Some Gothic 2 Cheats, download the attached zip file for a COMPLETE list!
great work: Linkitch

 Status Screen cheats:	Description: 
42 	Cancels nearly all cheats.
SAIPIRINHA	Everything is represented without texture. [Caipai Mode]
SLERKS 	Everything runs off in slow motion.
EOWYN 	NPC in the focus moves in slow motion.
GARFIELD 	All characters become very thick.
GODZILLA 	All characters become very large.
GROMMIT 	All characters become very narrow.
KINGKONG 	All characters become very small.
MAITAI 	The Gothic world switches into the Wireframe mode. [Maitai Mode]
MARVIN 	Switches on Marvin mode. [Marvin Mode]
MELVILLE	Cloud break. Don't forget to turn on sky effects.
SHRIKE 	All characters appears to become very lean.
SOUTHPARK	Time runs twice as fast.
SPY 	Information shows over the character in the focus.
TAKI	Regenerate life energy and mana.
Marvin Mode Cheats:	Description:
[F2] 	Brings down the console.
[F3] 	Changes into window mode.
[F4] 	Camera brings back to standard position, if [ F5 ], [ F6 ] or [ F7 ] was already activated.
[F5] 	Camera freezes.
[F6] 	Camera can be moved freely.
[F7] 	Camera shifts.
[F8] 	Regenerate life energy.
[POS 1] 	Characters change.
G 	Information points to your character such as animation names.
H 	Reduces life energy.
J 	Shows the routine of the character in focus. One switches the announcement off, by taking nothing into focus and pressing J again.
K 	Jumps 2 meters forward. Caution with upward gradients.
O 	One transfers the character in focus.
T 	Information shows over the character in the focus.
Z 	One runs 7 steps forward.
ALT+E 	Species indicates dependent constants.
ALT+K 	Combat system indicates.
ALT+O 	Debuginfo switches on/off.
ALT+P 	Indicates the momentary position into coordinates.
ALT+U 	The Waypoints indicates connections by red lines
+/- 	Strengthen/reduces the brightness.
Console codes:	Description:
[EINFG]	Repeats the last instructions.
AIGOTO [WAYPOINT]	One runs independently to the Waypoint. Enemies are ignored thereby.
AUTOCOMPLEMENT	The automatic complement of the instructions switches the console on/off.
CHEAT FULL	Regenerate life energy and mana.
CHEAT GOD	One becomes invulnerable.
EDIT ABILITIES	Menu opens, where one can change character characteristics.
EDIT AI	Menu opens, where one can change the behaviour of the AI.
EDIT CAMERA	Menu opens, where one can change camera values.
EDIT COMBAT	Menu opens, where one can change the combat system (like Alt+K)
EDIT FOCUS	Menu opens, where one can change characteristics of the character in the focus.
EDIT SPECIES	Menu opens, where one can change species dependent constant (like Alt+E)
FIRSTPERSON	Switches into roofridge person view.
GOTO CAMERA	One goes to the camera position
GOTO POS [X Y Z]	One goes to pos. 9000 8300 40000 (x:-West/+East, y:+Height, z:-South/+North)
GOTO WAYPOINT [WAYPOINT]	Teleports on to the coordinates x y z, e.g.
HERO EXPORT [NAME]	One's character is stored in the file "piranha bytesgothicsaves
HERO IMPORT [NAME]	A stored character is loaded and replaces the own character.
INSERT [NAME]	Inserts an object or an NPC.
KILL	Kills the character in focus.
LOAD GAME	Loads game from slot 1.
PLAY ANI [NAME]	Implements the animation, e.g. play ani s_cbowaim
SAVE GAME	Saves game in slot 1.
SET CLIPPINGFACTOR [FACTOR]	Changes the range of vision, e.g. 1.5 for 150% or 4 for 400%
SET FBBOX	Framework shows around the object in the focus.
SET MODELFATNESS [WERT]	Make the character thiner or thicker.
SET PERMATTITUDE [ATTITUDE]	Changes permanent attitude of the character in focus (e.g. friendly, hostile, neutrally, angry)
SET TEMPATTITUDE [ATTITUDE]	Temporary attitude of the character in focus changes.
