Command & Conquer: Generals (Windows)
     Real World Units FAQ (Version 1.5 - Incomplete Struggle)

     Current Update: Tuesday, 9 September 2003
     Previous Update: Sunday, 7 September 2003
     Created: Friday, 28 February 2003

     By Don "Gamera" Chan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

     Note: I don't have this game, but a friend does. I
     typed up this file as a "fan service" for the fellow
     military aviation fans out there.)

0.   Wanted
1.   Acknowledgements
2.   Links
3.   Theatres of Operations
4.   Orders of Battle
4.1    China
4.2    GLA
4.3    USA

"Setsunasa!" (*1)


     I'm looking for:
     - A Russian translation of the below Disclaimer. (I'm
     - The alphanumeric designations and official names of
the real world units and weapons that are in the game and
aren't in this FAQ.

     Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file to
only eight Websites:
     If you downloaded or read this file at other
Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably
leeched it from one of the above Websites.

     Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce
fichier a seulement huit sites webs.
     Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir
d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront
probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites


     Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations:
     - Adam Cherrington, chris lakin, Dark Prince, ehren
fickenscher, fdg dfgdf, GCN4Life, James Zhu, Jon Duke, and
Richard Parry, Wei Huang for feedback.
     - AlX05, Asagiri Yohko, Djaran, HypersonicGamer, Joeb,
Phisher, rpgmaster999, and other Netters in the C&C:
Generals message board in, for Q&A.
     - Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French
translation of the Disclaimer. (After all, English and
French are the two official languages up here in Canada, the
True North Strong and Free.)
     - Wavehawk of Philippines, for feedback.

     (Social democracy in action.)

     In memory of:
     - The seven astronauts on the NASA space shuttle USS
Columbia, which was lost in action (Mission STS-107) about
203,000 feet above north-central Texas, USA, at about 9 AM
EST (14:00 GMT, 16 minutes before her scheduled landing at
Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA) on
Saturday, 1 February 2003 (Chinese New Year Day).

     "The seven astronauts on board were accomplished
women and men of great courage who put their extraordinary
skills and knowledge to the service of humankind. Each one
was a hero. Their contribution to science and space
exploration will never be forgotten."
     - Jean Chretien, Canadian Prime Minister, 1 February

     "The Columbia is lost. There are no survivors."
     - George W Bush, US President, 1 February 2003

     - The casualties (Iraqi and non-Iraqi, military and
non-military, hostile and friendly fire) of OIF (Operation
Iraqi Freedom, also known as Operation Telic in the UK), the
war in Iraq in March-April 2003. <(T_T)
     - The 70 sailors and officers of the Ming-class (Type
035, variant of Former Soviet Union/Russian Romeo-class)
conventional (diesel-electric) submarine No. 361 of the
12th Brigade/Detachment (No. 359, 360, 361, 362), North Sea
Fleet, People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Ren Min Jie
Fang Jun Hai Jun), based at Lu Shun (formerly Port Arthur),
Liao Ning Province, People's Republic of China (Zhong Hua
Ren Min Gong He Guo). Her crew were martyred during a
training exercise east of the Nei Chang Shan Islands in the
Bo Hai Sea, northeast of Yan Tai City and north of Wei Hai
City, Shan Dong Province, People's Republic of China, before
Friday, 2 May 2003 (or about Wednesday, 16 April 2003),
local time.

     [Ramble ON]

     Revision history of this file:

     Version 0.5 (Limited Edition) [6 KB]: Saturday, 1 March 2003
     Version 0.6 (Limited Edition) [8 KB, +34%]: Monday, 3 March 2003
     Version 1.0 [11 KB, +38%]: Friday, 7 March 2003
     Version 1.1 [13 KB, +19%]: Friday, 14 March 2003
     Version 1.2 [14 KB, +8%]: Friday, 21 March 2003
     Version 1.3 [18 KB, +29%]: Sunday, 8 June 2003
     Version 1.4 [19 KB, +6%]: Sunday, 29 June 2003

     [Ramble OFF]

2.   LINKS

     Federation of American Scientists - Military Analysis
Network HP. English. Has photos and stats of even such
"lost" aircraft as the American YA-9 and YF-17 Cobra, and
the Israeli Lavi.

     Chinese Defence Today HP. English.
     "An unofficial web site of Chinese defence affair."

     Air Force Technology - The Website for Defence
Industries - Air Force HP. English.

     Army Technology - The Website for Defence Industries -
Army HP. English.

     [Ramble ON]

     The Japanese Gaming Guide to Windows XP, by Kagami of
USA. English.
     "Windows 95/98/Me/2000 Japanese PC Games on Windows

     Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France. English.
     "Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different
things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known
outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide.
     "Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan
sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, don't
certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis
de rares fans de part le monde."

     The Shiori Fujisaki Shrine, by Wavehawk. English. A
Tokimemo (Tokimeki Memorial) fan page.

     Miyabi Koubou, by Tounnkai of Japan.

     Zany Video Game Quotes. English. Has very funny quotes
and screen shots from many vidgames, plus movie files of
Segata Sanshirou TV CMs.

