Secret options cheats (Must be preformed to enter cheats)

Select options at the main menu then choose secret options. Once you're at the this screen, press and hold the select button while you enter the following codes....

All Tracks Unlocked

Triangle, Circle, Circle, Traingel, Down, Up, Up, Down

Infinite Power-Ups

Circle, X, Triangle, Square, X, left, X, Square, Square, Circle, Left, Circle, Up, Triangle

Tough Guys

Suqare, X, R1, Circle, Up, Square, Down, Up, Down, X, Square

Tanks Mode

Down, Up, Square, Triangle, Circle, Trinagle, Right, Triangle

Motion Blur

Triangle, Circle, Right, Trinagle, Up, Right, Circle, Up, Square

Slow AI

Up, Left, Trinangle, Right, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Up, Triangle, Left

Ultimate AI

Circle, Up, Triangle, Circle, Left, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, X, Down