Nice Doggy....

After you excape from the cell, You'll encounter wull a cave full of wolfs for your 2nd time.Then take out your handkerchief and the wolf's will leave you alone.

Meryl in ackward position

after discovering that meryl is discuised as a genmone solider she will run to the womem's bathroom ,quikly follow her and you may catch her not fully dressed (in her underwear)...


Get out your Fa-mas and fire until you are on the red bullets which are your three laser bullets of that round. Then get out your Bandana and keep firing. You will be firing the laser bullets only.

Easy Kill

To kill metal gear while the cockpit is open use the Bandana and throw stun grenades which will blind Liquid. Then its just stingers away.
Submitted by SAM HALL

Metal Gear Solid (demo version)

when you go to the second level in the snow dont get the gun out of the truck go to the shaft by the darpa cheif then go back and it should be a nikita launcher it worked for my demo.
Submitted by Terrie Charbonneau

Change Title Screen Colors

When at the title screen press Up,Down,Left,or Right to cycle through different background colors.
Submitted by james probst

Meryl's Frequency

Meryl's frequency is 140.15 in case you don't have the cd case
Submitted by james probst

Level Select

level select wile playing press up,r1,l1,sqeare,r1+l1
Submitted by alex

bad cbdc agents

In the 1st mission stand behind a cbdc agent and wait for him to get killed by a terrioist.BUT DONT SHOT THE CBDC AGENT!!!!!! Next when hes dead shot his dead body and for the rest of the level all other cbdc agents you come across will try to shot you! Have fun!!!!
Submitted by Shadow1787

You Idiot

go to the part were you plant the mines.Blow up the mine wall where the president is and throw a bomb in.You'll blow up the c4s around the president.The guy who is holding the hostige will say you idiot!!!!!!! Ha!Ha!Ha!
Submitted by Kskl181

Easy Snipering

you can shoot people when your in the nuke storage area or what ever it is called by taking out your sniper gun and only going part way under the door then you can snipe and kill the to pesky gaurds sent by meimyself paul kickass carr
Submitted by Phatpmc

Mad Mei Ling

First use your codec.Then call Mei Ling, keep calling her without saving.Then the 8th or 10th time you call her she will stop talking to you and she will stick her tongue at you.
Submitted by Mitch and Luke

See Through Psycho Mantis's Eye's

when your fighting Psycho Mantis HOLD TRIANGLE and you will see in Psycho Mantises view.

Right Brain, Left Brain... Against Phycho Mantis

when against psyhco mantis switch your controller to the 2nd player slot, this will make him unable to read your mind 
Submitted by Derek Kaltner

Quick Elevator

You know when you are about to be seen and the elevator is taking
forever this solves all your problems.Just simply call the elevator
twice and it will come right away.
Submitted by Lucas Miller

Easy kill Metal gear

Use bandana throw 4-5 chaff grenades and use Stinger launcher. When the chaff runs out throw 4-5 more. You can get 2-3 shots off.Only works when cockpit is closed.
Submitted by Greg Hunter

Easy kill Ninja

If you have the bandana use chaff grenades every 7 secs. you kill him easy.
Submitted by Greg Hunter

Easy kill sniper wolf.

The second time you meet sniper wolf go to the far right of the screen and use you remote nikita
Submitted by Greg Hunter

Warp to the torture seen

First you need the level 100 card gameshark trick to do this.Activate
the code,then go to the tank hanger go up the elevator to basement
1.Right when you get out of the elevator go to the door to the left of
the elevator.Go through the door,then the screen will go black and you
will skip to the torture seen.
Submitted by Lucas Miller

Fun C-4 Trick

First get the stealth suit.Then get some C-4.Now with the stealth suit on sneak up on a Genome Soldier and push the square button.With any luck you'll plant a C-4 on a soldiers backpack!
Submitted by Lucas Miller

Technical demonstration mode: 
Successfully complete the following modes in order - "Training", "Time Trial", "Gun Shooting", "Survival." Note: Completing each mode will unlock the next mode in the sequence. "Technical demonstration" mode will now be unlocked. Use it to watch the CPU demonstrate its best time with the gun. 
Submitted by Andyroo

Stealth Suit:
When you beat the game, if you leave with Otacon, he will give you a prototype of an item called "Stealth." This allows you to walk near, through, and around guards, through trip lasers, and in the field of vision of cameras without alerting. This appears in your inventory when you start your second game

Submitted by Andyroo

When you beat the game, if you leave with Meryl, she will give you a prototype
of an item called "Bandana." This gives you infinite bullets with any weapons
you have. This appears in your inventory when you start your second game.
Submitted by Andyroo

Beat the game twice and get both endings (one with Meryl and one without). When you play a third time, enter the elevator in the Cargo Dock. You'll remove your scuba gear and change into a tuxedo.