     "Le noir, ce mot designe depuis une epoque lointaine
le nom du destin.
     "Les deux vierges regnent sur la mort.
     "Les mains noires protegent la paix des nouveaux-nes."
     - NOIR (TV: 2001)

     [Ramble OFF]


     Arbitrary links to formal or official HPs (homepages)
about the real locations that appear in the game.


     Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai
District, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong SAR (Special
Administration Region), PRC (People's Republic of China).
     As seen in China mission 2.


     Star Ferry Company Limited, Hong Kong SAR, PRC.
     As seen in China mission 2.


     Three Gorges Dam, San Dou Ping, Yi Chang, Hubei
Province, PRC.
     As seen in China mission 3.


     Tian An Men Square, Bei Jing City, PRC.
     As seen in China mission 1.


     Tsing Ma Bridge, Kwai Tsing District, New Territories,
Hong Kong SAR, PRC.
     As seen in China mission 2.

     "I go to Wanchai and it costs me $40 to buy one girl a
drink! This place is just too expensive."
     - Marc Faber, investment analyst, known as "Dr Doom"
for his gloomy predictions about Asian economies, on the
high costs of doing business in Hong Kong, early 1998.
     In Thailand, Faber said, $40 will buy "four beers for
myself and eight for the girls."


     A concise list of the air units, land units, sea units,
and weapons from the real world that appear in the game.
Includes arbitrary links to formal or official HPs about the
units and weapons. Sorted by game nationality.

     Note: The capabilities of the real units or weapons
might differ from the capabilities of the units or weapons
that appear in the game. For example, the Fuel Air Bomb
looks like the BLU-82 iron bomb, but the real BLU-82 is not
a FAE (Fuel Air Explosive) bomb.

4.1  CHINA (PRC (People's Republic of China), Zhong Guo
     (Zhong Hua Ren Min Gong He Guo))

     Artillery Barrage

     Artillery Training

     Type 80/Type 88. Chinese MBT (Main Battle Tank).

     Infernal Howitzer
     (Type 88 with a 155mm gun.)

     MiG 1.42 MFI (Mnogofunktsionalny Frontovoi Istrebitel
= Multifunctional Frontline Fighter). FSU (Former Soviet
Union)/Russian ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter). Also known
as MiG-35, MiG-39, or MiG 1.44.

     From Asagiri Yohko (2003.06.11):
     At first glance, the Chinese MiG in this game may look
like the real J-10 (Jian-10) Lavi II that the PRC is
developing, with assistance from Israel, Pakistan, and
Russia; but it isn't.
     For instance, the MiG has two vertical stabilisers (tail
fins), but the J-10 has only one.

     Nuclear Tanks

     Nuke Cannon
     Atomic Annie. US 280 mm towed howitzer.

     Red Guard
     (PLA (People's Liberation Army).
     Or: 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution era Red Guard.)

     Tank Hunter
     M136 AT4. US shoulder-launched LAW (Light Anti-tank Weapon).

     Troop Crawler
     BTR-60/BTR-70/BTR-80/BTR-90 (Bronyetransporter =
Armoured Transporter). FSU/Russian amphibious 8x8 APC
(Armoured Personnel Carrier).

     From Asagiri Yohko (2003.03.14):
     If you're looking for a model kit of the Chinese MiG in
this game, Revell has a 1:144 version. Just go to
     and in the "Catalogue Search" in the left frame, input
"MFI", and press "Search".
     I already bought one at a local hobby shop. 8D

     "The Chinese were a long time in making up their minds
that they wanted any of the modern articles manufactured by
the West, but once they started buying, they found that they
wanted everything they could afford to buy and a great deal
     - Carl Crow, "400 Million Customers", 1937

4.2  GLA (Global Liberation Army)

     Scud Launcher
     SS-1 (8K14/R-17) Scud SRBM (Short Range Ballistic Missile) on MAZ 543 
four-axle, eight-wheeled TEL (Transporter-Erector-Launcher) vehicle.
     The NATO reporting name "SCUD" or "Scud" is not an acronym, and is a 
legit English noun and verb. See:

     Stinger Site
     FIM-92 Stinger. US shoulder-launched SAM (Surface-to-Air Missile).

     From Wavehawk (Saturday, 2003.05.31):
     Specifically, the FIM-92 'Basic' Stinger, as given to
Afghanistan by the US during the Russo-Afghan wars. The
version seen in use with the GLA are Man Portable Air
Defense (MANPADS) Stingers. Vehicle-mounted Stingers have a
slightly different launcher - though they fire the same
missile, AFAIK the launchers on vehicles can't be removed
and used by infantry.
     The GLA are smart in setting up Stinger sites. US Army
rules for using the MANPADS Stinger has one spotter and one
shooter: Stinger units work much like Sniper teams.

4.3  USA (United States of America)

     A-10 Strike
     A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt II. US attacker.

     (Plane that drops supplies)
     C-130 Hercules. US transport plane.

     M996/M997/M1035 HMMWV (High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle). 
Also known as Hummer.

     Aurora Bomber
     Aurora. US hypersonic recon aircraft.
     "If it's on CNN, it must be true."

