by Fredricktt

One Mean Character....

This is a must: acquire the blood sword -either by stealing it from Gafgarion at the Execution site or via gameshark,etc... duplicate the blood sword using the duplication trick... now, work your selected characters into the ninja class- you must have the knight skill equip sword on to use the blood sword. Equip them and have their secondary skill as battle skill... what you have now is one awesome enemy wrecking machine.
The ninja has a naturally high dodge, the two blood swords help keep your hit points up, using the battle skill with the two swords gives you an opportunity to weaken the target twice in one attack, and if you have the monk reaction 'counter' or 'hamedo' you are a walking son of death..... enjoy.
Submitted by kalarian lives

Full cure.
To cure your party in battle first put the battle mode on active.Then cast Regain on your party.After Regain,but before the next spell,open the Playstation door.The battle will stop,but the regain will not.
Submitted by Nick Mitchell

Instantly kill undead.

To instantly kill an undead (ghouls,skeleton,etc)simply throw them a Phoenix Down.You will never miss and theyll die instanly.Note:When you kill undead this way a timer will appear.If you dont finish the battle before the timer reaches 0 the undead will rise again.
Submitted by Nick Mitchell

Obtain strong weapons

Enter the Deep Dungeon (or explore around the Deep Dungeon)and fight random battles.After awhile a battle with a few male ninjas and one female ninja will begin.The ability catch on all of your characters must be present.Kill all of the male ninjas during the beginning of the battle.Then,wait until the female ninja throws a weapon (Chaos Blade,Nagra ricj,etc)Since you have the catch ability on,the weapons will be yours.
Submitted by Nick Mitchell

Obtain rare move find items,

When obtaining move find items that are spread throughout the game,step on the panel that has the item hidden beneath and lower your brave level.This increases the chances of obtaining a rare item.
Submitted by Nick Mitchell

Cloning swords

The sword to be cloned must be weaker than any other sword that can be purchased.First,change your character to a Knight and equip two swords on him or her.Then,equip the sword to be clone in yor characters lower hand and a ahield in the upper hand.Goto a shop,select best fit,and purchase it.Your character should now have two of the desired sword.
Submitted by Nick Mitchell

Duplicate Weapons

Set the Ninja "Two Swords"skill on anyone.Equip a shield in their right hand,and the item you want duplicated in their left.Now go to a shop that sells the items ou want duplicated,choose "BEST FIT"and buy them.Next,go to the formation screen and remove the items.You should now have two of the item you had in the left hand.For example,to duplicate Excaliber,go to Lionel castles shop.Youll get a second Excalibur for only 10 gold.
Submitted by Nick Mitchell

Cloning Samurai and Ninja swords.

Note:Orlandu must be on your team to perform this trick.The sword to be cloned must be weaker than any other sword that can be purchased.Change Orlandu to his primary job and equip wo swords on him.Then,equip the sword to be clone in the lower hand and a shield in the upper hand.Go to a shop,select best fit,and purchase it.Your character should now have two of the desired sword.
Submitted by Nick Mitchell

Get Cloud.

This tip must be done during Chapter Four.Not that you should have about six empty spaces in your formation screen before attempting this.

1.Go to Zeltennia Castle and listen to the rumor called "Cursed Island"

2.Buy a flower from Aeris a Zarghidas Trade City then go to Goug machine city with Mustadio.The screen will fade and go to a scean of Mustadio,Ramza and a steel ball.

3.Go to the bar in Goland Coal City and listen to the rumor of the "Ghost of Colliery"

4.After this,go to Lesalia Imperia and the screen should show a scean of a bar.When you leave,invite Beowulf to join your party.

5.Now that you have Beowulf,go to Goland Coal City and you will fight 4 battles here and save Reis.After you save Reis you will get a Zodiac Stone that will trigger the steel ball.

6.Return to Goug Machine Cit again and add the Robot to your party.

7.Now that you have the robot,go to Nelveska Temple.You will fight another robot kill him and you will recieve a stone that will bring Cloud to your world.

8.Now go back to Goug Machine Ciy and you will trigger the time prtal machine and it will suck Cloud from the future bringing him to your world.

9.Now go to Zarghidas Trade City and save Cloud from the thieves that are punking Aeris.NOTE:If this part didnt work make sure that you killed Dycerag and his Zodiac Soul Adramelk.

When Cloud joins your party all he can do is defend and attack.Youll need to find his Materia Blade so that he can use all of his limit attacks from Final Fantasy Vll.The Materia Blade is located in the Bervania Volcano.Set your partys on Move-Find Item.Then go to the highest tall rock and to the top of it.