hades summon

To get the hades summon go to the downed Gelinka ship in the ocean. Touch it with the sub and you will enter. Now go through the hall (Use savepoint) check the box it has heavens cloud. fight Reno & Rude go into the next room. go down the stairs and walk twoard the helicopter thingy keep hitting action button while walking close to the ship and you will get Hades summon. 
Submitted by HACK315

pheonix summon

To get pheonix stop shinra from getting up fort condor. After go out the door in the tower and wath a baby condor hatch. After pick up the yellow materia it is the pheonix summon.
Submitted by HACK315 

Chocobo Breeding Strategy

This strategy requires you to hav a LOT of gil (Ed. and time...), but it's easy anyway. Wait till the third disc to start this, when you land in the northern cave run right back into the highwind and fly to an area near junon. the diamond weapon will be hovering over a lake with a few mountains around it, get prepared, then run into it. fight it once, Then after somewhere in between 10000-20000 hp of damage on the thing, it will fly away. follow it the best you can and keep running into it. it should finally go strait and then stop and hover over an area. however, if u lose sight of it, look around the following areas which seem to be its favorites: nibelheim area, mideel, icicle area, and cosmo canyon. Keep fighting it and after a few battles, it will fly around the cosmo canyon area. Fight it there and equip enemy skill with someone before you go into this battle. Beat it and it will use the enemy skill, shadow flare which is like, probably one of the best enemy skills there is. After the battle(you will get cloud's ultimate weapon for winning the battle) it will fall and create a crater which allows you to walk up to the special forest wich i can't remember the name of. anyway, uve got to get to the end of the forest to get the apocalypse sword for cloud which has 3 materia slots of triple materia growth. put an "all" materia in each one battle till each "all" is mastered. u will hav 3 new "all"s so sell ur mastered "all"s to get 1.4 MILLION gil for each. u'll end up having 4.2 MILLION gil. now go to the mideel area and get a a male and a female "great" chocobo(chocobilly will say, "This is a great chocobo!", and u better rent out all 6 stables and equip chocobo lure)go to the chocobo sage's house and buy 99 sylkis greens. feed one 49 and another one 50. go to gold saucer and race them up to class "A" or "S"(when the race starts, select manual controlling and hold down R1+R2). then, go to the bone village area and fun around there until u fight a "Vlakorados" monster, kill it, and u should maybe get a carob nut, once u get that, fly to the chocobo ranch and save it before entering, then walk in, mate ur 2 chocobos using the carob nut and u should get a blue or a green chocobo. go back to chocobo sage's house and buy 99 sylkis greens, feed em to ur chocobo and race it to class "S".wait a while, then, get another carob nut, go to the chocobo ranch and save before entering. u need to save so that if u get the wrong kind of chocobo u can press,R1+R2+L1+L2 to restart and do it again. go in and mate the 2 great chocobos using the carob nut. the saving trick helps just in case u have a green male and then get like a blue male. if u don't get a chocobo of the opposite color and gender, u just reset the game and do it again until u do. then to the chocobo sage thing and race it to class "S". when the blue one is able to mate, mate the green and blue using a carob nut and the saving trick. u should get a black chocobo, give it sylkis greens and get it to class "S". then get a wonderful chocobo of the opposite genderof ur black one. get the wonderful to class "S". go get a "zeio nut" up on one of the islands in the northwest portion of the world map. get rid of one of ur great chocobos and exit the ranch, save it then go back in, make sure all ur chocobos are class "S". then mate the wonderful chocobo and the black one, u should get a gold chocobo the first try if the parents are both class "S", but u should use the saving trick anyway. Happy chocobo breeding!
Submitted by Cjdmmt

Ultimate Weapons in Final Fantasy 7 (Special thanks to Sethallan50 )


After you fight Ultima Weapon in Mideel travel to the water basin by Junon.Bump into him with the Hughwind to initiate the fight.Afterwards, travel around the world map to find Ultima flying around.Wait until he stops and bump into him to fight.Keep doing this for about four times until he stops at Cosmo Canyon.Defeat him and you'll get the Ultima Weapon.


