Hint: Commanding people
Use the Wand Of Command. 

Hint: Fixing the elevator:
Give Mjolnir to Thor and he will fix the elevator. 

Hint: Summoning a wanted person:
Blow the Elf Horn to summon a wanted person. 

Hint: Getting energy:
Give the empty bottle to Florin, then take it back. 

Unlimited strength:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 6145,173


Get the glowing bottle from the L-Shaped Room, go to the Roof
Garden, and get the wand of command (it's in the room at the
extreme light). Also get the bottle of liquid. Go to the second
floor, and get the elf horn from Samsun, and Miolnir from Elrand.

Summon Thor and Florin (you may have to go back and wake him up)
to the lift. Give Miolnir to Thor, and command him to help. He'll
fix the lift. Give the bottle of liquid to Florin. Command him
and Thor to sleep. When your energy is getting low, simply take
the bottle of liquid from Florin and hand it back. This will
replenish your strength.

Move to the ground floor, then stand on the pool of liquid. Cast
Armouris Photonicus. You can now drop the glowing bottle and free
Banshee. Take the shield and the candle (from the 3rd floor) and
go to the first room in the Roof Garden - the room with the four
leaf clover. Cast Candellium Illuminatum (make sure you have the
shield!). You'll need the candle if you're to read the ancient

Get the red herring from the third floor, and the power-pong
plant from the basement. You can now cast Fumaticus Protectium
- and be able to pass through the gas room on the 1st floor. Get
the trumpet, and give it to Elrand.

Go to the Tower (4th floor) and summon Thor. Command him to help.
His thunderbolt will weaken the wall on the 2nd floor. Go to the
wall on the 2nd floor, summon Elrand, and command him to help.
He'll blow the wall down with his trumpet. Take the two pieces
of brickwork left over from this, and use them to build a way to
get over the Tower (4th floor). Get the javelin from the 4th
floor, and give it to Samsum.

Summon Rosmar to the Secret Tunnel Entrance, give her the pocket
laser, and ask her to help. This will open up the tunnel. Go
through as far as the Pit. Summon Samsun and ask him to help.
He'll throw his platform into the middle of the pit, enabling
Magic Knight to get across. (To make things slightly easier, the
pieces of brickwork can also be used here - but first get both
coloured crystals from the 4th floor).

The broken talisman can be fixed by giving it and the tube of
glue to Florin, and commanding him to help. You can now cast
Project Physical Body by holding the talisman and the crystal

The idea now is to keep the various characters well-fed, happy,
and to make sure they have plenty of sleep (don't worry about
Banshee). Do this until you have 36 hours left on the clock
(Crystallium Spectralis only works with 36 hours or less to go).
Now go to the Most Magic Room. Hold the white gold ring. Summon
Orik the Clerik, and give him the crystal ball and the book of
Shadows. Cast Crystallium Spectralis, then throw the three
coloured crystals at Gimbal. He'll now be free.

Cast the Release Spell by holding the white gold ring and the
magic talisman. Now go to the last room on the second floor (that
is. the room furthest to the right).

Working your way from right to left along the second floor, blow
the elf-horn and summon the characters in the order you see them
in their portraits.  Once you've summoned the last character
(Gimbal) you'll have successfully sent all the characters home,
and hence completed the game.