All courses 

At the "Press Start Button" screen, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle(2), R1, Square. Note: This may also be done at the main menu.

All boards 

At the "Press Start Button" screen, press Circle(2), Square, Circle, Square(2), Circle, R1. Note: This may also be done at the main menu.

All characters 

At the "Press Start Button" screen, press Left(2), Circle(2), L2, Square, Right, R2. Note: This may also be done at the main menu.

Maximum attributes/trick level 

At the "Press Start Button" screen, press L1, Square, Left(2), R2, Left, R1, Left. Note: This may also be done at the main menu.

View FMV sequences 

At the "Press Start Button" screen, press R2(2), L1, L2, L1, R1(3) to unlock a "Movie" option at the main menu. Note: This may also be done at the main menu.

Alternate costumes 

Hold L1, L2, R1, or R2 and select the "Skate" option at the skater selection screen.