			          Commodore 64
			       Written by KindarSpirit

FAQ created on 4.19.01, last updated 4.19.01

* This FAQ is free to use on any site,    *
* just please don't alter it. =)          *

				  -+ Contents +-
	   			  1. Story
		 		  2. Controls
				  3. Batteries and Repair
				  4. Characters
				  5. Getting People to Dance
				  6. Getting the Tapes
			          7. Map for Ghettoblaster
				  8. The Ending
				  9. Closing

1. Story

At last Rockin' Rodney's big break. He's finally got a job as a messenger for a record
company. He has to deliver ten demo tapes to interdisc's head office on Funky Street before
the end of the day. It's also part of Rockin' Rodney's job to turn the locals on to the
sounds and get them dancing as he finds his way through Funky Town. His Ghettoblaster is a
prototype of the ultimate in powerful playback. Each note is so beautifully reproduced
that most people fall into a Dance Trance as soon as they hear it. If Rockin' Rodney takes
too long to do his job, Interdisc will keep him on his toes by telling him to make
even more people dance.

There's plenty going on in Funky Town to divert a boy, not to mention some pretty mean
characters to avoid. He must be careful not to get too carried away making pedestrians
strut their stuff or he could get lost downtown. All this and keep on the right side of
the law.

At the costs he must find those tapes, get the town groovin' and deliver to Interdisc
before the rev counter on his Ghettoblaster reaches 999. The future of music is at stake!

2. Controls

Joystick in Port two only.

Rockin' Rodney can walk and shoot the notes in horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions.

Position Rockin' Rodney in front of the a door and push the joystick up to enter a house,
push down to exit.

Action                   What It Does
------                   ------------
F1                       Turn up the volume
F3		         Turn down volume.
F5		         Turn on Ghettoblaster
F7			 Turn off Ghettoblaster
<-			 Change color of Rockin' Rodney
Q			 Quit current game
SPACE                    Pause game

3. Batteries and Repair

You will start with no batteries, but just go south of where you stand for a Electrical Supply.
When you use your Ghettoblaster and have the volume up too high, it will drain your battery.
You can keep it low, and people will still dance. It doesn't matter how high the volume is.

Repair is only necessary when, erm, interesting people do pretty mean things to your jam box.
Repair doesn't cost anything - except time!

4. Characters

The characters in this game, are very diverse and very interesting. As you play the game, you'll easily
be able to point them out as they come along.... sometimes.

Tone Deaf Walkers
You'll probably see these guys first. They wear a black and white striped shirt, They don't like tone,
and they will destroy your blaster! They run VERY fast and it can be hard loose them. If you go south
of the screen (cross the street) they cannot follow you this way. If a tone deaf walker does strike you (and they will!) Just run over to the repair shop.

Psycho Killer
The Psycho Killer is not cool, and he's one of the three characters that can kill you in this game. He's
got some problem or another with you, maybe he's a rival, but whatever it is he is stalking you to
find you and kill you. To look for him, he's wearing white pants and a black shirt with big hair.
They way I find it easy to remember, is he looks like Robert Smith from The Cure!

These fat police don't seem to care about the psycho killers and lunatics running amok about this town,
but they care about the volume on your Ghettoblaster. Have it too loud, they'll run over and turn it
down for you. Shoot music at them, same thing.

Bandit of the Beat
A rival of you and your company, who will try and intercept you delivering the tapes... by stealing them! All that
hard work finding them down the drain. Has brown hair, black cap and wears all black.

Gangster of Groove
Yet another rival, who will steal your tapes. Has blonde hair and wears all black.

Pusher Man
He's a big guy with a blonde beard, who wears a black hat with wings, and dressed in all black. He runs VERY fast
so you'll have to loose him fast, as he won't give up on your tail quite easy. He's a pusher, well... pushing drugs.
Let him touch you and your dead. Like it says in the game... sniffing up the white lines.

