All Advances 

To get all advances go to tribe pick romans then press CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, R1, R2, L1, L2, L2, L1, R1 ,R1, R1
Submitted by MIKE BERGIN 

Money Code

After you create your first city, go to the "City" option and access it. In the city screen choose rename and enter the name of your city as shown _CasH when you enter the upper case H hold in the R1 button the same time you put it in. Instead of starting with 50, you will start out with almost 30,000 gold! 


Best Offense is a good defense or something like that

Combining a defensive and offensive unit (Example Phalanx and a Catapult, a Musketeer and a Cannon, or a Mech Infantry and Howitzer) is the best way to protect your cities. No only will you be able to defend your city, you'll be able strikeback.

Road to success

Build roads early on to boost your trade trade income. You shouldn't need to worry about irrigation much until you reach Monoarchy

Elephants Dominate

Wanna conquer the world early on? The best early on military unit is the elephanet. If you concentrate on reaching Polytheism, you may gain an early military dominance.