Go to bone village and look in or around the place where you found the Lunar Harp(a few feet away from the entrance of the sleeping forest, by a black patch in the ground).Then check the treasure box to receive the key to sector five.Now go to Midgar and enter the wall market.Go into the item shop that has the laser shooting at you.Use the key and you'll get the Premium Heart.


On your second trip to Midgar on disc 2 have Barret in your party.When you ascend the staircase after you've defeated Proud Clod you'll find a treasure box that contains the Missing Score.You have to have Barret in your party or the box won't be there.

Cait Sith

On your second trip to Midgar on disc 2 go to the Shinra headquarters and go to the 64th floor.Check the top row of lockers to find the HP Shout.You must have Cait Sith in your party, though.


In the temple of the ancients, go to the fourth room to find the Princess Guard.


After the rocket collides with Meteor, talk to the guy outside the shop to receive the Venus Gospel.


Acquire a gold chocobo and head to a water basin by Nibelheim.Go into the waterfall and Vincent will talk to Lucrecia.Leave and come back in a few minutes. Check the light Lucrecia wasstanding by to receive the Death Penalty

Red 13

On the second disc go to Cosmo Canyon.You must have Red13 in your party.Go to Bugenhagen's house and you'll find him lying on the couch.He'll give Red 13 the Limited Moon.


When you get the submarine travel along the ocean walls to find a gap in between the rocks.You'll find the Sunken Gelnika.Go inside and walk into the first door.In the room you'll find some treasure boxes.Go to the top left corner to a box you can't see.Kepp pressing the OK button to open the hidden 
box.You'll get the Conformer.

Lucky 7 Effect

In battle, if one of your allies HP is over 7777 and falls on 7777 the characters name will emit a rainbow glow. The character wil continue to attack the enemy landing hits non stop each doing 7777 points of damage.

Ultimate Limit Breaks (special thanks to)


Go to the battle arena at Gold Saucer and get 32000 battle points.Then check the machines to receive the Omnislash.


When you first go to Kalm on the first disc go to Tifa's house during Clouds flashback.Play her piano.Then, go back to Nibelheim on disc 2 and play her piano.Select the option "I forget".Then press these buttons:

Do Re Mi Ti La Do Re Mi So Fa Do Re Do

You'll receive one gil and The Final Heaven.You must have Tifa in your party, though.


Go to the cave near Junon that you can only get to with the highwind or a blue river chocobo.Talk to the sleeping man.If the number of battles you fought where the last two digits are equal you'll receive some Mythril.Now go to the Weapon Seller east of Gongaga and talk to him.Now take the small box on top to receive the Great Gospel.


After the execution go to North Corel and speak with the lady in the tent to receive the Catastrophe.
Red 13

Go to the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim in disc 2.Check the safe on the second floor and enter this combination:

Right 36 Left10 Right 59 Right 97

And hit the OK button.You'll fight a boss called Loss Number.Use fire attacks on him so he morphs into an easier boss.Defeat him and you'll get the Cosmo Memory.


In the Sunken Gelnika check the crashed helicopter in the cargo room to receieve the Highwind.


Follow the same procedure that you did to get the Death Penalty.When you check the light Lucrecia was standing by, you'll receive the Chaos.


   Go to the westernmost island on the world map on disc 2.When you arrive Yuffie will stop you and you'll fight some Shinra troops.It seems that Yuffie has stolen your materia.Now go to Wutai, a Japanese like town at the end of the island.Talk to the townspeople and head for northern Wutai.There, you'll find a five story pagoda,a gong, and a house.Go into the house and you'll find Lord Godo asleep on his bed.Keep talking to him and Yuffie will pop up.
   Afterwards, go to southern Wutai and go into the building on the right.Talk to the Turks and leave.Go to the materia shop and check the treasure chest to receive the MP Absorb materia.But Yuffie steals it.Now go 
to the house right in front of the entrance and check the blinds.It's Yuffie hiding.Now go to the pot outside the building the Turks were in.Check the pot and Yuffie will come out.You've got the bridges guarded so Yuffie can't escape.
   She'll lead you to her house and tell you to pull a lever.It doesn't matter which one.When your friends are trapped just pull the lever again to release them.Now go to northern Wutai and bang the gong.Go into the hidden passageway and you'll find Don Corneo.Follow him, but don't forget the treasure chests.Outside you will bump into Rude and Reno.Follow them to the Da-Chao Mountains.First, go to the save point and get Barret in your party if you don't have him now.Switch to his level one limit breaks.Trust me.When you get to the mountains you find that Corneo has tied Yuffie and Elena to 
the mountainside.Now you'll engage in a battle.Have Barret use his Mindblow to knock out 100 MP from Rapps so he doesn't use his Aero3 attack.After you get your materia back save your game and give Yuffie your strongest materia.Now go to northern Wutai and enter the Pagoda.Defeat the 
Five Mighty Gods and you'll get the All Creation.Don't worry, the Gods are easy to defeat.

