Cheat mode:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 30748,169
POKE 30749,0
POKE 30750,234
POKE 30763,169
POKE 30764,0
POKE 30765,234 
Cheat mode (alternate):
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 26831,169 
No opponents:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 27028,0
POKE 31005,12
POKE 21006,221 
No opponents (alternate):
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 31020,12
POKE 31021,221
POKE 31484,12
POKE 31485,221

Impossible Mission I
(these are 2 types of solutions)

*  Walkthrough  *

A solution to Impossible Mission I. Impossible you think?
Actually it's not that difficult.

First you have to download the game from this page:

Why from this page? Well, every time you start this game,
it starts at excactly the same position. That makes writing
a solution a lot easier. If you can't find it, please don't 
hesitate to mail me. My address is:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Also, if you beat one of the scores at the end of the solution,
or if you have any suggestions, let me know.

The solution comes in three parts :

- A discription of all the rooms in the game

- A walkthrough

- How to solve the puzzle

Rooms from top to bottom and from left to right

Room 1-1 

If you enter and stay to long in this room you die. There's
nothing of any interest in this room so skip it.

Room 1-2

The first keyboard room. If you need a lift reset or a snooze,
give it a try otherwise skip it.

Room 2-1

The chair gives you your first piece of the puzzle

Room 2-2

Top right corner of this room contains a piece of the puzzle. 

Room 2-3

Get the two pieces in this room from the middle and top right 
piece of furniture.

Room 3-1

Get the pieces from the bottom right and the top right.

Room 3-2

Top left holds piece of the puzzle. Middle right (2x) hold 
pieces of the puzzle.

Room 3-3

Bottom left holds a piece of the puzzle.

Room 3-4

Top left piece of furniture holds a lift reset.
Bottom left holds a snooze.

Room 4-1

Piece in the bottom right. A snooze can be found in the top right.

Room 4-2

Nothing of any interest in this room.

Room 4-3

The top right one holds a lift reset. THe right one in the top middle
row has a puzzle piece. The left one in the lower middle row has a
puzzle piece.

Room 5-1

Elvin's room. Except from the window to elvin's lab, nothing.

Room 5-2

The seond keyboard room (see 1-2).

Room 5-3

Bottom right has a piece of the puzzle. 
The top row : right one has a puzzle piece, middle right one 
a lift reset, and the left one a puzzle piece.

Room 5-4

Right one has a lift reset.

Room 6-1

Only the top left has a puzzle piece.

Room 6-2

Top left has a lift reset. Bottom left has a piece of the puzzle.
Bottom right has snooze. Middle right has a puzzle piece. 

Room 6-3

Top right has a puzzle piece.

Room 6-4

Middle one has a lift reset.

Room 6-5

Left one has a lift reset, right one has a snooze.

Room 6-6 

Lower middle row : left one has a snooze, right one has a
puzzle piece. Bottom one has a puzzle piece.

Room 7-1

Top one has a piece of the puzzle. Bottom one has a piece of the 
puzzle. Middle one has a lift reset.

Room 7-2

Top left one has a piece of the puzzle. Top middle one has a 
puzzle piece.

Room 7-3

Top has a puzzle piece. Middle one has a puzzle piece.
Bottom has a puzzle piece.

Room 7-4

Bottom right has a lift reset. Middle right has a snooze.

Room 7-5

Nothing of any interest in this room.

Room 7-6

Middle left has a puzzle piece. Middle right has a snooze 
(the small one). Bottom right (big one) has a snooze.

Room 8-1

Middle right one has a puzzle piece. Middle left has a snooze. 
Bottom right has a puzzle piece.

Room 8-2

Nothing of any interest in this room.

Room 8-3

Top right has a puzzle piece. Top left has a puzzle piece. 
Middle right has a puzzle piece.

Room 9-1

Upper middle row : left one has a puzzle piece.