     (Carpet bombing)
     B-52 Stratofortress. US bomber.

     CH-47 Chinook. US transport helicopter.

     RAH-66 Comanche. US recon/attack helicopter.

     (M1A2 Abrams. US MBT.
     Or: XM2001 Crusader. US 155 mm self-propelled howitzer.)

     From Wavehawk (Saturday, 2003.05.31):
     More likely the M1A2 Abrams. I don't think the Crusader
in-game counts as a Howitzer, at least not from the
definition of 'Howitzer' (a very large artillery gun, cannot
be direct-fired).

     Flashbang Grenades
     UK stun grenade.

     From Wavehawk (Saturday, 2003.05.31):
     Actually, they were developed by the British SAS [22
Special Air Service Regiment]. Official number is XM-82
Concussion Grenades. And the illustration on-screen is
either the 40 mm Grenade used in the M203 Grenade Launcher,
or a Tear Gas Grenade (same caliber). I've not heard of
M203-launched Flashbangs.

     Fuel Air Bomb
     BLU-82. US 15,000-pound dumb bomb.

     From Dark Prince (2003.09.05):
     The "Fuel Air Bomb" is not the BLU-82. The BLU-82 is a
conventional general purpose bomb based from aluminium
powder as the explosive. All FAE's that use to be in the
service of the United States were based on the CBU-72BLU-73
design. It used ethylene oxide in an airbust pattern
designed to create an aerosol cloud that would be
subsequently detonated by an embedded detanator. The Marine
Corps used the final FAE's in the aresenal during Operation
Desert StormSaber. During Operation Anaconda, a FAE's
styled weapon, termed as a thermobaric device (BLU-118) used
to clear enclosed spaces and to be dropped from F-15's. They
used a solid explosive in lieu of a liquid. A variation also
exists to be mounted, and successfully used during Operation
Iraqi Freedom on the Hellfire missiles. Regardless, whatever
the B-52 was dropping, it certainly was not the BLU-82, as a
B-52 unable to load them, only modified C-130's can carry
them, nor is it a fuel-air explosive. It does not resemble
anything currently in the US arsenal.

     M998 series HMMWV. Also known as Hummer.

     Missile Defender
     FIM-92 Stinger. US shoulder-launched SAM.

     From Wavehawk (Saturday, 2003.05.31):
     Are these the infantry troops with rockets? I always
thought they carried M136 AT-4 launchers... but then they
can fire at airborne targets (M136 are unguided, and can't
hit airborne targets very well), so maybe they're also using

     (Possibly: M109 Paladin. US 155 mm self-propelled howitzer.)

     From Richard Parry (Sunday, 15 June 2003):
     The Paladin is not based on the real life artillery,
it is just an in-game MBT. Completely made up, as are some
things. They were designed with the thought that these
units COULD exist, not that they necessarily do. We do
know that the Rangers, Pathfinders, Comanche, Raptors,
F-117s, MiGs, Technicals, etc. are based on the real units.

     Scout sniper, USMC (United States Marine Corps).
     Motto: "Semper fidelis", Latin for "Always faithful"
(sometimes shortened as "Semper fi", or as the phonetically
similar "Seventy five"). 8D

     Patriot Missile
     MIM-104 Patriot. US ground-launched SAM.

     From Wavehawk (Saturday, 2003.05.31):
     The real Patriot missile is much larger (per scale),
and is usually mounted on trucks rather than as stationary

     75th Ranger Regiment, USA (United States Army).
     Motto: "Sua sponte", Latin for "Of their own accord".

     From Richard Parry (Sunday, 15 June 2003):
     The pic of the US Rangers on the command bar is a
soldier with an M16A2 with an M203 grenade launcher
underneath. Rangers now-a-days usually have M4 carbines,
but some still have M16A2's, although many are being, or
have been, replaced by the M16A4. Pretty much an A2 with
the flattop upper receiver made for mounting optical
sights (scopes).

     From Wavehawk (Saturday, 2003.05.31):
     The gun image shown on the screen (when Rangers are
selected, to toggle between Flashbang and Rifle) is the FN
M249 SAW, a light Squad Automatic Weapon. Although the
Rangers use the M249 as their support weapon, majority of
them still pack either M16A2/A3/A4 rifles or the M4 Carbine.
Motto is: "Rangers Lead The Way!"

     F/A-22 Raptor. US fighter/attacker.

     Rocket Pods
     AGM-114 Hellfire. US air-launched AGM (Air-to-Ground Missile).

     Scout Drone
     RQ-1 Predator. US UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).

     Stealth Bomber
     F-117 Nighthawk. US attacker.

     Tomahawk Missile
     BGM-109 Tomahawk. US ground-launched surface-to-surface cruise missile.

     TOW Missile
     M220 TOW (Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided) missile. US 
ground-launched ATM (Anti-Tank Missile).

     From chris lakin (2003.03.08):
     The battle drone you can attach to US tanks is
probably a Cypher 2 drone, made by Sikorsky.

Don "Tsuru Hiromi Inochi" Chan (Aho)

*1   "Sakuretsu!"

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