Divine Divinity solution
                      |  Divine Divinity Walkthrough  |
                      |         By: JaggedJim         |
                      |  E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |
                      |         Date: 10/16/02        |
                      |     Date: October 31, 2002    |
                      |         Version: 0.2          |

This is my first faq, so any comments and criticism are appreciated. You can
find the latest version of this walkthrough at:


-Table of Contents-

Version History

Teleportation Scrolls

-Chapter 1: Healing the Healer
         -Leaving Aleroth

-Chapter 2: Marked Ones, Plagues, and Orcs, Oh My
    -Find Zandalor
         -Dwarven Bread Inn

    -Break the Siege
         -Ravage the Supply Train
         -Poison the Well

    -Cure the Plague
         -The Poisoned Harvest
         -RiverTown Market
         -Dr. Elrath?s house

    -Enter Stormfist Castle Anytime

-Version History-

0.1 ? 10/14/02 ? This is the first release of this walkthrough. I?ve covered
the game up until you leave Aleroth for the first time.

0.1.5 ? 10/16/02 ? I just made some formatting changes at the top, added a
table of contents, and fixed a few things that were driving me crazy.

0.2 ? 10/31/02 ? Finally? I?ve finished the walkthrough up until you enter
Stormfist Castle. I also corrected a few errors where I was giving the
opposite direction of what I meant. (stupid Dyslexia?) Added the locations of
the teleportation scrolls.

-Teleportation Scrolls-

Mage: Zandalor gives you this scroll when you first meet him

Human: Captain Mantox gives you this scroll when you sign up to fight the


Find it in the lower level of the Cursed Abbey.

Dwarf: in the Dwarven Bread Inn there is a Dwarf named Krasnegar who will
Offer to give you some gems. Tell him that his money would better help the
refugees of the Orc attack and he will leave. Find the scroll on the table
and take it.

Elves: The Elven Lord Elredor in the Archer?s guild gives this to you if you
ask him

Lizard: Goemoe will give this to you after you cure the plague

Orc: Inside a treasure chest at the orc leader?s tent

Imp: It is found inside the Imp?s Deserted Castle on a dead Imp.

-Chapter 1: Healing the Healer-


You start the game next to a bed. You can use this bed anytime you need to
recover health and mana. Go up the ladder and go left and Joram will talk to
you. He tells you that Aleroth?s leader, Mardaneus, has gone mad. He also
tells you to take what you want from his house, so take him up on that offer.
When you are done looting, go on outside the house and you will see a scene
between Mardaneus and Lanilor, another healer. Take a look around town.

-Quest: Collect herbs for George-

When you first go inside George?s shop you?ll see him arguing with someone
over a delivery. When you talk to George afterwards he asks you to get some
Drudanae for him from Lanilor?s garden. Go to Lanilor?s garden and pick a
stalk of Drudanae, and go back to George for a reward.

-Quest: Find a cure for Simon and Verlat-

Note: These are actually two separate quests, but since they are identical so
they get rolled into one.

When you talk to Goemoe the lizardman or Otho the dwarf they tell you that
they are caring for a sick soldier. They say that they need a healing gem to
heal them, but they only have one gem available. The healers can?t decide on
which soldier to use the gem on, so it?s up to you to heal them. Go to the
healing shrine north of Goemoe?s house and ask for the last Healing Gem. Now,
you could use that gem to heal one of the soldiers, but there is a way to
save both. What you need is the Magic Mirror from an abandoned house on the
north side of town. Take the mirror to any puddle (you should see your
reflection on the ground) and drop it in. It should disappear, (if it
doesn?t, try it again at a different spot) then place the Healing Gem at the
same spot as the mirror. You should now have two Healing Gems, so go and talk
to Simon and Verlat and give them a Healing Gem to heal them. When you heal
both talk to Goemoe and he will train you in a level of Restoration.

Note: If you wait until after you cure Mardaneus? insanity, the soldiers will

-Quest: Rescue Lanilor the elf from his icy prison-

When you arrive outside Mordaneus? house you will see Lanilor trying to help
Mardaneus not be crazy, but fails miserably as Mardaneus thinks Lanilor is a
demon and freezes him. Talk to Lanilor and he will ask you to convince
Mardaneus to unfreeze him. Mardaneus? door is locked, so talk to Lanilor and
he will tell you to take the well.

-The Well-

Go down to the room to the southwest. There is a locked door there, but the
key is just sitting there on a crate in the same room. Continue on and go up
the ladder into Mardaneus? house.

-Mardaneus? House-

When you get inside you will be accosted by the mad mad Mardaneus. You will
(eventually) convince him to unfreeze Lanilor. The freshly thawed Lanilor will
tell you about the catacombs beneath town.

