Enter the follow as your name for a new character to activate the effect listed

CRAZY - Bonus Levels
GASAWAY - Level 99 character
ICE - Max Combo Power Ups
LOCK UP - Level Select
MESSIAH - activate all codes

99 Items
Select any character. Now battle enemies until you get to level 98. Now 
select an item and put it on the screen. Make sure it is in the middle of 
your item select screen. Now fight some more and when you hit level 99 you 
will have 99 of that item.
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Secret Items
When you fight Skorne for the first time when you defeat him you will get 
either horns or a mask and they shoot fire and one of two different gloves 
and they shoot balls of energy
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Quick Level Up
Go to the desecrated temple with a high level partner and have your partner 
make sure no one sneaks up on you or hurt you. You just keep attacking until 
you get you level three move [warrior plasma trail, etc.] and do that over 
and over and it won't take long to get to level 20 at least.