Hermie runs...
Hold Square at the screen and Hermie will run across the scren. 

More stuff.
At the main menu hold Select until the map screen is displayed. Press Start on the new game option when Hermie is halfway across the screen. The game will start on World 0 - Level 0 - The Main Menu Screen. You can get three friends (penguin, turtle and chicken) in egg form. Use the game menu options to start a new game with these or load a saved game in to be played with these characters. 

Start a new game and hold Triangle + Square + X at the "New Game/Load Game" screen. While in game play, hold Select + Start. A large number of stars will fall from the sky. These can be used to gain extra lives or to grow the egg friends. This code will also clear the current stage. Hold Select and press Start to clear the stage 6.