Jolly Green Giant
Near your last tape delivery, you will have to go in the Moonlight Drive park and collect the tape. However, there
are many, many guys called the Jolly Green Giants who will kill you if you touch them. They are only in the park,
and hard to avoid as there are usually 10-20 of them floating around.

When you see these guy, you'll know. He's a flashing outline of a person, with no features. He's the most
dreaded, because he'll steal your tape and send you to a location very far from your current one, screwing
up all your progress. The problem is, in the later parts of the game, he's everywhere, and very, very fast.

Jumpin' Jack Flash
Well, all those bad people, there is actually one person very helpful to you. His name is Jumpin' Jack Flash and he'll
get you on the right track. He wears a black hat, and a black and white striped shirt that flashes. Touch him, and he'll
teleport you to Interdisc, or a location of a tape! "Jumpin' Jack Flash it's a gas, gas, gas!"

5. Getting People to Dance

It's not very hard getting the people to dance, it's just those annoying gusy running around trying to foil you.
You'll have a requirement of people that need to dance at the top of the screen, and people who are dancing.


Try and stay near Interdisc! People will come by eventually, shoot them and when you have enough, run into Interdisc.
Eventually, you will seem to run out of people, and you'll have to go hunting for them.

If you shoot more people then you need to, you'll always have to do a few more then the last number you got, even if
you exceed the minimum.

If you are looking for a challenge and want to get people dancing, go to the New Inn when they need a DJ and you'll
get like 15 to even 20 people dancing at once.

Keep an eye on those batteries! If they die, the Ghettoblaster dies, the tape doesn't play, and all those people
you got dancing won't be dancing anymore.

6. Getting the Tapes

The hardest part, is finding the tapes. They could be anywhere, and everytime the game is started, it randomly generates
where they will be placed! Just look for blinking doors, and enter to recieve the tape. Run into Jumpin' Jack Flash
to get a little close in the right place.

Some alleys lead nowhere, while some will take you to places you can't get to normally. Travel and far and wide if you
have to, but always remember how you got there. It can be hard to find your way back.

7. Map for Ghettoblaster

Here is the map, as best as I could draw it, for Ghettoblaster, thanks to the Remember 64 map.

----------            ------1-------
|         |-----2-----|		   |
3         |	      |		   |
|         |	      |	    5	   |
|----4----| 	      |		   |
|	  |	  ----|-----6------|----
|	  |	  |   |		   A   B
|	  |	  8   9		 D-|   |
|	  |       |   |		   |   |
|----7----|       |---|--------E---|----
|	  |           |		   |
|	  |           |		   |
C	  C           |-----F-------
|	  |                    |
|     |---|----H------K---I----G-------------
|     J	  |	      |			   |
|     |	  |	      |			   L
|     --M-|-----N-------------O-------------
|	  |


1 = Moonlit Drive     A = Pleasant Street       J = Cypress Avenue
2 = Ain't No Way      B = Positively Fourth     K = Holdme Close
3 = Desolation Row    C = Electric Avenue       L = Blackberry Way
4 = The Walk          D = Stoney End            M = McArthur Park
5 = Itchycoo Park     E = Sunny Goodge Street   N = Quiet Place East
6 = Baker Street      F = Tobacco Road          O = Blueberry Hill
7 = Gasoline Alley    G = My Way                P = Route Sixty Six
8 = Love Street       H = Quiet Place West
9 = Funky Street      I = Strawberry Fields

8. The Ending

If you have beat the game, it's a bit disapointing, but the game makes up for it by just
being so cool. The scrolling text goes by saying:

"Hey Wow, you've actually done it... you now join the ultra select
band of blaster masters."

Then it goes back to the title screen... so you can go through all
that hard work again hehe.

9. Closing

While many won't the patience for this game, I must say I thourougly
enjoyed it and wanted to write an FAQ for it, because I remember
being a bit confused when I first played it.

Any questions, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

My Kirby website:

Special Thanks: Dave Stockton
...and you!

Thanks for reading!

Bye bye!!

------------- EOF ------------