-Quest: Restore Mardaneus? sanity-

To enter the catacombs, go to the statue in the center of town surrounded by
four dragon statues. Click on each of the dragon statues until they all face
north. (They lock into place when they reach the correct position.) When all
four are positioned, the stairs down to the catacombs are opened. When you
first try to enter Lanilor will stop you and give you a teleporter stone.

-Quest: Find the second teleporter pyramid-

Lanilor will give you a single teleport stone and tell you if you can find its
twin you can use them to teleport between the two. Unfortunately he has
no idea where the other one is. You can find it on the fourth floor of the
Catacombs. To use them just drop both on the ground and click on one stone
and you get teleported to the other. To pick up a stone when it?s on the
ground, just open your inventory then click and drag the stone into your

-Catacombs: First Level-

In the room south of the starting area throw the lever on the northern wall
to unlock the door. Follow the hallway to the end and throw another lever to
unlock the nearby door. Go through the door and clean out all the skeletons
in this room. Continue on and clean out the next room and the one after that.
Grab the magic orb from the next room then continue on and in the next room
grab the sapphire key. Continue south down the next room until you come to a
fork in the road, the locked door to the west needs the sapphire key and
leads back to the first hallway. Both the east and south forks lead to the
same place, but the east fork has another magic orb. Continue to the south
and west to the next room and grab the final orb. In this room if you light
the 5 candles around the pentagram a skeleton will attack you. Throw the
lever to unlock the door and continue on. In the next room you find a group
of orcs. They are reasonably friendly (i.e. they don?t try to disembowel you
on sight) and their leader, Smiruk even has a quest for you. (see Quest:
Retrieve the magic axe called Slasher, below) The ladder in the room leads to
the middle of an orc camp, you DON?T want to go there, so go south down the
hallway and to the east until you reach a fork, the east fork leads to a dead
end, and the south path leads to an intresting room where you can get your
self your very own zombie bodyguard (see Gregar Brock, below.) Take the
northern path and in the next room place one Magic orb in center of each of
the three pentagrams to open up a portal. Go through the portal and in the
next room take the stairs down to the next level. The stairs up create a
shortcut back to town.

-Quest: Retrieve the Magic Axe Called Slasher-

In the next room you will run into a group of Orcs here that demand that you
find an axe called Slasher for them. If you refuse they will attack, and
likely kill you, so agree to find it. You can find the Slasher on the Catacomb
Second Floor. When you come back with Slasher and give it to him (or
you could give him a fake axe) and he tries to test it (by attacking one of
his companions!) and is satisfied with the results. (Or angry if you gave him
a fake axe.) Then he gives you a warning and

Note: He keeps any axes you give him to test. So don?t give him any more axes
than you need to.

-Gregnar Brock-

When you reach this room you see a statue by the west wall with a candle at
its base. Simply light the candle and a zombie named Gregnar Brock will be
summoned. After a bit of dialog Gregnar will join you. This guy is has a lot
of health, so he?ll be with you for awhile.

Note: If you go above ground after you get him, Gregnar will die.

- Catacombs: Second Level-

This level has VERY difficult puzzle to solve on this level. To solve it you
have to go the stairs in the northwest corner, and then click on the stairs.
Slasher can be found on this level, it?s it in a treasure room that?s under a
Floor Tile.

- Catacombs: Third Level-

From the stairs go east and then south into the large room. The stairs down
are in the coffins in the center of this room, but they are locked. To unlock
the coffins you have to open the 4 tombs on the platform surrounding the
coffins. Be careful, when you open a tomb you will be attacked by a legion of
undead. Open all 4 tombs then open up the coffin and go down to the next level.

- Catacombs: Fourth Level-

Go to the east through the first and second rooms, in the third room take the
hallway down south to the end. At the end of the hallway continue south to
the next room and head south again to the next room. Go east and south until
you find doors leading to the east and west. The east door leads to the area
with the second teleport stone. Flip the lever and enter. The teleport stone
is in the next room, to pick it up just open your inventory and click and
drag the stone into your inventory. If you got here by using the first
teleport stone, you have to use the teleport pad near the door to escape. The
west door leads to the stairs down.

-Catacombs: Fifth Level-

You are in the home stretch! Go south into the inner room, there is a
skeleton there who will talk to you. He will complain that the resurrection
ritual is not working. Badger him enough and he will let you see the ritual.
Now play Tech Support, go to the northwest lever and when they start the
ritual again, flip the lever. This resurrects Thelyron. He tells you it was
he who is causing Mardaneus? insanity. After he?s done talking you he
suddenly becomes wracked with pain. He can stand it, and begs you to put him
out his misery. (What a wimp) Go ahead and kill him. When you do, Thelyron?s
minions are mildly upset that you killed their master and bring a whole
boatload undead down your throat. Fight your way out and when you get out of
the room Mardaneus shows up and zaps all the undead. After a brief
conversation revealing that Mardaneus isn?t crazy anymore, go into the portal
and back to the surface.

