Alternate title screen

After completing the game the title screen will turn blue. 

Bathroom Issues

During the scene you're listening to a converasation between Ocelot and Solidus with your Directional Mic, press left to point the mic at the bathroo. You should then hear a scene where a person is having 'issues' in the restroom.

Camera Control in Cut-Scenes 

During a cut-scene, you can press R1 to zoom in, and use the right analog stick to move the camera around.

Catching cold

If Snake spends to long in the rain, he'll become sick. This is indicated by snake sneezing. Sneezing will often risks alerting nearby guards who have a substantial hearing range (better than visual range). Rid his symptoms by using a Pentazemin.

Control Codec sequences

During the codec screeens, press the Left Analog-stick or Right Analog-stick to move the faces. Press R3 (down on on the analog sticks) or L3 (down on on the analog sticks) to zoom in. When you're using your codec to contact Otacon and/or others character in the game, press R1 or R2 to reveal Snake's opinion about those persons which often are slightly comical.

Daze the Guard

When you alert a guard, blue exclamation point will appear above the guard's head. If you shoot the blue punctuation mark, you'll knock the guard out temporarily. 

Digital Camera 

After completing the game, you can play the game over again with the same save and you'll have the Digital Camera in your inventory for both the Plant and Tanker episodes. You can then use this to take pictures and save them onto your memory card. 

Enemies run away

If you've been spotted by the enemies, sometimes you can scare your would-be attackers into running away by selecting your largest/most powerful gun.Ê 

Extreme Difficulty Mode

Beat the game once and the Extreme difficulty level will be unlocked.

Get the Wig

Complete both the Tanker and Plant episodes and get every dog tag. Then start a new game and save. You'll then have a wig in your inventory that gives you infinite ammo and allows you to not have to reload. 

Kiss a poster!?

Find the locker with a poster of a lady in a bikini. Hide in the locker, and then press R1. Snake then will make kissing sounds. 

Secret Message from Otacon

Take pictures of all the girl posters and the two locker doors that have a photo of a girl and a guy, try uploading them instead of the Metal Gear Ray. You'll get humorous responses from him.

Skip Codec calls

Press X button to stop characters from talking, amd then hold Square until the conversation is completely done

Stealth Camo

Complete the game, then start a new game. Select ''Tanker'' for the level. Get as many dog tags as possible on very easy, easy, and normal. If your total is 60 or more, when you beat the level again, you will recieve stealth camo.

Stealth Camo#2

After beating the game with 100 Dog Tags on the Plant you recieve Raiden's Stealth Camo.

Strengthen Yourself

Do 100 pull-ups while hanging from a ledge (press the R2 and L2 buttons to do a pull-up) and your grip strength meter will increase.

Waking up Soldiers

If you need to get a Dog Tag from a knocked out guard, just spray coolant on his face to wake him up and then try to hold him up.