Ultizurk I: The Grandmaster's Quest

Hints File

Disclaimer: The author of this hint file is in no way
affiliated with Robert Deutsch, the author of this game.

While I've checked it for accuracy (by playing the game),
I make no guarantees whatsoever as to said accuracy or for
the suitability of this file to any use for any purpose.
Nor will I be held responsible if reading it spoils your
game. Caveat Emptor, Cavis Canem, and Illegitimi Non

1.Getting Started:

Q. What's the point of this game?
A. To have fun, of course! The ultimate goal is to complete King Eldor's
   quest and drive the monsters from the land. In the course of doing so you'll
   have to complete a bunch of what I call "side-quests", helping out various
   NPCs (non-player characters) in sundry ways so they'll help you in return.

Q. What do I do first?
A. Unzip the game into a subdirectory (or "folder" in Win95speak), and run
   the executable GAME.EXE. First run the introduction- it gives you a little
   background and plot info. Then view the quicky instructions, then venture
   onwards- play the game.

   When you have the game interface screen in front of you, head north and
   cross the footbridge over the moat and enter King Eldor's castle.  Keep
   going north until you see his Highness.  Move right up next to him, then
   hit the T key to talk to him.  Ask him his name, then his job (type NAME
   , then JOB ).  From then on, any words in his dialogue that
   are in capital letters can be typed in to get more info and continue the
   conversation.  When you get to dialogue with no words in caps, the conver-
   sation's over.  Type BYE  to end it, or hit the escape key, or just
   hit enter.

   Next, wander around his castle. Use the L key to look at everything. To open
   boxes or chests, use the U key to use them. If you see something you want,
   hit G to get it. If you GET a weapon hit I to look at the inventory in your
   pack, move the cursor onto it and hit R to ready the weapon. You might need
   your weapon fairly soon, if any monsters have wandered into the village.

Q. What next?
A. Go back outside and explore the village. Talk to everyone you meet, the same
   way you did with the king- ask their names and jobs, then go from there.
   Take note if anyone asks you to do something, or just complains that they
   lack something-or-other or have some other problem. Those are the side-
   quests you'll need to do in order to finish the game.

   Then go ahead and wander around the countryside. You might meet some other
   NPCs and are sure to encounter monsters. Battle is the only way to increase
   your level and hit points- the amount of damage you can sustain and still
   stay on your feet.

Q. What happens if I get killed?
A. Don't worry, you won't! That's a neat feature of these games. When you run
   out of hit points you simply lose conciousness. You also lose your weapons,
   but these are recovered by the king's men and placed in a storeroom to the
   northeast of the castle. When you come to you'll be in the same place that
   you passed out in and the monsters will probably still be there. So I sug-
   gest you beat feet out of there, and go get your weapons!

   So go ahead and get those monsters, and build up those experience points.

Q. How do I advance levels?
A. King Eldor will tell you how. If you forgot what he said, go talk to him

Q. How do I know if I have enough experience points to advance a level?
A. You don't. Just go through the motions and if you have enough points to
   advance, you will, and if you don't, you won't.

Q. I keep getting lost! How do I find my way around?
A. If you're on the surface you can use a sextant to give you your coordinates.
   This is also a good way to note the location of something or someone you've
   found so you can come back to it later.

   Also there's the M command that activates an overhead map. This even works
   in the dungeon, and if you look close you can tell where drakes and
   wisps are, so you can avoid them (or go after them). The yellow dot is

2. Where is: (Places)

Q. Gonzor?
A. It's the land-mass where Castle Eldor is.

Q. Brindar?
A. A land-mass east of Gonzor. King Eldor tells you why you want to go there
   and how you might get there.

Q. The Lycaeum?
A. It's a library on the isle of Gizdan, south of the Brindar docks.

Q. The lost city?
A. If I told you, it wouldn't be lost, now would it? 
Seriously, look for a building without doors on an island without shores.

Q.  McRin, Bizloth, Zeblin, Elitoth, Zylor, Gordzan?
A. There's a book in the Lycaeum that gives the coordinates of these places.

Q. The Underground City?
A. It's under ground! You have to revive the robot and complete his quest
   first. As soon as you do, use your overhead map.


3. Where is: (Things and People)

Q. the Sunbane?
A. A wizard on one of the islands will help you find it after you bring him
   something he needs.

Q. The lightening wand?
A. Teddy the Baywatch will give you one after you complete his quest. You might
   also look around in the Underground City.