-Back in Aleroth-

Now that he is back to normal, Mardaneus will gladly heal you for free.

-Quest: George has been murdered-

When you first enter George?s shop after finishing the catacombs, you Go and
talk to Mardaneus about George?s murder, he will suggest talking to the other
healers. You won?t be able solve this mystery for a while.

-Leaving Aleroth-

When you first go out of town there is cutscene of some soldiers getting
slaughtered by some Orcs. Then a knight named Seth will arrive and order you
back inside the town. Inside the town Seth will explain that there is a
plague ravaging Rivellon, and he has come ask for the aid of the healers of
Aleroth. He wants you to tell the healers his plight. Go to Mardaneus and
tell him about the plague and Madaneus will agree to help. Go back to Seth
and tell him the good news. He will tell you to deliver a message to General
Alix to arrange for an escort for the healers.

-Chapter 2: Marked Ones, Plagues, and Orcs, Oh My-

Now leave the town and follow the road to the south. You will run into a
dragon rider who wants to kill you. He kills you easily, but Elmi? er?
Zandalor shows up and saves you. He tells you that you are a ?Marked One,?
but doesn?t tell what the heck a ?Marked One? is. He tells you to meet him in
the Dwarven Bread Inn later for a more detailed explanation of what is going
on around here. He also gives you the scroll to activate Mage Teleportation
points. He also mentions finding clues to the location of the other scrolls
inside the Cursed Abbey. After he leaves, continue down the road and cross
the bridge.

-The Farmlands-

Across the bridge you have a choice on where to go next; take the north road
and you will end up at the door step of the Cursed Abbey, or follow the south
road to reach the Dwarven Bread Inn and the Barracks. I would not recommend
tackling the cursed Abby until you are LEAST level 20, so take the south road
from the bridge. Follow the road until you go past the Blue Boar Inn and at
the next fork, take the East path to get to the Dwarven Bread Inn, or the
south road to find the barracks. Since the barracks are closer, take the
south road then east to get to the barracks.

-The Barracks-

Inside the barracks go and talk to General Alix will want news on Seth. Tell
her that he made it okay but needs an escort for the healers. She will send
an escort for the healers and tell you to go see Captain Mitox for more work.

-Note: After arraigning an escort for the healers Lanilor, Otho, Joram, and
Goemoe can now be found in the Blue Boar Inn

If you ask her for some equipment she will let you take what you want from
the barracks armory. When the conversation finishes, the barracks will get
attacked by Orcs. These guys shouldn?t be too much of a problem. After
mopping up the Orcs, you can use the beds in the northwest building to rest,
or go into armory and take whatever equipment you want. When you are done
here go on to the Dwarven Bread Inn.

-Dwarven Bread Inn-

Go inside the inn and go into the back rooms and a man named Wouter will talk
to you. When you ask him about Zandalor he reveals that he, too, is a ?Marked
One.? He tells you that Zandalor is at Stormfist Castle, trying to find the
third ?Marked One.? He wants you to stay and wait for Zandalor, but being the
impatient hero-type you are you decide to go to Stormfist Castle and meet
Zandalor there.

-Stormfist Castle-

When you try to enter Stormfist Castle you will be stopped at the gate. It
seems they don?t just let anybody into castle; you will need an invitation to
get inside. There are at least two ways of getting an invitation, (actually,
there are three ways in, but the third method is a cheat) help the army break
the orc siege or help find a cure for the plague.

-Break the Siege-

To break the Orc siege you will need to do two quests for Captain Mitox in
the tent town to the south of the barracks. Both of these quests are
basically suicide missions, where you have to drop an item in a place with a
LOT of strong enemies defending it. First you will have to take a barrel of
explosives into the Orc?s supply train.

-Mission 1: Ravage the Orc supply train-

The easiest way to get to where you?re supposed to go is to find a hatch
inside one of the buildings that leads to some tunnels. Follow the tunnels to
the east as far as you can and take the southern tunnel to find a stairway
that should come out just to the west of your target. Go into the square pen
and drop the barrel of explosives in the middle of it. This will blow up the
pen and achieve your mission objectives. Get the heck out of there and head
back to Mitox. Now he wants you to Poison the Orc?s well.

-Mission 2: Poison the Well-

The well you need to poison is deep inside Orc territory, and the only way
there is to walk. When you get to the well, just drag and drop the poison
onto the well. Get out of there and go back to Mitox. He will send you back
to General Alix, Go see General Alix and she will give you an invitation to
enter Stormfist Castle.

