All Boarders

Press pause during gameplay and then press Triangle, Square, L1, Circle, R1, X, R1, Triangle. A sound will confirm proper entry of the code. 

Challenges completed (except 43, 48, 49, 50) 

Press pause during gameplay and then press Triangle, Square, L1, Circle, R1, X, R1, Square. A sound will confirm proper entry of the code. 

Extra Points

To get 9,100,000 equipment points, (all boards, accessories and tricks), Press pause during gameplay and then press Triangle, Square, L1, Circle, R1, X, R1, X. A sound will confirm proper entry of the code. 

Shoot projectile 

Press pause during gameplay and then press Square, Circle, Triangle, R1. A sound will confirm proper entry of the code. Press R2 to shoot a barrel with a projectile. Press R1+L1 on a railslide to active slow motion. It will automatically end once you're off the rail. 

Slow Mo mode

Press pause during gameplay and then pressquare, Circle, Triangle, L1. A sound will confirm proper entry of the code. 

Unlock Alien

Press pause during gameplay and then press Triangle, Square, L1, Circle, R1, X, R1, Triangle. A sound will confirm proper entry of the code.