SET TIME [HH MM]	Changes time, e.g. set time 8 on 8:00 o'clock or set time 12 34 on 12:34 o'clock.
TOOGLE ANIINFO	Indicates animations.
TOOGLE DESKTOP	All texts, bars and menu becomes invisible.
TOOGLE FRAME	Above the Framerate indicates on the left of.
TOOGLE FREEPOINTS	All Freepoints indicates, can be used like Waypoints.
TOOGLE SCREEN	Changes into window mode.
TOOGLE TIME	On the top right the Gothic time is indicated.
TOOGLE TURNS	Ine cannot turn any longer.
TOOGLE WAYNET	The net of all Waypoints is indicated.
VERSION	The current version of Gothic is indicated.
ZFOGZONE	Practically infinite range of vision.
Insert Codes:	Name:	Value:	Effect(s) / Notes:
ITAM_AMULETTOFDEATH_MIS	The Divine aura of Innos	1000	Fire +20 Magic +20 Arrow +20 Weapon +20
ITAM_DEX_01	Amulet of Agility	300	Dexterity +15
ITAM_DEX_STRG_01	Amulet of Power	500	Dexterity +15 Strength +15
ITAM_HP_01	Amulet of Life	300	Hitpoint +15
ITAM_HP_MANA_01	Amulet of Enlightenment	500	Hitpoint +15 Mana +15 
ITAM_MANA_ANGAR_MIS	Angar?s Magic Amulet	300	Magic +10
ITAM_PROT_BLACKEYE_MIS	Soul Summoning Amulet	500	Protection from the Black look.
ITAM_PROT_EDGE_01	Harness Amulet	250	Weapon +15 
ITAM_PROT_FIRE_01	Amulet of Fire	250	Fire +15
ITAM_PROT_MAGE_01	Amulet of Spiritual Power	250	Magic +15
ITAM_PROT_POINT_01	Amulet of Oak Skin	250	Arrow +15
ITAM_PROT_TOTAL_01	Amulet of Ore Skin	750	Fire +15 Magic +15 Arrow +15 Weapon +15
ITAM_STRG_01	Amulet of Strength	300	Strength +15
ITMI_INNOSEYE_BROKEN_MIS	Eye of Innos	0	The gem is dull and powerless.
ITMI_INNOSEYE_DISCHARGED_MIS	Eye of Innos	0	The eye is faded and does not shine.
ITMI_INNOSEYE_MIS	Eye of Innos	0	Energy pulses through the Eye.
Insert Codes:	Name:	Value:	Effect(s) / Notes:
ITRI_DEX_01	Ring of Skill	100	Dexterity +5
ITRI_DEX_02	Ring of Dexterity	200	Dexterity +10
ITRI_DEX_STRG_01	Ring of Power	250	Strength +4 Dexterity +4
ITRI_HP_01	Ring of Life	100	Hitpoint +5
ITRI_HP_02	Ring of Liveliness	200	Hitpoint +10
ITRI_HP_MANA_01	Ring of Enlightenment	250	Mana +5 Hitpoint +5
ITRI_MANA_01	Ring of Magic	100	Mana +5
ITRI_MANA_02	Ring of Astral Power	200	Mana +10
ITRI_ORCELITERING	Ring of the Orcish Warlords	130	The ring is rough and seems strangely cold.
