Unlimited time:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 22014,0
SYS 38912 
Select number of laps:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. Note: X represents the player number (1 or 2) and Y represents the desired number of laps for that player. 

POKE 25942,76
POKE 25943,32
POKE 25944,8
POKE 2080,32
POKE 2081,228
POKE 2082,101
POKE 2083,173
POKE 2084,103,
POKE 2085,90
POKE 2086,56
POKE 2087,233
POKE 2088,X
POKE 1089,144
POKE 1090, 3
POKE 2091,76
POKE 2092,89
POKE 2093,101
POKE 2094,173
POKE 2095,140
POKE 2096,90
POKE 2097,201
POKE 2098,Y
POKE 2099,208
POKE 2100,3
POKE 2101,76
POKE 2102,97
POKE 2103,101
POKE 2104,96
SYS 38912