Cheat mode:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 46687,76
POKE 46688,105
POKE 46689,182
POKE 46690,234
SYS 2067 
No opponents:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 46687,76
POKE 46688,105
POKE 46689,182
FOR A = 8296 TO 11711:POKE A,0:NEXT
SYS 2067 
Unlimited lives (alternate):
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 37246,173
SYS 2076 
Unlimited lives (alternate):
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 36637,205
SYS 2076 
Unlimited lives (alternate):
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 38274,8
POKE 32246,173
SYS 2076