Unlock Extra Mountain

Enter your name as newhill for an extra mountain.
Submitted by Bombo1986

Jason Rille

enter your name as babytalker and the guy should say jason rille now way
Submitted by Lacquer_head Pump

Unlock Mars

Okay on cool borders 4 when it says to put your name in name place enter mars come. and it will unlock the cool player named mars
Submitted by Michael Leyva

Play as Fast Eddie

You have to beat rookie on trickmaster to get him as a playable character. 
Submitted by Eric E. Parker

Shortcut through Colorado

This is an easy way to get through Colorado. When you get to the part with patches of deeper
snow ,around the third or fourth patch, there should be a place with a lot of trees. Weave through
those trees, and there should be a railroad track. Grind on that track and after a while, look at your
position and you should be in first place.(Unless there is somebody is in front of you,which is most likely)I'm not promising that you will win every time, but it helps to break the time record. 
Submitted by Eric E. Parker

Slope Style Secret in Vermont

On the right side of the course, between the ramp with two rocks in front of it and the ramp with
the green pole in front of it, there is a group of trees, you can grindon the fallen tree to reach the secret tunnel. 
Submitted by Eric E. Parker

For Unlimited time in All Events
Pause the game, then holding L2 press triangle, square, circle, triangle, circle, square, up, down, circle, down, up
Submitted by Ray MacKay

All Special Events

For all special events enter your name as :imspecial
Submitted by Paul Clément & Trevor & terry & Agj0311 & Conor Killoran and many many others

All boards, stages, and players

Enter at name select: ICHEAT