Unlimited lives:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 2876,32 
Set number of lives:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program. Note: X represents the desired number of lives. 

POKE 2665,X 
Unlimited energy:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 39495,0

Pitfall II, Lost Caverns

NEW: Get the Pitfall 2 Map at http://pc-dome.com/c64/pitfall2/pitfall2.gif

Frog: avoid it by descending diagonally into the ladder, waiting until it jumps to the other side, and exiting diagonally from the ladder.
Bat: avoid passing below them when they are at their higest position with the wings pointing up.
Bird: avoid passing below them when they are at their higest position.
Scorpion: jump over it, beware some of them keep chasing you.
Electric serpent: avoid touching it.

Mark: a red croos in the ground, hitting them you will go to this mark if you're killed.
Balloon: to climb up. You can control the speed of climb, and move sideways.

>From the first screen go right.
Go right (when the bat exits right, it enters again from the left).
Go right, avoiding the bird.
Go right, jump over the scorpion.
Go right.
Avoid the frog and go right.
Go right.
Grab the gold and go left.
Go left.
Avoid the frog and go left.
Go left.
Jump the scorpion and go throu the hole to the water, grab the gold.
Go right (if you go 2 screens left, the rat won't let you pass).
Dive underwater and grab the gold, go right.
Go right.
Avoid the scorpion and go right.
Descend 1 floor, grab the gold, descend another floor, hit the mark, go left.
Get the gold, descend, exit left.
Get the gold, go right.
Descend 1 floor avoidind the frog, go left avoiding the bat.
Get the gold, go right.
Descend 4 floor, go left.
Get the gold, go right.
Descend 1 floor, get the gold.
Descend 3 floor, go left.
Grab the gold, go right.
Descend 2 floor, get the gold.
Descend 2 floor, go left.
Get the gold, go left.
Get the gold, go right.
Go right.
Descend 3 floor, grab the gold.
Descend 4 floor, grab the gold.
Descend until you're on the floor just above the water, go left.
(Note: if you ever fall to the water, you must swim right).
Go left.
Hit the mark and go left.
Jump a couple times to accomodate the screen position and wait.
Grab the balloon and climb to the first platform (hit a bat with the balloon to stop).
Go right.
Grab all the gold in the cave and go left.
Climb 2 platforms.
Go right.
Get the gold avoiding the birds, go left.
Climb 1 platform.
Go right.
Get the gold and go left.
Climb 1 platform.
Go right.
Get the gold and go left.
Grab the ballon and cross the gap to the platform on the left side.
Go left.
Descend 1 floor, hit the mark.
Descend 4 floor, go left.
Jump diagonally (running) to the left.
You're on a platform, go left.
Get the ring, go right.
Fall without jumping.
Hit the mark, go right.
Make all the way up avoiding foes, colecting gold, and hitting the marks.
Save your friend.
Descend 1 floor and go left.
Jump diagonally (running) to the left.
You're on a platform.
Fall without jumping.
Hit the mark, go left.
Go left.
Grab the gold, climb, go right.
Climb, go left.
Climb, go right.
Climb, go left.
Climb 1 floor, go right.
Get the gold, go left.
Climb 2 floor, go right.
Climb 2 floor, go left.
Climb, go right.
Climb, grab the gold, go left.
Climb 2 floor, hit the mark, go right.
Get the gold, go left.
Climb, go right.
Climb, go left.
Climb, go right.
Climb, go left.
Climb, go right.
Climb, go left.
Climb, go right.
Climb 1 floor, go left.
Get the gold, go right.
Climb 1 floor, go left.
Get the gold, go right.
Climb, go left.
Climb 2 floor, go right.
Get the rat, go left.
Get the dancing kangaroo.
(The top score is near 200.000)

But then the 2nd level starts. The game is completed if you finish the 2nd level.
We hope to provide information about the 2nd level soon.

Solution by Nekromancer
April 1st, 2000
Originally displayed at the C64 Walkthrough Site (http://solutions.c64.org/)