Codes screen

highlight the "memory card" selection at the main menu press left or right.

All characters

Enter Genepoo at Codes screen

All equipment

Enter Ratpack at codes screen

unlock 3 alien characters

enter astromen at codes screen.

Play as Dominique

enter dominique at codes screen.

Play as TP

enterTP at the codes screen(has 95% in all attributes)

Play as lugnut

enter lugnut at the codes screen.

Play as Geep

enter geep at code screen (alien biker)

play as Nyub

enter nyub at codes screen (alien roller blader)

Play as Bink

enter bink at codes screen (alien skateborder)

Play as the red car

enter redline at codes screen

play as blue car

enter blueline at codes screen

Play as White car

enter whiteline at codes screen

all freestyle tracks

enter trixxy

all exhibition tracks

enter vouyeur

Play as Mummy

Enter tp at codes screen