Get a Colt Python

When you beat the game... no matter how long it takes you, you will receive a Colt Python with infinite bullets, however if you beat the game within 3 Hours I believe you will receive a Colt Python and a Rocket Launcher with infinite bullets.

Another Way to kill the plant

When you meet the giant plant in the game you do not have to make the volt 42, all you have to do is run straight into the plant chopping away at it (you should save it before you try this) if you do this correctly Barry will come into kill the plant with a flamethrower.

Jill with better gun and different outfit

In the opening menu of Resident Evil Director's Cut. When you go to new game, you go down to the difficulty Arrange and hold the right on the D-Pad until the Arrange word turns green. It will give Jill a new outfit, better gun, and unlock secret door to be able to change outfits.