ITRI_PROT_EDGE_01	Ring of Iron Skin	100	Weapon +5
ITRI_PROT_EDGE_02	Ring of Ore Skin	200	Weapon +10
ITRI_PROT_FIRE_01	Flame Protection Ring	100	Fire +5
ITRI_PROT_FIRE_02	Fire Ring	200	Fire +10
ITRI_PROT_MAGE_01	Ring of Spirit	100	Magic +5
ITRI_PROT_MAGE_02	Ring of Defense	200	Magic +10
ITRI_PROT_POINT_01	Ring of Wooden Skin	100	Arrow +5
ITRI_PROT_POINT_01_MIS	Constantino's Ring	100	Arrow +5
ITRI_PROT_POINT_02	Ring of Stone Skin	200	Arrow +10
ITRI_PROT_TOTAL_01	Ring of Inconquerability	250	Magic +5 Fire +5 Arrow +5 Weapon +5
ITRI_PROT_TOTAL_02	Ring of Invincibility	500	Magic +10 Fire +10 Arrow +10 Weapon +10
ITRI_STR_01	Ring of Force	100	Strength +5
ITRI_STR_02	Ring of Strength	200	Strength +10
ITRI_VALENTINOSRING	Valentino?s Ring	100	Weapon +5
ITRI_DEX_01	Ring of Skill	100	Dexterity +5
ITRI_DEX_02	Ring of Dexterity	200	Dexterity +10
Insert Codes:	 	Protection Against:	 
 	Name:	Weapon:	Arrow:	Fire:	Magic:	Value
ITAR_BARKEEPER	Landlord?s Clothing	10 	10	0	0	0
ITAR_BAU_L	Farmer?s Clothing 1	15	15	0	0	80
ITAR_BAU_M	Farmer?s Clothing 2	15	15	0	0	100
ITAR_BAUBABE_L	Farmer?s Dress 1	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_BAUBABE_M	Farmer?s Dress 2	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_BDT_H	Heavy Bandit?s Amor	45	45	0	0	2100
ITAR_BDT_M	Medium Bandit?s Armor	35	35	0	0	550
ITAR_CORANGAR	Cor Angar?s Armor	70	70	35	0	600
ITAR_DEMENTOR	Dark Cloak	15	40	15	15	0
ITAR_DIEGO	Diego?s Armor	30	30	0	0	450
ITAR_DJG_BABE	Female Dragon Hunter?s Armor	60	60	30	0	0
ITAR_DJG_CRAWLER	Crawler Plate Armor	55	50	20	15	1500
ITAR_DJG_H	Heavy Dragon Hunter?s Armor	90	90	60	40	20000
ITAR_DJG_L	Light Dragon Hunter?s Armor	70	70	40	20	3000
ITAR_DJG_M	Medium Dragon Hunter?s Armor	80	80	50	30	12000
ITAR_GOVERNOR	Governor?s Doublet	40	40	0	0	1100
ITAR_JUDGE	Judge?s Robe	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_KDF_H	Heavy Fire Robe	80	80	40	40	3000
ITAR_KDF_L	Fire Mage?s Robe	40	40	20	20	500
ITAR_KDW_H	Water Mage?s Robe	80	80	40	40	450
ITAR_LEATHER_L	Leather Armor	25	20	5	0	250
ITAR_LESTER	Lester?s Robe	25	25	0	0	300
ITAR_MIL_L	Light Militia Armor	40	40	5	5	600
ITAR_MIL_M	Heavy Militia Armor	60	60	10	10	2500
ITAR_NOV_L	Novice?s Robe	25	25	0	10	280
ITAR_PAL_H	Paladin?s Armor	100	100	50	50	20000
ITAR_PAL_M	Knight?s Armor	80	80	25	25	5000
ITAR_PAL_SKEL	Old Knight?s Armor	100	100	65	100	500
ITAR_PRISONER	Convict?s Clothing	20	20	0	0	10
ITAR_SLD_H	Heavy Mercenary Armor	60	60	10	10	2500
ITAR_SLD_L	Light Mercenary Armor	30	30	0	0	500
ITAR_SLD_M	Medium Mercenary Armor	45	45	5	5	1000