Cait Sith

Fight enough battles using the Dice limit break and you'll get the Slots.

The Six Flyers

In Wutai, Turtles Paradise is having a contest to see who can locate all of the six flyers.

1: At Shinra headquarters check around the lobby.

2: In Midgar, go to the house below Aeris's.Go upstairs and look at the 

3: In Gold Saucer check the Ghost Hotels lobby.

4:In Yuffies basement in Wutai.

5: The Weapon Seller at Cosmo Canyon.

6: The Shildra Inn at Cosmo Canyon.

After you find all of the six flyers go back to Turtles Paradise in Wutai( the place with a big pot outside )to receive your prizes.

Emerald Weapon

   First off, you'll need either Big Guard or regen.To get the Big Guard have your enemy skill materia equipped and go to the beaches by Costa del Sol and manipulate the Beach Plugs to use it on your party. When you go to the Underwater Reactor fight a ghost ship and morph it to get a Guide Book.Watchout,it has an attack that can throw a party member out of the fight.
    Next, you'll need the Omnislash for Cloud.Go to Gold Saucer and gain 32000 battle points.Check the machines to get it.Don't leave the battle arena until you have it or your points will reset back to zero.Now give the Omnislash to Cloud when you gain both of his level 3 limit breaks.You might also want Cid and Barret in your party because they have the best level 4 limit breaks next to Cloud.I explained above how to get their's.
    If you've gotten the Double Cut materia then give it to Cloud.But have it up to the 4x-cut level.Next, go to Cosmo Canyon and buy five or six HP and MP Plus materia and master them.The best places to do that is either the magic pot room in the Northern Cave or the islands of Mideel.When you encounter a magic pot give it and elixir and then destroy it.Each one gives off 1000 AP.
    If you want you can get the Final Attack materia.This will allow you to cast a final spell when you're KO'D.Go to Gold Saucer and get both the Omnislash and W-Summon materia at the machines.Now go talk to the lady at the desk, but before you do equip Clouds Ultimate Weapon and give him a Ribbon. Now participate in the Special Battle and Defeat Proud Clod at the end of the battle.Afterwards you'll receive the final attack materia.Now pair it up in a linked slot with either the Pheonix Summon or the Life 
Materia and go to Junon.Give your party members your best materia and save your game.
    Just in case, level up the final attack materia two or three times so you can cast Life or Life2 on yourself more than once.Don't forget to put your party members in the back row.Now take your submarine down and go around until you find the Emerald Weapon.Bump into him to initiate the 
    First off, cast Regen on your party followed by Mbarrier or Wall.Or just cast Big Guard which will also put you in Haste.If you've equipped the Underwater materia , then it will eliminate the twenty minute time limit.Attack with Ultima and protect yourself with Shield,if you've gotten the Shield materia at the Northern Cave.When it's emeralds light up destroy them quickly.If you wait they will help Emerald cast Tet Ram, which will more than likely kill you.The yellow emeralds drain MP, while the blue emeralds drain HP.Designate someone as a healer whose sole job is to cast cure spells or just give the whole party a megalixir.Don't wait to cast Big Guard or Wall.This guy attacks fast and will destroy your party if you're not prepared.The only bright side to Emerald Weapons attacks are that they bulid your limit guage quickly, especially if you're under fury.Have Cloud use Omnislash, Barret use Catastrophe, and Cid use Highwind, if those guys are in your party.If you defeat Emerald you'll gain 50,000 AP for your materia.If you've gotten Cid's Scimitar, than any materia in it will gain 150,000 AP!That's the same for Cloud's Apocalypse!
Submitted by Sethallan50

