Unlimited lives:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 21224,208
POKE 21250,240
POKE 21290,234
POKE 21291,234
POKE 2,54
SYS 16384 
Unlimited energy:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 17274,169
POKE 17275,0
POKE 17276,236
SYS 16384


Myrtle the Mermaid had never been able to get on with the boys too well, and at the age of 110 
she was beginning to think that she would be left on the shelf until one fateful day she met the man of her dreams. 
Unfortunately Careless Colin didn't think that she was the girl of his dreams and promptly dived into a wetsuit 
and jumped off the end of Wumptyland Pier. Colin certainly lived up to his nickname because he had forgotten 
to take a spare Oxygen cylinder in his haste to escape from her clutches and soon found himself trapped 
in the wreck of a sunken liner. But Myrtle wasn't going to give in that easily and set about saving her reluctant Toy-Boy. 
Help her get her man by keeping her strength up by drinking bottles of stout at every opportunity. 
Help her to collect the items she needs to save her dreamboy.

Joystick in port two only.
UP = Swim Up
DOWN = Swim Down
LEFT = Swim Left
RIGHT = Swim Right
FIRE  = Collect or Drop Objects, Drink Bottles of Stout
Diagonal moves are possible, too.

SPACE = Toggle Music & Sound FX on/off.

Swim Myrtle down to rescue Colin and avoid the sea creatures that attack if you touch them. 
You will need to drink bottles of stout to keep up your energy. 
The top of the screen shows a number of readings that will help you in your rescue bid. 
The SCORE and HIGH SCORE show how you are progressing and beneath this reading there is the object you maybe carrying listed. 
COLIN'S AIR BOTTLES show how much time you have. He must be rescued before the needle reaches the red zone. 
MYRTLE'S HEART beats faster the closer she comes to Colin and the BOTTLE OF STOUT shows how much energy she has left.

MERMAID MADNESS - solution (map is needed)
Get the Map at http://pc-dome.com/mbrunner/c64/mermaid_madness/mermaid_map.jpg

1) Swim to A4, pick up ANKH2, drop it in B5.
2) Take LANTERN from B4, drop it in C5.
3) Pick up D/MITE2 in D1, drop it as close as possible to the barrier in C5.
4) Escape quickly to B5.
5) After explosion, pick up ANKH2 and drop it in C7.
6) Swim to D8, take D/MITE3.
7) Blow off the barrier in C1. You can hide from the blast in D1.
8) Take SALT from B1 and drop it into an oyster in D7.
9) Take ANKH2 from C7 and drop it into an oyster.
10) Now you can pick up the pearl. Drop it into an oyster in B5.
11) After awhile, you'll be able to pick up D/MITE1.
12) Blow off the barrier in D5, pick up the drill and put it down in D3.
13) Take the tyre from C3 and put it onto electric fish in D3.
14) Pick up the drill and swim to the left.
15) Drop the drill and it will free the Careless Colin.

MERMAID MADNESS - invincibility pokes

Load the game, start it, perform a soft reset (Alt+R under CCS64) as soon as title screen appears (or any moment later). 
Enter the following commands:
POKE 21244,208
POKE 21250,240
POKE 21290,234
POKE 21291,234
POKE 2,54
SYS 16384

Map, solution & pokes taken from Polish "Top Secret" game magazine issue 2/90, published by Lukasz Czekajewski, 
Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz & Waldemar Nowak '90
Manual extracted from Remember version, map scanned, pokes tested & solution translated by Smalltown Boy