Daywalker Difficulty:
At the main menu press and hold the Left Trigger, then press LEFT, B, UP, DOWN, X, B, A 

Infinite Ammo:
At the main menu press and hold the Left Trigger, then press LEFT, B, RIGHT, X, UP, Y, DOWN, A 

Infinite Health:
At the main menu press and hold the Left Trigger then press Y, X, Y, X, Y, B, Y, B 

Infinite Rage:
At the main menu press and hold the Left Trigger then press LEFT, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, UP 

Invincibility For NPCs (Non-Player Characters):
To make your NPC character's invincible during escort missions, go to the main menu and press and hold the Left TriggerThen press: X, B, Y, A, X, B, Y, A. 

All Missions:
At the main menu press and hold the Left Trigger then press DOWN, UP, LEFT, LEFT, B, RIGHT, DOWN, X 

All Weapons:
At the main menu press and hold the Left Trigger then press X, B, DOWN, LEFT, B, B, Y