Bonus options 
Successfully complete the game on any difficulty setting to unlock the "Extra Menu", "Liv Special PV", "Total Results" options at the main menu; and the "English" option at the language menu

English Option 
By finishing the game once, you can select English voice acting and subtitles for cutscenes in the language menu. 

Play as Arcia 
Successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting to unlock Arcia. 

Hard difficulty setting 
Successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the hard difficulty setting. 

Super difficulty setting 
Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the super difficulty setting. 

Total Results 
The Total Results menu will be unlocked if you finish the game once on any difficulty. 
Note: Any mission done after finishing the game will count as Side-B missions 

Unlock Ultimate Legion 
To unlock the Ultimate Legion, collect all of the Thanatos Chips scattered throughout the stages.