ITAR_SMITH	Smith?s Clothing	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_VLK_H	Citizen?s Clothing	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_VLK_L	Citizen?s Clothing	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_VLK_M	Citizen?s Clothing	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_VLKBABE_H	Citizen?s Clothing 3	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_VLKBABE_L	Citizen?s Clothing 1	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_VLKBABE_M	Citizen?s Clothing 2	10	10	0	0	0
ITAR_XARDAS	Robe of the Dark Arts	100	100	50	50	15000
Insert Codes:	Name:	Damage:	Requirement:	Value:
ITMW_1H_BAU_AXE	Sickle	7	Strength 5	20
ITMW_1H_BAU_MACE	Heavy Branch	10	Strength 10	1
ITMW_1H_BLESSED_01	Rough Ore Blade	60	Strength 40	2000
ITMW_1H_BLESSED_02	Blessed Ore Blade	70	Strength 40	3000
ITMW_1H_BLESSED_03	Wrath of Innos	80	Strength 40	4000
ITMW_1H_COMMON_01	Self-forged Sword	30	Strength 20	100
ITMW_1H_FERROSSWORD_MIS	Fero?s Sword	60	Strength 50	800
ITMW_1H_MACE_L_01	Poker	5	Strength 5	5
ITMW_1H_MACE_L_03	Cudgel	8	Strength 10	5
ITMW_1H_MACE_L_04	Smith?s Hammer	10	Strength 10	15
ITMW_1H_MIL_SWORD	Rough Broadsword	25	Strength 20	20
ITMW_1H_MISC_SWORD	Rusty Sword	15	Strength 10	10
ITMW_1H_PAL_SWORD	Paladin?s Sword	30	Strength 30	30
ITMW_1H_SLD_AXE	Rough Hatchet	25	Strength 20	20
ITMW_1H_SLD_SWORD	Rough Sword	25	Strength 20	20
ITMW_1H_SPECIAL_01	Ore Longsword	45	Strength 40	600
ITMW_1H_SPECIAL_02	Ore Bastart Sword	60	Strength 50	800
ITMW_1H_SPECIAL_03	Ore Battle Blade	75	Strength 65	1000
ITMW_1H_SPECIAL_04	Ore Dragon Slayer	90	Strength 80	2200
ITMW_1H_SWORD_L_03	Wolf Knife	12	Strength 10	40
ITMW_1H_VLK_AXE	Axe	10	Strength 10	15
ITMW_1H_VLK_DAGGER	Dagger	5	Strength 5	6
ITMW_1H_VLK_MACE	Walking Stick	8	Strength 5	12
ITMW_1H_VLK_SWORD	Sword	18	Dexterity 10	10
ITMW_ALRIKSSWORD_MIS	Alrik?s Sword	25	Strength 20	50
ITMW_BARTAXT	Beard Axe	40	Strength 40	450
ITMW_DOPPELAXT	Double-Bladed Axe	40	Strength 35	500
ITMW_ELBASTARDO	El Bastardo	65	Strength 65	1500
ITMW_FOLTERAXT	Torturer?s Axe	65	Strength 65	1500
ITMW_INQUISITOR	Inquisitor	60	Strength 50	1200
ITMW_KRIEGSHAMMER1	War Hammer	28	Strength 30	250
ITMW_KRIEGSHAMMER2	Heavy War Hammer	65	Strength 70	1200
ITMW_KRIEGSKEULE	War Cudgel	22	Strength 20	200
ITMW_MALETHSGEHSTOCK_MIS	Walking Stick	8	Strength 5	12
ITMW_MEISTERDEGEN	Master Sword	65	Dexterity 65	1500
ITMW_MORGENSTERN	Mace and Chain	45	Strength 45	600
ITMW_NAGELKEULE	Spiked Cudgel	18	Strength 10	120
ITMW_NAGELKEULE2	Heavy Spiked Cudgel	28	Strength 20	300
ITMW_NAGELKNUEPPEL	Spiked Club	12	Strength 10	5
ITMW_ORKSCHLAECHTER	Orc Slayer	65	Strength 65	1500
ITMW_PIRATENSAEBEL	Pirate?s Cutlass	30	Strength 20	500
ITMW_RABENSCHNABEL	Raven?s Beak	58	Strength 50	1000
