All items

In inventory screen hold R1,Press square,square,triangle,triangle,right,right,up,left
Submitted by moussa taktak

Capable of 99 objects

In inventory screen hold R2,Press square,square,triangle,triangle,right,right,up,down
Submitted by moussa taktak

Restore Health

Pause game and square,square,triangle,triangle,right,right,up,left
Submitted by moussa taktak

Enable Enemy Layout Screen

At the SELECT STAGE screen press and hold R1 and press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Square
Submitted by KERBEROS1359

Increase Item Capacity to 99

At the items screen, press and hold L1 and press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Square
Submitted by KERBEROS1359

Increase Item Inventory

At the items creen, press and hold L2 and press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, X
Submitted by KERBEROS1359

Restore Health

Pause the game and press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Square. Unpause the game and your health will be restored
Submitted by KERBEROS1359

Unlock all Hidden Items

At the Item screen, press and hold R1 and press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Square
Submitted by KERBEROS1359

Unlock All Levels

At the Select Stage screen,press and hold R2 and press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Square
Submitted by KERBEROS1359

Ayame's Armor

at the item select screen , press left,left,down,down,square,square,triangte,circle.


when playing, pause the game and hold R1+L2,then press up, triangle, down, x, left, square, right,
circle. then release R1 and R2 then press R1,L1,R2,L2 if done correctly the word pause will disappear now unpause and quickly press R2+L2 this allows weapon select, level select, ect.