Alternate costumes

Complete the game to unlock the Army and Battle costumes. Complete the game a second time to unlock the Ancient costume. 
Submitted by KurtMan 

Grenade Gun

Complete the game three times. The grenade gun with unlimited ammunition will be available at the start of the next game. 
Submitted by KurtMan 

Operation: Wipe Out mode

Complete the game without using any continues with a time under 5:00:00.
Submitted by KurtMan 

Design Disc code

When at the part of the game where the sound is heard after pushing the shelf, enter "367204" as a code.
Submitted by KurtMan 

Getting Dr. Kirk's Finger print

To get Dr. Kirks fingerprint to over write the data on the ID card you have to use the fingerprint device in the power freq room. There are bloody hand prints next to the dead female researcher, that's where you can get Dr. Kirk's fingerprint from.
Submitted by SusanWeston29 

Pipe puzzle

Face the three consoles toward the wall and turn them on in this order (from left to right): 1st console=red, 2nd console =green, 3rd console=blue. Now face the other three and do them in the same order. 
Submitted by Shawn Staffa

Gas chamber

To turn off the gas in the gas chamber to save the doctor you must press the switches in this order : blue, green, red and then blue again. Then go in the gas chamber and check the doctor for a key for the boxes in the medical room. (only one can be used ) Watch out for the raptor as you leave the room.
Submitted by Shawn Staffa 

B1 crane puzzle command

First set-1 left, 2 up, 1 down, Hook, 2 right, Release, start. Second set -2 up, Hook, Start.
Submitted by Shawn Staffa 

1st Generator Puzzle

The first puzzle is simple. Just line up the batteries in this order: red, blue, green and white(just like the switches on the wall).
Submitted by Shawn Staffa 

DDK Disk hints

Many people have been asking me to help them with the DDK disks. True some of them are not that obvious. I wont give you the answers because you'd be missing out on the fun of solving these puzzles but I'll give you hints. 
DDK-H: remove the letters from the key leaving you with a 4 letters word. 
DDK-N: remove the letters from the key leaving you with an 8 letters word. 
DDK-L: Translate the numbers from the key (1=A, 2=B) and remove these letters leaving you with a 10 letters word. 
DDK-E: The numbers in the key are the vertical rows you should eliminate. Since they are alined this is an easy tasks that leaves you with a 6 letters word. 
DDK-W: Translate the numbers from the key (1=A, 2=B) and remove these letters leaving you with an 8 letters word. 
DDK-S: The numbers in the key are the vertical rows you should eliminate. Since they are alined this is an easy tasks that leaves you with a 10 letters word. 
DDK-D: Translate the numbers (01=A, 02=B) and remove the letters from the key leaving you with a 10 letters word. 
That's it. Have fun. 
Submitted by Stéphane Crépeau 

For all weapons press sqare,triangle,4 circles

Submitted by pimp,g

Multiple Endings

As you probably know there are 3 different endings to Dino Crisis.

1- Gail Dies

2- Dr. Kirk escapes (which is by far the best ending)

3- Every one makes it out

But there are 4 ways to get these endings. Here's how:

Following Gail ending one: Go directly to where Gail and Dr. Kirk are located. He will say something and then die, you'll make your escape on the hovercraft.

Following Gail ending two: Before you join Gail and Dr. Kirk go to the undergroung Heliport located behind the furthest security door A in the weapons storage room (watch out for the Dinos). Then go see gail. You'll make your escape on the Helicopter.

Following Rich ending one: Go straight to the hovercraft. You'll need to get some fuel for it. It's in some small barils wich are located in the corner of the previous room. You'll then have to face the T-Rex. It's tricky but you just need to run and turn around and shoot when the message FIRE apears. You'll then make your escape.

Following Rich ending two: Go to where Dr. Kirk is located. Watch out he's on the move he'll chage room twice. You'll end up in the undergroung Heliport and make your escape in the Helicopter.

That's it good luck. Oh one more thing finish the game in less than 5 hours and you go to a bonus game called "Operation Whipe Out " with new costumes So let the credits roll at the end you won't regret it.
Submited by Stephane Crepeau

Code number:

When the guy turns off the red lines go into the door right by the red lines that shock you .Go into the either room in there.There will be a guy dead on the floor.Go past him to the safe the code number is 0426.You will get a key and a medical pack or bullets.

Bonus outfits

If you beat the game in under eight hours, then you will get new costumes to wear for the next time.

Chief's Vault Combo

Type in 705037 at the vault. It will open and reveal the card to Dr. Kirk's secret lab in the control room.

Infinite Grenade Gun ammo

When you have seen all three endings to Dino Crisis (you must play three separate games from start to finish), Regina not only starts with Grenade Gun in her arsenal, but she also has unlimited ammunition.

Registration numbers

Here are the the two registration numbers you need for the ID Card:

Mark Doyle-57036 
Dr. Kirk-31415