ITMW_RAPIER	Rapier	50	Dexterity 50	600
ITMW_RICHTSTAB	Judge?s Staff	25	Strength 20	250
ITMW_RUBINKLINGE	Ruby Blade	50	Strength 50	600
ITMW_RUNENSCHWERT	Rune Sword	55	Strength 50	800
ITMW_SCHIFFSAXT	Ship Axe	30	Strength 25	400
ITMW_SCHWERT	Rough Longsword	30	Strength 30	350
ITMW_SCHWERT1	Fine Sword	35	Strength 30	450
ITMW_SCHWERT2	Longsword	37	Strength 27	500
ITMW_SCHWERT3	Rough Bastart Sword	45	Strength 45	600
ITMW_SCHWERT4	Fine Longsword	45	Strength 35	700
ITMW_SCHWERT5	Fine Bastard Sword	58	Strength 60	1000
ITMW_SENSE	Small Scythe	12	Strength 10	15
ITMW_SHORTSWORD1	Militia Short Sword	10	Strength 10	300
ITMW_SHORTSWORD2	Rough Short Sword	12	Strength 10	300
ITMW_SHORTSWORD3	Short Sword	16	Strength 10	60
ITMW_SHORTSWORD4	Wolf?s Tooth	20	Strength 20	150
ITMW_SHORTSWORD5	Fine Short Sword	25	Strength 15	200
ITMW_SPICKER	Skullsplitter	35	Strength 30	300
ITMW_STEINBRECHER	Stonebreaker	35	Strength 25	300
ITMW_STREITKOLBEN	Mace	50	Strength 45	600
Insert Codes:	Name:	Damage:	Requirement:	Value:
HOLY_HAMMER_MIS	Sacred Hammer	??	Strength ??	0
ITMW_1H_MISC_AXE	Rusty Axe	25	Strength 25	10
ITMW_1H_NOV_MACE	Fighting Pike	20	Strength 15	10
ITMW_2H_AXE_L_01	Pick-axe	20	Strength 25	20 
ITMW_2H_BAU_AXE	Woodcutter?s Axe	20	Strength 25	20 
ITMW_2H_BLESSED_01	Rough Ore Blade	70	Strength 50	2000 
ITMW_2H_BLESSED_02	Sword of the Order	85	Strength 50	3000 
ITMW_2H_BLESSED_03	Holy Executioner	100	Strength 50	4000 
ITMW_2H_ORCAXE_01	Light Orc Axe	30	Strength 50	10 
ITMW_2H_ORCAXE_02	Medium Orc Axe	35	Strength 55	15 
ITMW_2H_ORCAXE_03	Heavy Orc Axe	40	Strength 60	20 
ITMW_2H_ORCAXE_04	Brutal Orc Axe	45	Strength 65	25 
ITMW_2H_ORCSWORD_01	Lizard Sword	40	Strength 80	25 
ITMW_2H_ORCSWORD_02	Orcish War Sword	50	Strength 70	30 
ITMW_2H_PAL_SWORD	Paladin?t Two-Hander	40	Strength 40	40 
ITMW_2H_ROD	Rod?s Two-Hander	35	Strength 30	30
ITMW_2H_SLD_AXE	Rough War Axe	35	Strength 40	30 
ITMW_2H_SLD_SWORD	Rough Two-Hander	35	Strength 40	30 
ITMW_2H_SPECIAL_01	Ore Two-Hander	50	Strength 50	800
ITMW_2H_SPECIAL_02	Heavy Ore Two-Hander	70	Strength 70	1000 
ITMW_2H_SPECIAL_03	Heavy Ore Battle Blade	90	Strength 90	1200 
ITMW_2H_SPECIAL_04	Large Ore Dragon Slayer	110	Strength 100	2400 
ITMW_2H_SWORD_M_01	Rusty Two-Hander	25	Strength 25	10 
ITMW_BARBARENSTREITAXT	Barbarian Battleaxe	75	Strength 75	2500
ITMW_BERSERKERAXT	Berserker?s Axe	80	Strength 80	3000
ITMW_DRACHENSCHNEIDE	Dragon Slicer	80	Strength 80	3000
ITMW_HELLEBARDE	Halberd	28	Strength 20	280
ITMW_KRUMMSCHWERT	War Cudgel	22	Strength 20	200
ITMW_SCHLACHTAXT	War Axe	70	Strength 70	2000
ITMW_STABKEULE	Staff Mace	32	Strength 20	200
ITMW_STREITAXT1	Light Battleaxe	35	Strength 30	400