99 of an item in Final Fantasy 7 

When you go to Midgar at the end of disc 2 travel down the train tunnels to the bottom.There, you'll find a save point and a W-item materia.Equip the materia on someone and get into a battle.Select the W-item option and find the item you want to duplicate.You need to have at least two of them.Select the item once and use it on a player .Then select it again but instead of pressing the OK button again, press the cancel button.The number of items will increase by one. Keep doing this until you have 99. Note: This only works if you have the standard control configuration. So if you changed them, set the controller back to the default settings... 
Submitted by sethallan50

kjata summon materia

go to bone village, north near crater. get lunar harp and go to sleeping
forest. go to 2nd screen and look at the sides. it will be flying around.
hit "action" to grab it
Submitted by Michael A. Peake

Laviathen summon

1st:you must find and defeat Yuffie.She is a charahter you must beat then you have to say certain things.
Yuffie:Let's go again.
Your answer:not interested
Yuffie:Were you scared.
Your answer:Petrified
Yuffie:I'm really going to go.
Your answer:wait
2:After getting her go to Wutai.There is a path to the right of the town that leads to a large building the.Go in and you will have to beat 5 people.This is extremely difficult but the rewards are great.
Submitted by Bryan Stracener

Extra Tifa's Limit Break

In the shinra mansion on clouds past play the following on the piano

submitted by shinra.inc and hojo

Ultimate Weapons

Person|Name of Weapon|Where?

Cloud: Ultima Weapon| defeat Ultimate WEAPON
Barret: Missing Score| Before fighting HOJO in Mako Cannon 
Tifa: Premium Heart| Abandoned item shop in Wall Market 
Areis:Parasol | Speed Square in Golden Saucer 
Red XIII: Limited Moon| Bugenhagen's dying gift 
Cat Sith: Marvelous Cheer| Shinra Corporate Tower (Gym Locker) 
Cid: Venus Gospel | Rocket Town (after rocket is launched, talk to man who loved the rocket repeaditly)

and the other 2 secret characters.

Vincet: Death Penelty| Waterfall Cave (disk 3)
Yuffie:Super Ball | Fort Condor (Battle number 4)
Submitted by The Siner

Date with Barret?

to get a date with barret,do not talk to tifa or aeris ONLY if u need to progress the game, and when u get to Kalm town,barret will ask u out for a date
Submitted by ThePJs5040

"Bahamut Zero" Materia (Summons)

The second Time you go to rocket town (on disk 2) you will have to go up in the rocket. You will have to type in the correct code to get the huge materia, without the huge materia you won't be able to get the summon materia "ZERO Bahumat". The correct code is " O, *, X, X." Go back to Cosmo Canyon and talk to the red huge materia to get the summons.
Submitted by Cloud and Red XIII.

More Tips for beating Emerald weapon

If you have got "Quadra magic" and "W-Magic" and "Gravity" materiaYou should equip "Q-M" in a linked slot with "Gravity" and on the same person equip "W-Magic" as any level of "demi" takes off 9999hp every hit. (Also equip mime on someone.)
Submitted by Cloud and Red XIII.

Huge Materia

to get the huge materia (Bahamut Zero) in the rocket put the following code 
into the code key: O, _, X, X ( <--- ignore the line next to the square!)
Sumitted by Cloud

Tips to Beat emerald weapon

First you need knights of the round table combined with MP/HP absorb Mastered Phoenix summon combined with Mastered Final attack materia mime materia for all of party

(where to find everything)

Knights of the round: far north-east corner of the world map

phoenix materia: Condor fort after the final battle

Final attack: Battle arena at the gold saucer mime: In the natural looking room at the crater.
Submitted by Steve de Monchaux

Simply leave the crater....

in the beginning of disk three when you start at the crater that's a good place to build up your characters hp and materia and when you enter the crater you can always get out of the crater until you fight sephiroth.(the book says that in small letters, but people rarely know once you go into the crater you can come out too)
submitted by Matt ace

The Backroom

The general store in Cosmo Canyon has a backroom that's roped off when the team first arrives. Check back again later and the rope has been removed. Now the team can access the hidden back room and collect an Elixir, Magic Source, and the "Full Cure" Materia.
Submitted by Amb2coo4u

