Enable 1-8 Players:
Using this trick, you can play with as many people as you wish, up to the usual 8, overriding the game's 1-player nature. Here's how to do it with Historical characters: 

1. Start a scenario of your choice and pick the first player's character.
2. Start the game and when the turn comes press L2+R2+Select.
3. A menu should pop up?choose the first option "Add Player Officer" which will bring up a list of every character in the current scenario. Let Player 2 pick their character from that list. 

Now you can both play. This can be done for up to 8 playable characters. 

If you want to use created characters, do the same steps as above but make sure you use ''New Officer'' if you want to play as a Ronin, or ''New Country'' if you want to play as a Liege. If both are using created characters to play as Lieges, register both under ''New Country'' first, then select them from the ''Ruler'' list, then follow the steps above. 

Remove Create-a-Character Limiter: 
This unlocks the limiter on Bonus points and statistical roll minimums when you create a new character. Allowing you to create stronger characters. 

Here's how: 

1. Find and obtain ownership of all of the Items in the game. In order to make sure they are counted, they MUST be owned by one of the human-controlled characters. Just being a Liege and ruling someone with the item isn't enough; you'll have to Seize it from them in that case. 

2. Find all of the various Sites in the game. Sites can only be found by Visiting certain officers in certain cities. To increase your chances of getting a Site, Visit the Prefect of the city. You may have to do it quite a few times before you get the Visit. 

You can check your progress on the main menu, under ''Sites'' and ''Items Collection''. Once you've collected all of the Items, the limit on the number of abilities/skills that you can randomly roll is broken, so that you could potentially have 5 or even 10 starting abilities 

Once you've collected all of the Sites, the limit on the number of Bonus Points you can assign to a Created Character is released, and you can then be able to use up to the full 100 points. You also are able to roll higher base stats for all character types!