Hard Mode

To get hard mode you must get first place in mirror mode on the competition. Then you put in the hard mode cheat on the little tv at the bottom of the screen. Then you will get to play as the Boss on freestyle and you get to pick from any of the competition tracks or the new one, Dive Into The Cave.
Submitted by Joshie269

Alternate clothing:

On the main menu, highlight the competition option and press down,R1,up,R1,Down,R2,up,R2,up,up,R1, down,down,R2, Cindy will have a leather outfit and Irin will have a school uniform in any mode except competition. 
Submitted by Michael

Play as Snowman:

Beat Competition hard mode in first place. Alternatively,beat freestyle mode in first place 
for the Trick, Time, and Total categories in all ten courses. 
Submitted by Michael

Play as Boss: 
Beat Competition in mirror mode in first place. Play as Gray: Achieve the Gray rank in Trick Master Mode. Alternatively, score 37.5 or greater in half pipe mode.
Submitted by Michael

Bonus Boards:
Enter freestyle mode with all tracks. Then, set the top record on all the tracks. Alpine SP Board: Beat freestyle mode in first place for the time category in at least 5 courses. Then, the board will become available in all modes except for Tour Competition and Half Pipe. 
Submitted by Michael

All Around SP Board:

Beat freestyle mode in first place for the total category in at least 5 courses. Then, the board will become available in all modes except the Tour Competition and Half Pipe. 
Submitted by Michael

Freestyle SP Board:

Beat freestyle mode in first place for the trick category in at least five course. Then, the baord will become available in all modes except for Tour Competition. 
Submitted by Michael

Reversed Courses:

Beat all nine rounds in Snowboarding competition mode and achieve any ranking. Then hold R1 and select freestyle or snowboarding combined modes to play reversed wersions of courses.
Submitted by Michael

Jamaican Border

score a 50 on the halfpipe and unlock a jamaican boarder

score a 38.0 or better to get the alien

Beat all the tracks with First Place records...