More Hidden Weapons:
Go to the bottom of the ring when your outside of the ring and go up to the ring and press "White" and eventually your character will go grab a weapon from under the ring. You can grab as many weapons as you want.

Easy Win In Hell In A Cell:
If playing in the Hell in the Cell and the option KO is on, its possible to get a quick win. Climb the cell and do a move to your opponent from the side of the cell (ex. chokeslam off the cell, etc.) Your opponent will be out cold and you will win.

Easy Way To Finish Season:
Whenever you have a match you should "Rest" before your match. When you are in your match and realize that you are losing then just fight him outside of the ring and let the referee count and when it has reached about 9 seconds run back into the ring and the opponent should get counted out and you will receive a win. Do this throughout the season.
NOTE:You must pin or make him submit to win the title and to become king of the ring.

How To Steal Things:
Go to that person that you want to steal something from and go to his/her locker room and steal.

It's easier to steal at a PPV in season mode than it is on RAW or SMACKDOWN.

Get Mick Foley:
To get Mick Foley all you do is complete 5 years in season mode.

Super F-5:
To do the super f-5 you must be brock when you get your finisher whip someone into the corner and press A+X

Win a Surprise Attack:
I'm not sure if this works if you make a surprise attack in season mode, but if you are surprise attacked by a CPU opponent, simply pause the game and choose "Back to Previous Menu." You will then be declared the winner of the surprise attack.

New Outfits: 
Use the steal option in season mode 

When An Opponent Is Entering The Ring Tap X repeatedly until Your Superstar Interferes
HINT: This Does Not Work With Superstars Like Undertaker Who Rides A Motorcycle.

Video unlock:
Steal from the same person three times to get his video clip.

Surprise Wrestler:
Press at menu holding down the the L Button then press: B,B,Y,X,X,Y,Y,A

Another easy win in season mode:
First, choose a wrestler that has some submission moves: (Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, ECT.) Then when you go into a match, it should take about three or four times to make your opponent submit. This is very easy to do.

Get Evolution:
To get Evolution first go to create-a-team and put in the following:
1. 3men team
2. Put in Triple H, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton as the members
3. Put Titontron to Thriple H
4. Put Music to Randy Orton (real Evolution Theme)
5. The lights will be set 3 of the samples...put all lights to flash and make the two colors alternate back and forth on titontron and in the ring
6. Type in the name Evolution for the team name
7. Make sure that the moves for them when they come out is male,male,male and not male,female, female (they will come out like women if you don't change it.

Unlock Arenas: Just complete the objective after each arena listed to unlock it: 

Armageddon Arena: Win at Armageddon in season mode
Backlash Arena: Win at Backlash in season mode 
Judgment Day Arena: Win at Judgment Day in season mode 
King of the Ring Arena: Win at King of the Ring in season mode 
No Mercy Arena: Win at No Mercy in season mode 
No Way Out Arena: Win at No Way Out in season mode 
Royal Rumble Arena: Win at Royal Rumble in season mode 
Summerslam Arena: Win at Summerslam in season mode 
Survivor Series Arena: Win at Survivor Series in season mode 
Unforgiven Arena: Win at Unforgiven in season mode 
Vengeance Arena: Win at Vengeance in season mode 
Wrestlemania XIX Arena: Win at Wrestlemania in season mode 

Unlock Costumes and Entrance Videos:
In season mode, steal from someone 3 times. The first two things that you can steal are costumes that you can use for create a wrestler mode. The third thing you can steal is that persons entrance video that you can watch in theater mode. 

To Unlock these Characters Complete the Number of Years in Season Mode:
Mick Foley: Complete 5 years in season mode
Ken Shamrock: Complete 7 years in season mode.

How to unlock the pants song:
All you have to do is steal pants from Lita

Getting rid of weapons:
If you want to get rid of your weapons, irish whip your opponent into the guard rails. If you are facing toward him pick up the weapon you would like to discard and press A. You will then throw the weapon into the audience and it will disappear.

Fast win in season mode:
All you have to do is get beating down by your opponent for about 2 minutes, after that, press start and choose BACK TO MENU, it should say that your the winner.

Easy to steal:
When in season mode and you want to steal something from one of the wrestlers, make sure that the wrestler you steal from is not a friend or a tag-team partner. Its easier to steal from your enemies. (WARNING: This does not always work. It works 85% of the time.)