Gil Exchange

A man who can exchange Gil for GP at a rate of 100 to 1 GP will sometimes appear next to the little house at the back of Gold Saucer's Ropeway Station. He's not always there, but if you enter and exit the Gold Saucer several times, he should appear. It may take a while, so be patient.
Submitted by Amb2coo4u

Good stuff forVincent

After getting the submarine or a Gold Chocobo, you can reach Lucrecia's Cave. It is located behind a waterfall in a lagoon in the Nibel area. To reach it by submarine you must come through an underwater cave just East of the lagoon, and park against the rocky ledge left of the waterfall. The Gold Chocobo can just ride over the mountains but you must dismount it near the ledge.

Visit the cave during disk 2 with Vincent in your party. You'll learn a lot more about Vincent's life and how he got locked in a coffin in the Shinra Mansion's basement. During disk 3, revisit the cave with Vincent in your party to get his Ultimate Weapon, Death Penalty, and his Chaos Limit Break.

Submitted by Amb2coo4u

Bar Contests

Have you been to Turtle's Paradise in Wutai? If you have then you know about the contest that the bar is having. You have to find 6 flyers hidden around the World. If you can't find the flyers well here they are.

Flyer #1

The first flyer is in the Sector 5 Slums. Look in the house on the East side of town. Upstairs in the Boy's room the flyer is tacked up on the wall, but you HAVE to read it for it to count.

Flyer #2

You MUST find this flyer on one of your 2 trips to Shinra HQ. If you don't, you can't win the contest. The flyer is stuck to the bulletin board at the back of the lobby's first level.

Flyer #3

Check out the Ghost Hotel at Gold Saucer. It's inside the lobby next to the Item Shop's entrance.

Flyer #4

It's attacheed to the Tiger Lily Arms Shop in Cosmo Canyon. The shop is along the path that leads to Bugenhagen's house.

Flyer #5:

Go to the inn at Cosmo Canyon and check out the wall next to the Innkeeper's desk.

Flyer #6 :

This last one is actually right next to Turtle's Paradise in Yuffie's basement. Check the banner on the wall outside the trap room.

Talk to the owner of Turtle's Paradise, he's one of the guys behind the bar. He'll give you a Power Source, Guard Source, Magic Source, Mind Source, Speed Source, Luck Source, and a Megalixir for a prize!
Submitted by Amb2coo4u

Chocobo-Mog Materia

The first time you arrive at the Chocobo farm, you must buy the "Chocobo Lure" Materia in order to catch a chocobo and ride across the swamps to get past the deadly Midgar Zolem.The materia costs 2000 gil, which is a pretty hefty price. Don't have the money, or just don't feel like spending the dough? I FOUND A WAY TO GET IT FOR FREE!!!! When you first arrive at the farm, use the front entrance so you arrive in the front of the chocobo pen. Talk to the chocobo and chose the first choice to get your first summon materia, the "Chocobo-mog." After this occurs, run to the right and you'll see a shiny purple rock. You guessed it. THE MATERIA!!! Just pick it up, and your life is a little easier thanks to me.
Submitted by Chitchater

Turbo Controller + Tape = Auto Play

for this cheat you'll need a turbo set controller. if not this won't work for you. this is to get major gil and boosting up some levels. when you first get the plane on the water. go to the island that has nothing on it at all and has those roley poley monsters and the big wurm on the beach area. its close down to the bottom of the map in the right hand corner. there's only one spot on the island where you can get on off the plane. immediatley go to YOUR right, not cloud's or whoever you named him. start running along the beach until you come to a strip of straight beach. get in the middle and press the directional pad up. you will see that when you get to the edge, it will turn around and go the other way. then when it get's to the other edge it will turn back around and keep going until you get in a battle. so all you have to do is put tape really TIGHT on the up button on the directional pad. now the turbo set comes in. as the tape moves you and gets in the battle you're gonna have to hold down the o button. frankly that's too boring for me.(make sure you have a really good weapon) all i do is set turbo fire on the o button and tape it down TIGHT. now if your hp is not very high, your gonna have to check it every few minutes. but even so, you can watch a tv show and turn back to see how your doing. if you have high hp then you can leave it on all night! now remember, unless you have a lot of hp pluses, your hp won't be very high and this is a strong monster, so you should warm up a little before you do this.VOILA! the playstation is playing for you
Submitted by Kyle

