Extra boards 

Enter ROCKSTAR as anybodys name and you get a rockstar board. 

Enter ZAXIS as AXL'S name to get a board with a snowmanwith a beanie on. 

Enter MARDUK as CYRUS'S name to get a board with a skoal logo on it.
Submitted by MiSFiT7365


Pick Roach without a hat at the character selection screen, then when entering name, backspace across the existing name and type BEESUITGUY
Submitted by Derek

Easy Pool Access

hey all, to get to the secret bowl(pool) in thrasher: skate and destroy, you don't need to do what the guy told you, simply go to the right at the beginnig of the courthouse level, and follow the path. you will see the closed for repais signs, go to the right, and ollie with the hump and boom, your in.
Submitted by RSCsnow

Extra Points

Pause the game, and hold L1+L2+R1+R2 and then repeatedly press the circle button. This will increase your score by 5,000 every time!
Submitted by GCDADDY10 & michael b.

Swimming Pool

Go to the Los Angeles Court House Level, and find the 3 sided halfpipe. Right next to this halfpipe to the left there will be a ramp. Go up the ramp, and this is important. There will be stairs there, and you just have to get over them by olleing them or flipping over them or jut falling up there(Hint: to fall press L2 and/or R2/ by pressing these they will throw you forward to break your fall and you will get over obstacles easier) Well, once over the stairs, follow the path around to a fence that says CLOSED FOR REPAIR. There will be two of these, and you have to find the one with the hump right before it so that you will be able to jump over and into the secret room. In the room there is a phat swimming pool and to exit you just have to find another hump( Its easy and worth it)