Q. Radium?
A. Look in the books and scrolls in the Lycaeum. They mention a legend about
   something called the hotrock. Sounds like a radioactive substance, doesn't
   it? Like radium, maybe?

   TIP: The place has other trees on it, but only one like the one in the

Q. Queen Hapsetshut?
A. You need to help the cattleman to feed his herd, then he'll help you. Also
   talk to Sammy the sick kid (after you've healed him) and the librarian at
   the Lycaeum., and read the books again.

Q. A double-mace?
A. Help the barmaid in Eldorville.

Q. An ice-pick, a shovel, a knife, other tools or weapons?
A. Any tools that aren't to be found in Gonzar or Brindar are in boxes in
   buildings on the other islands.

Q. Fertilizer?
A. It's in Brindar somewhere. It's a little hard to get to until you solve
   another little puzzle.

Q. Mushrooms?
A. They're growing all over. Use your L command to look at plants.

Q. The watch?
A. Sammy tells you where he lost it. Look for a retractable bridge.

Q. A deed?
A. The harbormaster at Brindar will give you one if you show him your captain's

Q. A captain's certificate?
A. The farmer in Gonzor used to be a seaman. Maybe he can help you if you help

Q. The potion for the sick kid?
A. Momma Mabel tells you where potions may be found. The geography book in the
   Lycaeum tells you exactly where that place is.

4. How do I (Quests and misc.)

Q. Kill all the monster and win the game?
A. Cheater!  You need to solve all of the side-quests then find Queen
   Hapsetshut and she'll help you. You can't find her, and you won't have
   the items you need to win, unless you complete all the quests.

Q. Get more food?
A. Food is found all over. Keep looking in boxes inside buildings.

Q. I've used most of that up already!
A. Momma Mabel is a good cook and usually keeps a larder stocked full, when
   she isn't busy worrying about her sick boy Sammy.

Q. Is there food anywhere else?
A. I've heard that the robots are good hosts and like to entertain humans.

Q. Open the closed door on the house in Brindar?
A. The door isn't just closed, it's locked. You'll need a key.

Q. I've tried several keys and none of them work!
A. This is where I got stuck too. Look at the keys- they have different numbers
   of teeth indicating they open different locks. One of them will open the

Q. Feed the cattle?
A. Talk to the cowman and see what he feeds them, then go looking for some.

Q. Harvest it?
A. Talk to the cowman and see what he uses. See How to find tools above.

Q. I try to use it on the cattle and it doesn't work!
A. Talk to the cowman again and see what he does to process it, if anything.
   Then go do the same thing.

Q. I fed the cattle but the guy's still complaining that they're hungry.
A. You need to harvest all of the stuff you find and give it all to them.

Q. Help the farmer with his crops?
A. He plants and waters them but they don't grow. Maybe they need fertilizer?

Q. Kill the sea-dragons?
A. A ranged weapon works best. The sunbane works best of all, killing all of
   them in the area. If you don't have any ranged weapons and have plenty of
   hit points, tackle them with a trident. I'd avoid them if they're in groups
   of more than two.

Q. Get the watch fixed?
A. Robots are pretty good with mechanical things. Maybe one of them can help

Q. Use the ship?
A. You need a deed. Then just board it and take off. The keypad arrow keys
   will move it around just like they do you on dry land.

Q. Make it rain so the cowman will gather the people to help me?
A. Just wait. I'm not sure if so many days have to pass first, but I do know
   that King Eldor is the one that leads the people in helping you, so go talk
   to him again. If he says the same old stuff as usual, wait a day or so and
   try him again.

Q. Use the teleporter plaza and other teleporter squares?
A. Just step on them after you've restored their power. The plaza is the Grand
   Central Station of the teleporter system- using a square on an island some-
   where will beam you back to the plaza, and you can get to all of the other
   squares from the plaza.

Q. Restore power to the teleporters or bridge?
A. You need to reactivate the robot and perform his quest.

Q. Restore my hit points to their full amount?
A. You need to camp and have food in your pack. Getting a good night's sleep
   on a full belly will do wonders to help your wounds to heal.


5. Other stuff:

Q. How long does daytime last?
A. 212 moves.

Q. How long is night?
A. It gets dark in steps, and each step is 27 moves long. There are 8 steps
   from dusk to full darkness, and 8 more to full light, or 432 in all
  (27 times 8 times 8).

Q. How many sextant-degrees do I move per move?
A. One.
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