In addition to the cannon in peackeepers world...there is a rock that has a red bullseye on it. if you aim the cannon at it and blow fire on it to shoot the cannon ball it wil break it down. you can jump on it and get to the last dragon.
Submitted by Tari

also another world (sorry I can't think of the name) ugh. I think it's the one after Magic Crafters. It's the one with the fools and you see a beam that makes some of them bigger than it'll come back around and make them smaller. Well, it's a cannon. Eventually you'll get to it, it's yellow. There are two guys at these steps blocking you from getting up them. You cannot kill them. But if you get to the cannon and fire it at them it will make them small and you'll be able to kill them and get up the steps.
Submitted by Tari

Hidden Door

Go to "Magic Crafter World" and go to wizard peak. Free all dragons then go to "Artisan's World." There is a little water fall with five stones in the water. Jump on all of them in any order and a hidden door will open. Good Luck!
Submitted by Sobfish


When peacekeepers world if you breath fire on the cannons it will fire a cannonball.
submitted by Tyler and Gavin

crash bandicoot demo 

When"press start" appers at the opening screen press L1 + triangle
Submitted by Stig Strømmen

Ninety-nine lives:

while in Game play press pause, enter the " Inventory" menu, and hit square,square,square,square,square,square,circle,up,circle,left,circle,right,circle
Submitted by Stig Strømmen & Kari Harmon

FASTER Runnning

while in game play hold Run +jump.
Submitted by Stig Strømmen

Level select

Pause the game, highlight inventory and press X. Press square,square,circle,square,left,right,left,right, circle,up,right,down. If you entered the code correctly, every level in the game will appear on screen. To use the level select find Marco the Balloonist, and he'll give you access to every level in the game.