-Cure the plague-

The events that lead to curing the plague actually starts with a farmer named

-The Poisoned harvest-

You can find Hugh in his house north of Stormfist Castle. Hugh will complain
that his crops are being ruined by a mysterious disease. Hugh suspects
poison, and wants you to see if you can find anything. There is a cave in the
southwest of the farmlands. Inside the cave you find an Orc and several
barrels of poison. The Orc will attack you, kill him and take the key he
drops. The key opens a door to a storage room in the basement of the Blue
Boar Inn. Inside the room you find more barrels of poison. Go up and talk to
Splinter, he will say that the room has been rented out to Dr. Elrath. He
tells you that Elrath can be found either at the quarantined area south of
the farmlands or at his house in the Rivertown Market area. If you go to the
quarantined area there is a scene with Dr. Elrath heading back to his house
in Rivertown Market. Follow him there.

-Rivertown Market-

Go to Dr. Elrath?s house and confront him about the poison barrels in the
Blue Boar Inn. Elrath will claim that he lost that key weeks ago before he
kicks you out. Elrath will also leave, locking the door to his house. Search
to the south of Elrath?s and find a key behind a rock. Use the key to unlock
the front door to Elrath?s house.

-Dr. Elrath?s House-

-WARNING: if you unlock the front door and Elrath is still inside, RELOAD.
You can?t explore his house while Elrath is inside, and when he kicks you out
and locks the door there is no way to open it (you have already used the only
key.) resulting in a broken quest.

Your goal inside Elrath?s house is to get to the stairs to the basement, but
several locked doors block your way. The key to this puzzle are the ?Strange
Lanterns? that line the walls of Elrath?s house. In the first room there are
three lanterns, one to the left and right of the entrance and one on the west
wall. First click on the lantern to the right of the entrance to open the
bedroom door, then the one on the west wall to open the southern door. Go
through the southern door into a small room with another locked door to the
south. Click on the lantern in this room to close the door you just came
through and open the door to the south. Go on through the open door to
Elrath?s bedroom and click another lantern on the north wall near his bed,
this will open both doors leading back to the first room. Now go back to the
first room and click on the west wall lantern again, this will close the two
southern doors again. Click on the west wall lantern a second time to open
the southern door. Go into the small room and click on the lantern to open
the south door, and the door to the basement should be open.

Inside the basement move the stack of boxes next to the west wall to find a
door hidden behind the pile. Follow the hallway south (there are traps here)
to a room with a Djinn inside who attacks you. Be careful, it can take off
around 200 health each hit, so try to kill it with ranged attacks if you can.
When you manage to kill it search the room (watch for traps) and read the
note that?s lying on the table in the center. This note reveals that the
?plague? is actually a poison that was meant to be used on the Barracks, but
Elrath used it instead on the water supply of the poor sections of Rivertown,
and that this whole ?plague? thing is meant to cover up the poison. Take the
note (Drag and drop it into your inventory, just like the teleport stones.)
and leave the basement. Leave Elrath?s house and head to the Town Watch near
Stormfist Castle. (You will likely be attacked by assassins sent by Elrath on
your way there.) Inside the Town Watch talk to Ralph and show him the note
you found in Elrath?s house. Ralph will order Elrath?s arrest and thank you
for helping to cure the plague by giving you an invitation to Stormfist

-Cheat: Enter Stormfist Castle Anytime-

evandar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) told me about a way to enter Stormfist Castle
anytime you want, you just need both teleport stones. The idea is to use the
teleport stones to teleport you past the spot where the guards stop you. Go
to the entrance of Stormfist Castle and drag one of your Teleport Stones as
far as you can into the entrance of the castle. Now just use the other stone
to teleport, and if you did it correctly you should be able to walk through
to the courtyard.

If you do this before you get an invitation to enter Stormfist Castle,
everyone inside will act like you have been named Lord Protector. This is a
way to advance the story if you manage to break the plague or orc siege
quests. I wouldn?t recommend doing this unless you have to because you don?t
get the experience or reputation you would if you did the necessary quests.
(On the plus side, ZixZax (the Almost-Wise) doesn?t show up to take your
teleport stones?)

If you go after the Stormfist Castle event, well, not much happens. You still
can?t go into the celler, (You get stopped by dead guards!) and Janus doesn?t
seem to remember he kicked you out. I suppose you could grab any treasure you
missed during your stint as the Lord Protector, but that?s about it.



evandar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) told me about how to enter Stormfist Castle

Please don?t put this walkthrough up on any website without my permission. This
document is Copyright 2002 James ?JaggedJim? Ramsey.

                               In loving memory
                             Mae Vanek: 1930-2002