Enter these codes in a single player game by hitting the [Enter] key to bring up the message box and typing the code you want. Press [Enter] again to activate the code. 
Effect - Code 

View Full Map - iseedeadpeople
Invulnerability - whosyourdaddy
Instant Win - allyourbasearebelongtous 
Instant Loss - somebodysetusupthebomb 
Continue Playing After Death - strengthandhonor 
Instant Spell (No Cool-down) - thedudeabides 
Units do not need farms - pointbreak 
Turn off tech-tree - synergy 
Disable Victory Conditions - itvexesme 
Gain # of Lumber (default=500) - leafittome # 
Lumber and Gold (default=500) - greedisgood # 
Gold (default=500)- keysersoze #
Level select - motherland [race] [level] 
Instant doom - iocainepowder 
Quick research - whoisjohngalt 
Fast Construction - warpten
Research all upgrades - sharpandshiny 
Infinite mana - thereisnospoon 
Night- lightsout 
Morning - riseandshine
Set Time (# = 1-24)- daylightsavings #
No Trees = abrakadabra
Your Heroes and Allies Heroes are Level 10 - ihavethepower