ITMW_STREITAXT2	Battleaxe	60	Strength 60	1200
ITMW_STURMBRINGER	Stormbringer	75	Strength 65	2500
ITMW_ZWEIHAENDER1	Light Two-Hander	32	Strength 30	220
ITMW_ZWEIHAENDER2	Two-Hander	55	Strength 60	700
ITMW_ZWEIHAENDER3	Rune Power	60	Strength 60	1200
ITMW_ZWEIHAENDER4	Heavy Two-Hander	68	Strength 68	1800
Insert Codes:	Name:	Requirement:	Value:
ITRW_ARROW	Arrow	Nothing	1
ITRW_BOLT	Bolt	Nothing	1
Insert Codes:	Name:	Damage:	Requirement:	Value:
ITRW_BOW_H_01 	Bone Bow	60	Dexterity 75	1600
ITRW_BOW_H_02 	Oak Bow	65	Dexterity 80	1800
ITRW_BOW_H_03 	War Bow	70	Dexterity 90	2000
ITRW_BOW_H_04 	Dragon Bow	75	Dexterity 95	2500
ITRW_BOW_L_01 	Shortbow	15	Dexterity 10	100
ITRW_BOW_L_02 	Willow Bow	25	Dexterity 20	200
ITRW_BOW_L_03 	Hunting Bow	30	Dexterity 30	400
ITRW_BOW_L_03_MIS 	Hunting Bow	30	Dexterity 30	400
ITRW_BOW_L_04 	Elm Bow	35	Dexterity 35	600
ITRW_BOW_M_01 	Composite Bow	40	Dexterity 45	800
ITRW_BOW_M_02 	Ash Bow	45	Dexterity 50	1000
ITRW_BOW_M_03 	Longbow	50	Dexterity 60	1200
ITRW_BOW_M_04 	Beech Bow	55	Dexterity 65	1400
ITRW_SLD_BOW	Bow	20	Dexterity 20	50
Insert Codes:	Name:	Damage:	Requirement:	Value:
ITRW_CROSSBOW_H_01	Heavy Crossbow	85	Dexterity 70	2000
ITRW_CROSSBOW_H_02	Dragon Hunter?s Crossbow	100	Dexterity 85	2500
ITRW_CROSSBOW_L_01	Hunting Crossbow	25	Dexterity 10	300
ITRW_CROSSBOW_L_02	Light Crossbow	40	Dexterity 25	600
ITRW_CROSSBOW_M_01	Crossbow	55	Dexterity 40	1000
ITRW_CROSSBOW_M_02	War Crossbow	70	Dexterity 55	1500
ITRW_DRAGOMIRSARMBRUST_MIS	Dragomir?s Crossbow	40	Dexterity 25	600
ITRW_MIL_CROSSBOW	Crossbow	20	Dexterity 20	50
ITRW_SENGRATHSARMBRUST_MIS	Sengrath?s Crossbow	20	Dexterity 20	50
Insert Codes:	Name:	Requirement:	Value:	Effect:
ITRU_ARMYOFDARKNESS 	Army of Darkness	Mana 60 / Circle 6	3000	Summon
ITRU_BREATHOFDEATH 	Breath of Death	Mana 50 / Circle 6	3000	Damage 500
ITRU_CHARGEFIREBALL 	Large Fireball	Mana per sec. 8 (Max 75) / Circle 4	2000	Max Damage 300
ITRU_CONCUSSIONBOLT 	Concussionbolt	Mana 5 / Circle 6	0	Knockout / Damage 150
ITRU_DEATHBALL 	Deathball	Mana 5 / Circle 6	0	Damage 175
ITRU_DEATHBOLT 	Deathbolt	Mana 5 / Circle 6	0	Damage 120
ITRU_FEAR 	Fear	Mana 15 / Circle 3	1500	NPC
ITRU_FIREBOLT 	Fire Arrow	Mana 5 / Circle 1	500	Damage 30
ITRU_FIRERAIN 	Rain of Fire	Mana 60 / Circle 6	3000	Damage 300
ITRU_FIRESTORM 	Small Fire Storm	Mana 20 / Circle 3	1500	Damage 60
ITRU_FULLHEAL 	Heal Heavy Wounds	Mana 15 / Circle 5	2500	Heal 400
ITRU_HARMUNDEAD 	Destroy Undead	Mana 40 / Circle 4	2000	Damage Undead 1000
ITRU_ICEBOLT 	Ice Arrow	Mana 7 / Circle 2	1000	Damage 40
ITRU_ICECUBE 	Ice Block	Mana 20 / Circle 3	1500	Freeze / Damage 2 per. sec