Cheat mode:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 34413,234
POKE 34414,234
POKE 34420,234
POKE 34421,234
SYS 20992

Complete walkthrough for the C64 version 

YOUR MISSION: Find the Book of Light and use its powers to rescue 
Segar the Kind Wizard.


Part I - The Finding of the Book of Light.

1. Get the Scroll.
2. Get the Crown. It's near the starting point, on the lintel of a 
big doorway. You must pile some objects to reach it. A barrel and two 
plants will work perfectly.
3. Leave the castle via the back door. Cross the bridge, trying to 
avoid the evil monk. You can freeze this enemy by using an hourglass; 
there are four of them inside the castle.
4. Go to the caverns and search for the secret door. When you find 
it, the word LOCKED will appear on the screen. Select the Crown (it 
works as a key), unlock the door and enter the tomb.
5. Don't pay attention to the book on the floor: it's a fake Book of 
Light to fool you! Jump on the table and push the corpse till it 
falls to the floor. Jump again to push the right board on the surface 
of the table; it will discover a hole. Let yourself fall into the 
6. Get the real Book of Light and use the Scroll. You will be 
transported to a room near the starting point.

Part II - The Rescue of Segar the (kind?) Wizard.

1. Get the Cross. It's in the Throne Room; to find it, you must push 
one of the panels on the left side of the throne platform, and search 
in the resultant space- Beware the monk! (Note: There's another cross 
somewhere in the castle, but it's perfectly useless: don't bother 
trying to get it).
2. Get the Three Potions. The first potion is near the Throne Room, 
hidden under a table in the room of the two whirlwinds. Push small 
objects from one end of the table till the potion emerges by the 
other. The second potion is on a sort of altar guarded by a monk, at 
a room near the stairs of the troll. You must pile some objects to 
reach it. The third potion is in a secret room near one of the three 
main corridors of the castle. It's hidden behind two barrels. You 
need only two potions to complete the game. If you get the three 
potions, you can use one of them to restore your Life Force.
3. Go to the garden and get a key that's guarded by a soldier; then 
use it to open the locked door at the same screen. You will find a 
monk upstairs, blocking another door. 
4. Drop the Cross -or a potion- in front of the monk, and push it 
towards him. The monk will disappear, so you can enter the next room.
5. Kill the other two monks by doing the same. [WARNING: This is what 
you have to do, but in my version of Fairlight the potions don't kill 
these monks, and therefore you can't complete the game. I don't know 
whether this is the result of a faulty copy or a serious bug in the 
original code of the C64 conversion. If you have the same problem, 
then you should play, as I did, the Spectrum original version by Bo 
6. Pile some objects to reach the trap door at the ceiling. It will 
be LOCKED. To unlock it, select the Book of Light (it works as a key).
7. This is the critical moment. You are now in the prison of the 
wizard; he's the frozen guy against the wall. In order to release the 
prisoner you just have to drop the book. Before doing this, you 
should get the key on the table and stand near the trap door.
8. Drop the book. The kind wizard will be free, and he will try to 
kill you! Run like hell to the trap door. You will fall into the room 
beneath. (Note: When the wizard is released he becomes an 'evil 
monk'. Therefore, you can kill him by using a potion or the Cross -if 
you still have one of these objects-. This is not necessary, though: 
all you have to do after dropping the book is leaving the room via 
the trap door.) 

Part III - Escape from the Castle.
1. Take the Crown where you left it and go to the exit door. This 
door is at the courtyard, near the starting point. It has been locked 
all along the game, but now you have the key! Unlock it and leave the 
castle carrying the Crown. 
2. Well done! You have completed the Prelude. But remember: The Quest 
continues-- [Note: There's no C64 version of Fairlight II- A Trail of 
Darkness. That game was first released for the Spectrum, and there's 
also an Amstrad conversion.]

 Some final remarks:

- The secret door that leads to the Book of Light is at the caverns. 
You must find a room with a lonely road flanked by a wall. Examine 
the wall till you find the door.
- Don't forget to carry the Crown at the end of the game.
- Good Luck!

Piti wrote this solution during a dark and stormy day in the spring 
of 2000.