Magic Monster

First go to Titus Temple and go to straight until you find the thing that you go in to . Then search for 3 days until you find the magic mirror then get invited to the November invationals and see the magic monster then mix the gali or monol with the magic mirror. then you get the magic monster
Submitted by DTACK97

Live long and Propser

secert to long life: In the jungle expediction every ten years you can find a golden peach . this will increase you life span to 2 or 5 more years on your monsters life.
Submitted by ?

Karn Exploration Tips

When exploring with Karn, 1st send a really buff monster with high skill and power to clear all blockades( bugs, fire coming out of the ground,etc.... require an intellenget monster like a pixie maybe.) Then send a really smart monster to explore ruins. If their Int. is high enough you can get filthly RICH.(and advoid getting lost) You might find rare idems like fire stones, parts to monsters, relics used for mixing, and really rare CD fragments. The best part is that exploring does NOT shorten the monsters life span it just makes them tired. The times Karn shows up are: Jan 2nd week and that goes to Titus, Jul 2nd week goes into the jungle, and Oct 2nd week that heads for the desert. Karn does not show up tell your monster is at least 1-year-old. Last save before the dates and may sure your monster is fully rested or you might lose days and the trip may suck.
Submitted by Dr_Deco

Get the Ape Monster

go with korm and find the magic banana. then combine any two monsters with low stats and use the magic banana. then you should get the ape monster.(WARNING the ape is really lazy)