Do the rooms in this order : 


Ok, here's what you do :

Room 2-1
Go down and enter the room on the right, go up with the elevator,
wait for the left robot to move again, jump left and jump again, 
up with the elevator, stand on the edge of the elevator and walk 
to the right. Jump over the robot and jump again. Jump again, go 
up with the elevator. Search the chair to find a piece of the 
puzzle. Go down with the elevator and jump to the left, leave the 
room to the left.

Room 2-2
Go down (2x) with the elevator and enter the room to the right. 
Go right, stand just at the end of the beam of the first 
robot. The robot above you keeps turning around. Wait for the 
robot to turn to the right, immediately step onto the elevator 
go up and up (2x) with the elevator next to it. Wait for the 
beam and jump twice to the right. Find the next piece of the 
puzzle. Turn around, wait for the beam and jump. Leave the 

Room 2-3
Go down with the elevator and enter the room to the right.
Wait for the robot to turn around go up, wait for the beam from
the robot above it, jump, up, wait for the beam, jump, 
go up (2x) find a piece of the puzzle, go up and find another
piece, go down (5x) and leave the room to the right.

Room 3-2
Go up and enter the room to the right. Fall down and go up with 
the left elevator. Stand on the left edge of the elevator and 
jump (you should jump to the row with the first robot). Search 
the left piece of furniture to find a puzzle piece. Go down to 
the right, search the right piece of furniture and the one next 
to it to find pieces of the puzzle. Go up jump over the robot 
and fall down. Go up with the elevator and leave the room to 
the right.

Room 3-3
Go down and enter room on the left. Wait for the ball. Just 
walk to the left and keep walking left untill you reach the 
bottom of the room. Search to find a puzzle piece. Stand on 
the left edge turn around and jump, walk a bit to the left 
turn around and jump. Wait for the ball and jump twice. Turn 
around wait for the ball and jump, turn around and jump, leave 
the room. 

Room 3-4
Go down with the elevator. Enter the room to the left. Stand
just left from the computer and jump. You should land on the 
row with the first robot, jump over the robot and search the 
furniture for a lift reset. Fall down to the left, jump over 
the robot and go all the way to the right. Turn around and 
wait for the robot. When the robot is almost at the end and is 
ready to throw its beam, jump over the robot and search the 
furniture to find a snooze. Go up (3x) and leave the room.

Room 4-3
Go down with the elevator and enter the room on the right. Go up 
and search the left piece of furniture to find a puzzle piece, 
jump over the robot, step onto the elevator. Wait for the robot
above you to turn to the left, immediately go up and search the 
right piece of furniture to find a puzzle piece, jump over the
robot and walk to the left jump onto the elevator. Go up, wait 
for the beam and jump over the robot. Search the right furniture 
for a lift reset. Go right onto the elevator. Down, run left,
jump over the robot. Down (2x) and leave the room.

Room 3-1
Go up (4x) and enter the left room. Enter the computer and use a 
snooze. Walk to the left, jump, turn around jump and jump again.
Search the furniture for a puzzle piece. Turn around, jump, turn 
around and jump. Walk to the right and search the right piece of 
furniture to find a puzzle piece. Walk to the left, fall down, 
walk to the right and fall down. Leave the room.

Room 4-1
Walk to the right into the next room. When you enter the room 
just keep walking to the right and jump over the robot, search 
the furniture for a piece of the puzzle. Walk left, jump over 
the robot go up, left and up again. Go right and up again. Wait
for the robot, jump, walk all the way to the left, turn around, 
wait for the robot, jump, walk to the right and search the right 
piece of furniture to find a snooze. Leave the room to the right.

Room 5-4
Go down (3x) and enter the room on the right. Go up, to the right, 
jump over the robot, up and search the right piece of furniture 
to find a lift reset. To the right and up. Leave the room to the

Room 6-6
Go right and enter the next room. Go all the way to the right, 
fall down, up, all the way to the left, down (2x), search the left
piece of furniture to find a snooze, the right one has a puzzle 
piece. Jump over the robot, go right, down, wait for the robot 
to go left. When the robot turns around jump over the robot and 
search the furniture for a puzzle piece. Go left, up (2x), right,
jump over the robot, up, left, jump over the robot and leave the 

Room 5-3
Up with the levator and enter the room on the left. Left, up (3x),
search the right piece of furniture for a puzzle piece, right, 
up, search right piece of furniture for a puzzle piece, the 
middle right one has a lift reset. The left one has a puzzle 
piece. Left, down (2x), right, fall down and leave the room.

