Roulette Win

At the Roulette game at the Zelbess, as the pointer starts to spin, pause the game when the red tip is between the West and South points of the wheel. The repeatedly press circle and unpause game... It'll land on north everytime, giving you double the money you wagered...

Getting Characters in your party
Some characters won't join your party on their own, they'll need to be coerced. Some will only join your party after you've played the game once or twice. The number by the side of each character's name will indicate what number pass-through you need to be on in order for the character to join the party:

When in Arni village at the beginning of the game, find the Heckran bone in the bedroom above the
restaurant.(Check the cooks bed to find it.)Give it to Porshul(who is playing near the Chieftain) and he'll offer to join the party.

Simply allow her to join your party after she fights off karsh and his goons.(Note: if you refuse to let her join your party, the game will take a different

When in Termina for the first time, head to the left of the village and find Nikki's dressing room. Talk to
everyone there. Miki, his sister, will come in and say she saw him wandering dangerously around the Shadow Forest. She'll offer to distract the guards at the entrance to the forest if you'll go in and rescue Nikki. Find Nikki and save him from the monsters attacking him, then follow him into the cave underneath the waterfall. Listen to what he has to say, and he'll ask to join your party. His physical
attacks are weak, but he's fairly powerful with blue magic.

Korcha will join your party temporarily when you cross to the home world to go to the Hydra marshes to get the Hydra Humour to save Kid.(Whew!) After returning to Guldove, his sister, Mel, will steal all of Kid's elements. Insist that you follow Korcha to get those
elements back. Afterwards, he'll return you to Termina. Head to the entrance of the village and listen to Glenn talking to the flower lady. Then, head back to the dock, where Korcha is waiting. Have Kid say she'll think about marrying him, and he'll join your party and leave you the use of his boat.

After getting the boat, head Southwest of El Nido, where, you'll see a big patch of fog. Enter the fog
and encounter the pirate ship. While on the pirateship, it will be attacke by ghosts, and it will be up
to you to save it. During this episode, you'll find yourself wandering around on the lower deck. You'll
see a white furry thing that runs away from you whenever you try to examine it. Keep chasing it until
you've cornered it. It will reveal itself to be Pipo, the stowaway, and will ask to join your party.Combination to Viper Manor statue. When entering Viper Manor after the Shadow forest,
you'll see a statue near the main hall doors. this statue must be spun a certain number of times to the left or right, or it will dump you in the dungeon. This is a random puzzle, and you probably won't get it
the first time around. Never fear. After breaking out of your prison in the dungeon, find the kitchen. You'll find Glenn here being told the combination to the statue for this week. Follow him to the barracks, and you'll see him standing near the wall. Wait for him to move away, and then examine the wall where he was standing to find the combination to the statue.