UHS Hints file 
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From: Little Beth

I recomend saving often during this game, so if you
mess up you don't have to start from the beginning. 
and trust me, it's easy to mess up, one wrong move and
you might not be able to win.(s=south, n=north,
e=east, w=west, d=down, u=up, things in "" are direct
comands, that what you have to type in)

s,e,open window,enter house,w,take lamp, move rug,
open trap door, turn on lamp(this is important),
d,s,e,get painting,n,u,u,get knifeand rope, d,w,open
case, put painting in case, drop knife(important for
later),get sword, open trap door,d,n,"kill troll with
sword" until he's dead,drop sword,e,e,se,e,"tie rope
to railing", d,s,e,take coffin,w,s,"pray",turn opff
lamp, s,n,e,d,n,drop coffin, open coffin, get sceptre,
wave sceptre, look, get gold and coffin,
sw,u,nw,w,in,open bad, get garlic,w,put coffin,
sceptre and gold in case, open trap door, turn on
lamp, d,n,e,n,ne,e,n,get matches, n,get wrench and
screwdriver, push yelow button(and only yellow
button), s,s,turn bolt with wrench, s,d,w,se,e,d,get
torch,turn off lamp, s, get bell, book,and candels,
d(till you gt to the gates of hell), ring bell, light
match, light candels with match, read book, drop book,
s, get skull, n,u,n,put out candels, rub mirror,
n,w,n,w,n,e,put torch and srewdriver in basket, turn
on lamp, (i recomend saveing now, the maze is a pain
if you get lost), n,d,e,ne,se,sw,d,d,(you should be at
the latter bottom), s,get coal, n,u,u,n,e,s,n,u,s,put
coal in bucket, lower bucket,
n,d,e,ne,se,sw,d,d,w,drop all, go thourgh crack, get
coal, screwdriverand torch, s,open lid,put coal into
machine, close lid, turn switch with screwdriver, open
lid, get diamond, drop screwdriver, n,put torch and
diamond in basket, e,get skull lamp and
garlic,e,n,u,n,e,s,n,u,s(should be in gas room), get
bracelet, u,s,raise bucket, get torch and diamond,
turn off lamp, w,get jade, s,e,s,go slide, u,put
diamond, jade, bracelet, and torch in case, drop
garlic, turn on lamp, n,e,n,ne,n,get trunk, n,get
airpump, n,get trident, s,e,e,"inflate bnoat with
pump", get in boat, say launch, (save now!!!), "wai"t
until you see buoy, get bouy, e,get out of boat, get
shovel, ne, (save, trust me) "dig with shovel" until
scarab appears, drop shovel, get scarab, sw, drop
bouy, open bouy, get emerald, s, cross rainbow, turn
off lamp, sw,u,nw,w,go to living room, put emerald,
scarab, chest and trident in case, e,e,n,n,u,get
egg,d,s,e,go back to living room, turn on lamp,
d,n,(save there's another maze.), w,s,u,take coins and
key, sw,e,s,se,"odysseus", u, give egg to thief,
d,e,put coins in case, get knife (important!!!),w, u,
"kill thief with knife" until he's dead, get all,
d,nw,s,u,d,ne,unlock grate, open grate, u,s,u,"wind up
canary", d,get bauble, go to living room, remove
canary from egg, put egg, canary, bauble and stilletto
in case, d,n,e,until you're in the loud room, "echo",
get bar, w, s, u, put all but lamp in case, you should
get a message, follow adise of the message, and you
should get a map, take map, go to mail box, and from
there you should have no trouble geting to the barrow.
the end.