Room 6-5
Enter the room to the right. Up. When the robot is all the way to 
the right and has thrown its beam jump over the robot. Jump, and 
jump over the next robot. Up, search the right piece for a snooze
and the left piece for a lift reset. Go right, down, jump over 
the robot (you should fall down). Leave the room.

Room 6-4
Go up with the elevator. Enter the room on the right. Walk right, 
jump over the robot, down, left and down again. Left, fall down 
and search the middle piece of furniture to find a lift reset. Go 
left, enter the computer and use a snooze. Jump left, turn around 
jump and jump again, up, right, up and leave the room.

Room 6-1
Go up (2x) with the elevator and enter the room to the right. A 
very tricky room. Stand on the edge and jump to the computer. 
Enter the computer and use a snooze. Stand on the edge and walk 
to the right. Go up (2x). Jump to the right, turn around, jump 
to the left. Now comes the most difficult jump in the game. 
Stand on the left edge of the platform, walk to the right,
when you are about to fall down, jump to the left (you should
land om the platform above you), jump and search the furniture
for a puzzle piece. Jump right (you should land on the elevator). 
Down twice. Jump right, jump again to leave the room to the right.

Room 7-1
Enter the room to the right. Enter the computer and use a snooze. 
Go left, up (2x), walk right and jump to the top ledge, search for
a piece of the puzzle, jump back, stand about an inch to the left
of the elevator, turn around and jump. You should land on the
lower middle ledge. Search for a lift reset. Walk left, fall down
to the lower ledge and search for a puzzle piece. Turn around,
go the tinyest step to the left and walk down. You should land
on the ledge with the computer. leave the room to the left.

Room 6-2
Go down with the elevator and enter the room on the left. 
Immediately jump and jump again over the robot. Walk left and 
fall down on the ledge below, search the furniture for a lift 
reset. Walk left and fall down, turn around and fall down again,
search the piece of furniture to find a puzlle piece, go left,
up, right, jump over the robot, fall down, right, search the
furniture for a snooze, right, enter the computer and use a 
snooze, left, up, left, search the right piece of furniture for
a puzzle piece, left, up, jump to the left, turn around, jump 
and leave the room.

Room 7-6
Go down (5x) with the elevator and enter the room to the right.
Go right, down (2x), left, search to find a puzzle piece, all the
way to the right, search the small piece of furniture for a 
snooze. Left, down, right, search the big piece of furniture for
a snooze. Left, up (3x) and leave the room.

Room 7-4
Go up (2x) and enter the room to the right. Right, fall down, 
turn around, wait for the beam, fall down, left and fall down 
again. Enter the computer and use a snooze. Go right and search
the right most piece of furniture to find a lift reset, left, 
up, right and search the right most piece of furniture to find
a snooze, left, up, right, up and leave the room.

Room 7-3
Go up (2x) with the elevator and enter the room on the right.
Right, fall down, right, search the piece of furniture to find a
piece of the puzzle (be carefull of the robot), go left and down
with the left elevator, left, search the furniture to find a piece
of the puzzle, right, fall down, left, jump over the robot and
search the furniture to find a puzzle piece. Right, jump over
the robot and leave the room to the right.

Room 7-2
Go up with the elevator and enter the room on the left. Enter the
computer and use a snooze, right, up, left, up, left, up, search 
the left piece of furniture for a puzzle piece and the right for 
a puzzle piece. Go left, down, wait for the beam and jump over 
the robot, down, right, jump over the robot, down and leave the 

Room 8-1
Go up (2x) with the elevator and enter the room on the right. 
Enter the computer and use a snooze (you have to be quick in this 
room). Go down, jump to the right and search the furniture for 
a puzzle piece, jump back onto the elevator and jump again. 
Search the furniture for a snooze. Jump back onto the elevator, 
down, jump right, search the furniture for a piece of the 
puzzle. Walk right (fall down) and leave the room to the right.

