Unlock Lasers:
Complete any combination of levels in Score Attack the number of times shown to unlock the different lasers 

Laser 1: 5 times
Laser 2: 10 times
Laser 3: 15 times
Laser 4: 20 times
Laser 5: 25 times
Laser 6: 30 times 

Level Unlocks: Complete the objective shown to unlock the item listed 

Area 2: Complete Area 1
Area 3: Complete Area 2 
Area 4: Complete Area 3 
Area 5: Complete Area 1-4 with 100% Analyzation 
Score Attack Mode [Area 1]: Complete Area 1 
Score Attack Mode [Area 2] Complete Area 2 
Score Attack Mode [Area 3]: Complete Area 3 
Score Attack Mode [Area 4]: Complete Area 4 
Score Attack Mode [Area 5]: Complete Area 5 
Direct Assault [normal]: Complete Area 5 Direct Assault [normal] 
Direct Assault [punk]: Complete Direct Assault [ambient] 
Direct Assault [ambient]: Complete Direct Assault [normal] 
Trancemission: Get a #1 ranking in the Lost Area level 

Boss Rush mode:
Get a 95% in Areas 1-5

Immortality mode: 
Beat the Direct Assault - Trance option in the beyond mode men

Lost Area:
Complete Area 5 in the default game or accumulate five hours of gameplay

Bonus Score attack Areas:
In the defualt game, various areas will become unlocked for score attack mode, after they are completed

Near View:
Achieve at least two first place rankings in score attack mode

Far View:
Achieve at least four first palce rankings in score attack mode

Dynamic View:
achieve five first palce rankings in score attack mode 

Zero Form and Second Form player skin: 
Get 100% in any one area... or complete a total of 5 hours of gameplay

Third Form player skin: 
Get 100% in any two areas... or complete a total of 6 hours of gameplay 

Fourth Form player skin: 
Get 100% in any three areas... or complete a total of 7 hours of gameplay 

Fifth Form player skin: 
Get 100% in any four areas... or complete a total of 8 hours of gameplay 

Final Form player skin: 
Get 100% in any five areas... or complete a total of 9 hours of gameplay 

Morolien player skin: 
Get 100% in all areas... or complete a total of 10 hours of gameplay 

Over Drive Infinity:
Achieve a 1st place Boss Rush mode.

First Person View: Get first place in five Areas in Score Attack Mode.