World Games FAQ V1.0
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Here we have a mild request for a guide (at the time) on GameFAQs and one
person, in a FAQ slump, who is willing to produce it. Why am I doing this? 
Probably because I'm on vacation now and there is nothing better that I 
could be doing... or at least I think that there is nothing better to do... 
Here is my service to the NES community. With not a Instruction manual in 
sight, I have labored to create the World Games FAQ.

If you were like me, you probably picked this up at a tag sale or some other
place without a single hint on how to work the game. Fear not!! this guide 
will outline it!!

Tired of looking at this? I thought so. Here goes...

Table of Contents

1) Quick Intro
2) Weight Lifting
3) Barrel Jumping
4) Cliff Diving
5) Slalom Skiing
6) Log Rolling
7) Bull Riding
8) Caber Toss
9) Sumo Wrestling
10) Copyright Info
11) Contact BPZ
12) Thank Yous

1) Quick Intro

World Games is the predecessor of California Games.  I do admit that it is 
not as good as California Games, but it, nonetheless, comes from Milton 
Bradley. These are the people who brought us Marble Madness and Captain 

To start off...you are an athlete who needs to pick out a name and a country
 that you need to serve. You can Pick USA, CAN., USSR, JPN., GB, or FRA. 
Well... I looked on a map and could not find CAN., JPN., GB, or FRA. so I'll
 assume that by the nifty flags that the countries are Canada, Japan, Great 
Britain, and France...

That was a joke you're supposed to laugh...

uhhh...where was I...oh yes...

After picking a country you register your four-letter name and you are off 
to separate events. (Read the Snippets before the game, they are almost 

2) Weight Lifting
You have 3 chances to lift the weight.

This event has two varieties that have a few slight difference to them. 

SNATCH- Press DOWN to grab the bar, UP to lift, quickly press DOWN to drop 
under the bar, then press UP to lift that heavy thing. Watch your face 
change colors and then drop the bar with DOWN to get some magnificent 

To recap:
DOWN, UP, quick DOWN, UP, wait for a few seconds, DOWN 

CLEAN & JERK- Slightly Harder than the snatch method. Press down to get the
bar, up to lift, down to drop under the bar, up to stand up, down to raise 
the bar, press up and hold it for a second, then press down to drop it

To recap:
DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, wait for a few seconds, DOWN 

There isn't much of a difference in the directions but, there are individual
 timings that you must hit in order to lift the bar. I can't really explain 
them in the FAQ but, when you play the game you will understand. BTW if you 
don't follow these directions exactly you will fail.

The more weight that is put onto the bar the more exacting the timing will 
have to be. 

3) Barrel Jumping
You have 3 chances to jump.

Adjust the barrel amount from 1-19 and get jumping.

How do you jump you ask?

Simple Really.

First you have to press LEFT and RIGHT on the control pad alternating really
 fast. The faster the better. Then you press A to start the jump You need 
to jump before you hit the barrels but not too late because you'll end up 
crashing. If you jump early, you won't make it past all of the barrels. 
After you jump, you MUST press DOWN on the control pad to have a smooth 

That was easy wasn't it?

4) Cliff Diving
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!...oh...sorry...getting in to the game...that's 

Cliff Diving, do not try this at home....

You have 3 dives.

There are five position that you can jump from. I assume that the higher you
are the more points you get.

Press A to jump and press down to straighten out. When you reach the bottom 
press LEFT to avoind hitting you head on the bottom.

Simple right? Wrong...

When you jump off the cliff there is no way to go out of a straighten. When 
you are not straightened out you drift to the left, after you straighten, 
you drift to the right. There is a slight out cropping at the bottom of the 
cliff they you will hit if you don't drift to the right a little bit. I you 
don't straighten out or hit the cliff/bottom, you fail. 

Remember to hit LEFT when you land in the water!!
5) Slalom Skiing
Ugh! In my opinion, this event is nearly impossible to do perfectly. 

You have three attempts to get through the course.

You need to press LEFT or RIGHT to turn and skiing physics are applied to 
the game. In other words, if your skis go horizontal you will slow down or 
stop. If you hit a slalom pole, snow bank, or the wall, you fail the event. 
(Note: it is extremely hard NOT to hit the wall, bank, or poles on the 
slope, so don't get discouraged) 

The slalom gates go in this pattern:

1) Far Right
2) Far Left
3) Slightly to the right of 2
4) Slightly to the right of 3
5) Far Left
6) Far Right
7) Vertical
8) Vertical slightly left of 7   
9) Center, quite a thin opening
10) Right
11) Left
12) Slightly to the left of 11 
13) Slightly to the left of 12
14) Right
15) Vertical 
16) Vertical slightly right of 15
17) Entire left half of open course

If you get this perfectly, more power to you, because I can't do it either!

6) Log Rolling
You have 3 attempts to knock the opponent off.

To succeed you must hit LEFT and RIGHT alternatively, and quickly to balance

If you fail, you fall in and a suspicious dorsal fin circles you. (JAWS?)

7) Bull Riding

You have 3 attempts, as always...
To ride the bull you must push the corresponding control direction in which 
the bull is facing. If he is facing left, hit LEFT. If he is facing right, 
hit RIGHT. If the bull spins push DOWN. If you fall of, you fail. 

Stay on for eight seconds or you'll get a nasty prick in the behind.

8) Caber Toss (Tree Throw)
3 chances...yadda yadda yadda

To start, you must push RIGHT to take a step. Then you push and hold A to 
bend down. Then, release A to throw the tree. You must flip the tree 
completely around for it to count. If you don't do it, you fail...

To get the perfect throw, think of a clock. It's 12:07 PM on that clock. The
caber starts at 12 and you must throw it at about the 7 minute mark.

If you are too late, the caber falls on you foot. If you throw too soon the 
caber oh-so-humorously hammers you into the ground.

9) Sumo Wrestling
[Insert 3 chances here]

After a ceremonial ritual you are thrown headfirst into the melee.

LEFT or RIGHT: move
UP: smack opponent
HOLD A: grab and hold belt

While holding belt

There are a few ways to win. You could force your opponent out of the ring 
by moving, but this is very hard. if you trip or throw your opponent then 
you automatically win. If your opponent does any of these moves to you then 
smack him to make him lose his grip.

If your score is lower than your opponent then you fail. 

10) Copyright Info

This thing is (c) 2002 Bill Pzedpelski. You want to print it out to use it 
with the game...fine. I wrote this thing so don't sell it for $$$. I 
prohibit anyone to use this on his or her website with out the digitally 
written consent of the author. That digitally written consent can only be 
administered through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you want to use it feel 
free to ask me. If you don't ask before using this then don't expect me to 
give my consent for you to use this.

11) Contact BPZ

I run a NES website located at:




I like visitors at my website, feel free to go and visit.

If you want to e-mail me to inform me of a mistake or you want to use this 
FAQ, I can be reached at 

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12) Thank Yous

I'd like to thank the NES for, well, being there and I'd like to thank the 
GameFAQs request system for inspiring me to do this. 

THE END...or is it?