Unlock Hints:
203mm Chain Gun: Destroy 100 Aircraft. 
2-Hull Battleship: Kill 500 transports 
2-Hull Cruiser: Destroy 100 transport ships. 
356mm Chain Gun: Destroy 500 enemy aircraft. 
406mm Chain Gun: Destroy 999 enemy aircraft. 
46cm 60-Caliber Gun: Destroy 100 PT boats. 
Astral Railgun: Beat level D-9 collecting all parts you should get at least one.
Atomic Engine Alpha: Destroy 100 enemy destroyers. 
Atomic Engine E: Sink 500 enemy destroyers. 
Gas Turbine E: Destroy 999 enemy destroyers
Grian Laser: Sink 999 battleships
I32-Arawashi: Destroy 100 Carriers
Multi-Warhead Launcher: Destroy 100 Battlecarriers
New Supersonic Torpedo: Sink 999 Cruisers
Special Warhead Torpedoes: Kill 500 Cruisers
Wave Gun : Destroy 100 superships 

Easy way to obtain the XBattlecarrier:
To obtain the XBattlecarrier without having to sink 999 transport ships you have to beat the game once as the Americans and continue the game. Simply get an ''S'' Rank on the C-8 mission and the XBattlecarrier will be your reward.