Enter the following codes as your name in champion ship. These are case sensitive. If you enter them correctly you'll hear a sound.

Pole vault/ Blue Metallic Player- "L.A." 
Extra events/Gold Metallic Player - "Montreal" 
Silver metallic player - "Sydney"
Bronze metallic player - "Helsinki"
Brown metallic player - "Roma"
White metallic player - "Moscow" 
Light blue metallic player - "Munich"
Green metallic player - "Mexico" 
Red metallic player - "Tokyo" 
Silver/gray metallic player - "Athens" 
Orange metallic player - "Atlanta" 
Silver/purple metallic player - "Seoul" 

Unlock New Expert Gymnastic Song:
Win a gold medal for all three rhythmic gymnastics songs in trial or championship mode. Return to the event to access a new expert song. 

Unlock New Interview Sequence:
Win five bronze, five silver, five gold, or ten gold medals in trial or championship mode to unlock an new interview sequence under the ''Awards'' option at the main menu. 

Unlock Funny Sounds:
Win the gold medal in all events in trial or championship mode to unlock ''Funny Sounds'' under the ''Awards'' option at the main menu.