Uncensored Butt:
This is a cheat for those who feel they need to see the most ever bared on the Playstation. On the level where you try to save the Darpa chief in the cell, you will meet Meryl, who helps you shoot the intruders after the chief dies. You kill the gunmen and after the cinema sequence go back into the cell where you saw a man naked on the floor. Now get on the ground and take out
your scope. You'll notice that the guy's butt is censored, but when you scope in ALL THE WAY you'll notice something the company never thought about. Eeech. 
Submitted by Andyroo

Opening Changes: 
Every second time you play, the initial cut scene when Solid Snake emerges
from the water is shown from a different angle. This alternate start is
repeated back and forth with the original cut scene from the beginning onward. 
Submitted by Andyroo

Psycho Mantis Memory Reading: 
Some of Mantis' reactions depend on the save games of other Konami games you
have on your memory card. Try confronting him with a Castlevania, ISS Soccer,
Suikoden or Silent Hill save game on your memory card for startling revelations.
Submitted by Andyroo

Easier Mantis:
After Mantis reads your mind, the screen will go black for a second before the battle begins. To make the fight MUCH easier, simply plug the controller into the "controller two" slot. He won't be able to read your mind anymore and will be easier to kill.
Submitted by Andyroo

Pee on the Box!: 
Just after trekking through the Caves for the first time, and before you and Meryl enter the Underground Passage to Comm. Tower A, stand facing Meryl with the wolf dogs yapping nearby. Slap Meryl roundly in the face. Meryl whistles and the dogs attack you for such an action. However, if you place a Cardboard Box over you immediately after slapping Meryl, the wolf dog puppy investigates the box. Cocking its leg against the side of it, a stream of wolf dog urine splashes you and the box. You now smell of the wolf dogs, and the hounds now leave you alone on subsequent trips through their lair as long as you're wearing the box they peed on. Sheesh.
Submitted by Andyroo

Catching the Flu:
Sneezing every minute can attract guards. Combat this with medicine, but to achieve a sneezing fit every time, fail in Revolver's torture room and come into close contact with Sasaki in order for the cold to be transferred. It helps if you are rescued by the Ninja for maximum exposure to the Sasaki flu.

Meryl in her Undies: 
In the Women's Restroom where you meet up with Meryl prior to the Psycho Mantis confrontation, follow Meryl straight in and move up to the top stall within five seconds. Meryl will not have time to properly change, and spends the first part of the conversation without her combat pants on. Woohoo.
Submitted by Andyroo

Meryl in her Undies 2:
When you go into the duct system to save the Darpa chief, look down at Meryl and go back out of the duct system. Then, go back in the duct system and look down at her again and she will be doing sit-ups. Then, go out of the duct system again and go back in. She will be doing leg presses. Go back out of the duct system yet again and the process will repeat. Only now she will be in her panties. Was it really worth it?
Submitted by Andyroo

Shy Meryl:
When walking around with Meryl, keep staring at her in first-person mode. Meryl starts blushing, turning embarrassed and tapping her gun to her leg. Keep looking at her, and she turns more and more red, whispering embarrassed little questions. How cute.
Submitted by Andyroo

Cardboard box uses: 
Tired of those long walks between the armory and every other part of the game, well here's what to do. Once you have a cardboard box, you can ship yourself to different locations from any transport truck in the game. Just get in the truck near the edge, put on your box and wait. Eventually a guard will come by and ship you out.

Cardboard Box A: Get shipped to Heliport, works in Nuke Depot and Snowfield trucks.
Cardboard Box B: Get shipped to Nuke Depot, works in Heliport and Snowfield trucks. 
Cardboard Box C: Get shipped to Snowfield, works in Heliport and Nuke Depot trucks.
Submitted by Andyroo

Animal Rights:
Shooting crows and rats will make Roy and Naomi upset. They'll contact you through the Codec and tell you how mean you are. Hehe!
Submitted by Andyroo

Secret Ghost Pictures:
After you get the Camera, take pictures of the following locations to see hidden ghost figures of the development team. To view them, select the 'Album' option at the main menu. 
Submitted by Andyroo

1. Kojima: Otacon lab (the picture frame to the right) 
2. Matsuhana: Hallway of corpses (outside Otacons lab) 
3. Sato: Comm Tower A (roof destroyed by a Hind D missiles)
4. Nakamura: In Meryl's blood pool (where she is sniped) 
5. Shinkawa: Deep in Sniper Wolf's hallway behind the second pillar
6. Uehara: Edge of elevator (the one were the ravens are) 
7. Negishi: Sewage waterfall 
8. Mizutani: When fighting Metal Gear
9. Korekado: Men's restroom 
10. Sasaki: Picture frames in the Commanders room
11. Sonoyama: Torture machine 
12. Toyota: Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse 
13. Kozyou: Behind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon
14. Shimizu: Wolf dog cave (first crawling point) 
15. Kaneda: The mirror located in the Women's restroom
16. Fukushima: Heliport, looking out to sea from cliff 
17. Takade: Ninja room, glass edge 
18. Fujimura: Elevator, in the Comm Tower B complex
19. Shikama: Electric floor 
20. Kimura: Metal Gear underground base, tip of of Metal Gear's railgun 
21. Kobayashi: Rock in canyon 22. Okajima: Maggots of the real DARPA Chef in cell
23. Nishimura: Next to Baker's corpse 
24. Mukaide: Reflection in wolfdog cave puddle
25. Onoda: Where Baker is tied up 
26. Kitao: Decoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse
27. Yoshimura: Dead end of air duct 
28. Hirano: Elevator (Comm Twr B) deep in the shaft of top level
29. Muraoka: Water in cargo dock 
30. Ishiyama: Heliport top of building
31. Ito: Inside elevator to tank hangar 
32. Jerem Blaustein: Sniper Wolfs corpse 
33. Yoshioka: Bridge on the third floor of the blast furnace 
34. Mori: Lowest point of elevator (Comm Twr B) 
35. Kinbara: Dark area of stairs 
36. Tougo: End of boiler room (in Blast Furnace where the stem is) 
37. Makimura: Hidden armory store room (behind the weakened wall) 
38. Kutome: Observation room 
39. Tanaka: Heliport, sleeping soilder
40. Shigeno: Heliport, security camera by staircase 
41. Yamashita: Tip of nuke warhead in nuke storage room 
42. Kobayashi: Johnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief 
43. Scott Dolph: Way down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Tower A and B