Room 9-1
Go down with the elevator and enter the room on the right. Go down
(2x) with the first elevator, search the left piece of furniture
for a puzzle piece, go up (2x) and leave the room.

Room 8-3
Go down (2x) with the elevator and enter the room on the left.
Enter the computer and use your last snooze. Left, down, right, 
down. Search the piece of furniture for a puzzle piece. Up, left, 
search the right piece of furniture for a puzzle piece and the 
left piece of furniture has a puzzle piece. Right, up and leave 
the room to the left.

Room 7-5
Go up (2x) with the elevator and enter the room on the left. Jump, 
left. When you are just above the robot jump to the left (you 
sould land on the ledge below the robot), left (fall down), leave 
the room to the left.

Room 6-3
Go up (2x) with the elevator and enter the room on the left. Jump, 
up (2x), right, up, search the furniture for the last puzzle piece. 
Leave the room to the right.

Room 5-1
Solve the puzzle (see below), enter the room on the left. Go 
left, down (2x), left, down, search the window.

To solve the puzzle:

Stand in the corridor between the rooms and press the button.
When you press the button you can move in the control pannel, 
the buttons you have to use are as follows:

Up arrow   : the top left arrow
Down arrow : the arrow below the up arrow
Grey       : the bottom right button
Yellow     : the one next to the grey button
Green      : the one next to the yellow button
Turn       : right hand panel, the top left button
Flip       : right hand panel. the top middle button

The first letter:

Pick up the second piece (grey) and put it in the black area
next to it. Using the up arrow, pick up piece number 11 (grey) 
and put it on the first one. Pick up piece number 12 (grey) and 
put it on the other two. Make it yellow and turn it (upside down).
Pick up piece number 29 (yellow) and put it on the other three. 
For the final move, turn it. You get the letter : W.

The second letter :

Go all the way up with the up-arrow. Now, using the down arrow,
pick up piece number 3 (yellow). Make it grey, and flip it (from
left to right). Pick up piece number 7 (grey) and put it on the 
first one. Make it green. Pick up piece number 14 (green) 
and put it on the other two. Make it grey, turn it and flip it. 
Pick up piece number 21 (grey) and put it on the other three. 
You get the letter : S.

The third letter :

Go all the way down with the down-arrow. Now, with the up arrow,
pick up piece number 3 (green) and flip it. Pick up piece number 
10 (green) and put it on the first one. Make it grey, turn and 
flip it. Pick up piece number 11 (grey) and put it on the other 
two, make it green and flip it. Pick up piece number 14 (green)
and put it on the other three. You get the letter : R.

The fourth letter :

Go all the way up with the up-arrow. Now, with the down arrow,
pick up piece number 7 (grey). Pick up piece number 8 (grey) and
put it on the first one. Turn and flip it. Pick up piece number
9 (grey) and put it on the other two. Turn and flip it. Pick up
piece number 22 (grey) and put it on the other three. Turn and
flip it. You get the letter : F.

The fifth letter :

Go all the way down with the down-arrow. Now, with the up arrow,
pick up piece number 2 (green), make it yellow, turn and flip it.
Pick up piece number 10 (yellow) and put it on the first one. 
Flip it. Pick up piece number 15 (yellow) and put it on the other 
two. Turn and flip it. Pick up piece number 19 (yellow) and put it 
on the other three. Flip it. You get the letter : D.

The sixth letter :

Using the down arrow. Pick up piece number 2 (yellow). Turn it. 
Pick up piece number 5 (yellow) and put it on the first one. 
Turn it. Pick up piece number 8 (yellow) and put it on the other 
two. Turn it. Pick up piece number 16 (yellow) and put it on the 
other three. Turn it. You get the letter : H.

