Drive a ice cream truck:

At the transmission select screen hold SELECT and press R2,L2,L2,down,down,L2,L2,R1

School Bus, Off Road style

At the transmission select screen, hold select and press L1,up,L2,down,down,L2,L2,R2, this should allow you access to the off road school bus

Open All Tracks and Cars

At the main screen, hold select and press L1,left,L2,right,L2,left,L1,L1, this should allow you to open all cars and tracks.

Black Widow Truck

Start a Wotld Tour Game,choose a car class,and, at the transmission select screen, press and hold select and press R1, L2,L2,down,down,up,L2,L1. If you entered the code correctly, you'll hear a 
sound. When the race begins you will be able to drive as the black widow truck.