Unlock the Dino Coliseum

Complete the game once to unlock Dino Coliseum

Unlock Dino Duel

Purchase Rick, Gail and the tank for Extra Crisis games.

Cost of Dinosaurs for the Coliseum or the Dino Duel. 

Allosaurus 180,000 Extint Points

Cinosignathus 250,000 Extinct Points

Gail 100,000 Extinct Points

Inostancevia 160,000 Extinct Points

Oviraptor 150,000 Extinct Points

Rick 100,000 Extinct Points

Tanks 120,000 Extinct Points

Triceratops 200,000 Extinct Points

Tyrannosaurs 150,000 Extinct Points

Unlock Triceratops and Compsagnathus

In the hard mode, after alll other dinosaurs have been purchased, Triceratops and Compsagnathus should become avaible.

Unlock the EPS Platinium Card

Complete the game and collect all 11 Dino Files. Once you've done that you'll see the EPS card at the Save screen. Next time you play the game, you'll have unlimited Ammo.


Fighting Mutliple Dinos

When duking out with big ol' lizards, get your back to a wall, at least then you're sure that no dinosuars are sneaking up from behind.