The seventh letter :

Using the up arrow. Pick up piece number 2 (grey). Make it 
yellow, turn it. Pick up piece number 8 (yellow) and put it on
the first one. Make it green and turn it. Pick up piece number 9
(green), and put it on the other two. Turn it. Pick up piece 
number 12 (green), and put it on the other three. Turn it.
You get the letter : I.

The eight letter :

Using the down arrow, pick up piece number 3 (green), turn it. 
Pick up piece number 4 (green) and put it on the first one. Make
it grey and turn it. Pick up piece number 6 (grey) and put it on
the other two. Pick up piece number 8 (grey) and put it on the
other three. Turn and flip it. You get the letter : O.

The final letter :

Pick up piece number one (green), make it grey. Pick up piece
number 2 (grey) and put it on the first one. Turn and flip it. 
Using the up arrow, pick up piece number 3 (grey) and put it on 
the other 3 and flip it. Pick up the final piece (grey) and put
it on the other three. Turn and flip. You get the last letter : S.

In short :

Piece number : 2 11 12 29  (up arrow)    W
               3  7 14 21  (down arrow)  S
               3 10 11 14  (up arrown)   R
               7  8  9 22  (down arrow)  F 
               2 10 15 19  (up arrow)    D
               2  5  8 16  (down arrow)  H
               2  8  9 12  (up arrow)    I
               3  4  6  8  (down arrow)  O
               1  2  3  4  (up arrow)    S

Password is SWORDFISH 

If you collected all the puzzle pieces           : 3600 points
If you collected all the lift resets and snoozes : 1800 points
If you solved all the puzzles                    : 4500 points
if you completed the mission                     : 1000 points

Ad to this the remaining seconds and you have your final score.

Records using the save function on the ccs64 emulator:

Record (points)    :   31728 (20828 seconds left)

Record (time)      :   20929 seconds left (completed in 11:11)

Record without using the save function:

Record             :   31590

*     Hints     *

            By Jaromir Krol - "Jerry King" - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 This  great  game introduced speech synthesis to  the C64, and was one of the
 most  difficult  games of its time.  Without cheats and possibilites given by
 the various emulators, it still is!

 Elvin  Atombender, an evil genius, plans to do what all evil scientists do in
 their  weekends:  destroy the world. And you,  a  top secret agent, must stop
 him.  You  must  search his complex  underground  laboratory  and retrieve 36
 pieces  of a puzzle. Then you must put them together to form a correct image,
 and use it to open the door to Elvin's control room.

 I   recommend   playing  this  game  with   an  emulator  that  has  freezing
 capabilities,  or  with a program/card which  can  do it (Game Wizard, Action
 Replay...).  This  way,  you can freeze  before  dangerous situations, and if
 something isn't right, just try again from the same point.

 The  basic game is obvious, really - search all the objects in all the rooms,
 avoiding  robots  and doing a lot of  gymnastics (yes, I pasted this sentence
 from  my  "Impossible  Mission II" solution :).  In  the objects you can find
 platform  "resetters", robot freezers, and pieces of puzzle. Use the freezers
 and resetters in the terminals - every room has one (or more :). You can also
 get  those in the music rooms - there  are two in the maze (which is randomly
 chosen  at the beginning). When you enter  the room and use the keyboard, you
 hear  a number of tunes, starting with three. Your task is to put them in the
 right order - from the lowest one to the highest one.

 In one of the rooms, there is a large rectangle which you cannot search. It's
 the  door to Elvin's main room. When you  have the full puzzle, you can enter
 it to complete the game.

 The  puzzle  consists of nine parts, each  in turn consisting of four pieces.
 You must assemble all nine parts. Each completed part gives you one letter of
 a  password - such as ALBATROSS - and when you have all nine letters, you can
 open the security door.

 You  may  flip  and  turn the pieces  of  the  puzzle,  and even change their
 colours. You can phone your HQ for help, but it will always cost you a number
 of minutes. The full puzzle - solved - is an electronic access card.

 I  have the trained versions of both IMs on  my site, BTW, so you may want to
 get  them there: Check the games page
 to download the IMs. L8r!