Choboco Mog

To get the CHOBOCO MOG, talk to the Choboco at the ranch, and say something. (Wark, or Waark) Try them both, and eventually, you'll get a cool "SUMMON" thing. 
Submitted by Reptilican

Easier Chocobo Racing

while racing hold R1,R2. combinatition for safe(in nibelha): RIGHT 36,LEFT 10,RIGHT 56,RIGHT 97.
Submited by Ryan Sanderson

Stuff to kill the Emerald WEAPON
1.get underwater materia.YOU MUST have this materia because it will take off the twenty minute timer.

2.have people in your group have combo limit breaks. 

3.have all your people in the group be a really high level like 85-90.

4.have everyone in your group have their ultimate weapon .

5.have materia like MASTER command ,summon,and magic, HPplus, MP plus , mega all , Final attack ,4x cut, W magic, summon, item,enemy skill, slash all,and quadra magic.**** try having them mastered

Now the only thing you have to do is make up a strategy to kill him. It took me a really long time to kill him so dont expect to kill him the first try. GOOD LUCK
Submitted by Jackpaco

Lucky Seven Trick
Get any player's Hp to 7777 and that player will do 64hits of 7777Hp each during battle (You'd ave to be pretty lucky) or go somewhere where battles are simple Kill all but one opponent then manipulate it.Repeatedly hit one player and get him close to the last two digits 77.Then assuming you have transform equipped cast mini on one of your party members and get them to hit the lucky party member until 77 is reached.End battle cure lucky prty member with hi potion and potion until the first two digits are77.*Note that before you enter battle it's generally a good idea to have the lucky players Hp below 7777* Now the next time you go into battle you'll do abut 50 000 points damagebefore your oppononent even gets a chance to attack.
Submitted by Tokin' Toy Boy

Unlimited Items
Get the W-Item materia (If you dont have it go to bone village and execavate on the left side of the cross on the lower level) During battle choose the item you want more of with O x2 then choose another item with O and then press X.Repeatedly press OXOXOXOXO for up to 99 of that item.*Note You can only duplicate items that can be chosen on the battlefield*
Submitted by Tokin' Toy Boy

Unlimited Tetra elementals
Go to the uncharted island on the far south west in the middle of the ocean.It's called Cactus Island and run around until you fight a little cactus.His Hp is 6000 while his biggest hit is 1000 and he uses it quite frequently.He shouldnt't be a problem though just beat him up a bit then morph him.Tetra Elemental.Repeat as needed
Submitted by Tokin' Toy Boy

to breed special chocobos follow this to get a green or blue chocobo here is 
what to do first go get two good/great chocobos male and female (i suggest 
hunting for chocobos near mideel) then get both up to A or B class then go to 
the snow contient and look for red dragons in the open field then steal the 
carob nut from it and run away. then go back to the ranch and mate those to 
to get the black chocobo you must first have the blue and green chocobo (male 
and female) train them and race those two until at A class then go steal a 
carob nut from the dragons that wonder around the open field near bone 
village. then mate those two chocobos you should get a black chocobo

to get this chocobo it takes time first you must get a wounderful chocobo 
from the snow continet and make sure it is not the same sex as your balack 
chocobo race those to until they are both at s class then get a zarob nut 
from goblin island (north of mideel in little path of islands then steal the 
nut from one of the goblin that you will face there. then go back and mate 
your two chocobos you will now have the ultimate chocobothis chocobo can go 
there are four materia caves in the game here are the locatens 

this is almost impossible without a gold chocobo get your chocobo juised up 
get to S class and you will see a rider that looks different from all the 
other chocobo riders that you face that is joe he is super fast but always 
starts off right behind you speed your chocobo up yo as high as it gets (do 
not use stamina until the very end) and hold 
R1+L1+R2+L2 to regain your stamina and always keep this on. keep joe behind 
you no matter how you do it beat joe 15 times in S class and you get a big 