All Songs

Go to Acarde mode, and highlight "Easy", "Normal" or "Hard". Press Right (6 times).

Another Mode

At the game mode selection screen press Down, Down

Hidden Mode

At the song selection screen press Select, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up Down

Left Mode

At the selection screen press Select, Left (8 times).

Little Mode

At the song selection screen, press Select, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up 

Maniac Mode

Enable Another Mode, At the game mode selection screen press Down Down

Normal Mode

If Another or Maniac modes are activated, go to the Game Mode Selection press Up Up

Right Mode

At the press Select, Right (8 times)

Shuffle Mode

At the song selection screen, press Select, Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Up, Right, Left. 

Super Mode

At the title press Up, Up, Down, Down , Left, Right, Left, Right. Game loads faster with less moves from onscreen characters