Turbo Mode:
Pause the game and then press and hold L and press Y, A, Y, Y 

Mutant Mode 1 (Big Heads): Pause the game and while holding L and press Y, B, X, X
Mutant Mode 2 (Giants): Enter the Mutant Mode 1 code twice
Mutant Mode 3 (Stretch and Skew Mode): Enter the Mutant Mode 1 code three times 

Real Controls:
Pause the game and then press Y,Y,Y,X 

Welsh mode:
(submitted by: beyen68)
Pause the game, hold L and press Y, Y, Y, Y. 

1st person mode:
(submitted by: beyen68)
Pause the game, hold L and press Y, B, Y, B. 

Squeaky voices:
(submitted by: beyen68)
Pause the game, hold L and press Y, X, Y, Y. 

NOTE: Repeat to disable.